A teenager who described Prince Harry as a “race traitor” in an online post has been sentenced to four years and three months.
A teenager who described Prince Harry as a “race traitor” in an online post has been sentenced to four years and three months.
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Should of used a proxy
Hail Britannia.
>>>/cuckchan/ go back or lurk the mandatory 2 years you absolute nigger
Still, checked for taking the words out of my mouth.
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
Extradite me you fucking traitors.
Already a thread you guardian reading retard.
i never would have guessed after what they did in ww2
not only is prince harry a race traitor but his oaths are now voided
This is third world lese majeste bullshit. What we need now to really go third world is to let him serve 30 days and for Prince Harry to request his pardon, release and exile.
but could quietly kill random children-niggers/ arabs/chinks/etc
what the fuck was that forced meme supposed to mean anyway?
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
"Prince" Henry Charles Albert David, "Duke" of Sussex, formerly "Henry of Wales" is a race traitor
Prince Harry is the child of Diana and her horse teacher. The "royal" family got rid of Harrys bloodline by mixing it with mudblood
At the same time, they encourage the aryan race in their country to mix with niggers
"if a royal can do it, i can do it aswell"
These traitors deserve the worst!
Read about the commandos of the Waffen SS and how they accomplished so much with so little:
Read the training manual of the british commandos:
Read the chapter about security here:
Do your duty to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
Everyone out there, needs some unshakable faith in the aryan blood and the holy mission he is carrying out. Otherwise he will get demoralised. Therefore read this very small booklet aswell:
Victory is reserved for those, who are willing to pay its price.
-Sun Tzu
You legendary fucking faggot. Did you really just call out OP for being a faggot who can't check the catalog while bumping his shitty thread?
Thank you anons for trying to maintain standards.
Oy vey, poles are non-white subhumans, goy
dang, and this sad pair of would be… board of peace lovers, should have lurked for two years. opsec, opsec opsec. it is a bitter pill to be sure. hopefully others will learn from this and give up on resisting the (((international))) really nice people. or try to be a bit more not dumb. lol. there has got to be a way to encourage the final solution while at the same time not breaking the rules in minecraft, up until our wild dogs are set free and we know the joy of the knife.
It was forced back then too. The only reason its somewhat funny is because actual free-masons chimed in to criticize it. Which in turn gave it credence, despite the fact it's still stupid as it lacks any discernible context. It's an inside quip, mainly pointed at a certain subgroup of people, but anyone outside of that circle won't understand, and feel threatened by their own concept of oath's being attacked, which may or may not have been the intention of the OC.
The limeys take their royal bastards very seriously.
except if your david icke apparently, then you can talk at cambridge
Kind of wondering what else could a tyrannical government want at this point?
Or if you influenced a sub culture that was critical of the queen for being the head of a facist regime, dehumanized her etc. and your made up band sings it on a boat on the Thames during the queens silver jubilee celebrations….
One of your band members even wears a swastika, with zero outcry from any jews at the time. He died young but that was just yahweh punishing him or something.
Another band member later comes out in support of and is most welcome to play there.
What happens then is your wife gets commissioned to made the most iconic dress the world has ever seen for some breeder that someone murders later…
It's all theater.
Telling the truth is a criminal offence, goy.