All my heroes are mass murderers

What the fuck have you done to me you sick fucks? Am I really in the wrong for feeling this way? Anders Breivik killed 77 traitors that wanted open borders. Brenton Tarrant prevented the literal worst people that have ever lived from entering a western nation. Dylann Storm Roof killed 9 innocent people but his manifesto reads like a defeated warrior shooting the last bullets. John Earnest was just plain pathetic but hey, at least he got 1 kill unlike Byran (((BigNoseFuckface))). P.S screw ur optics, im going in. LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME. I WAS A (((GOOD BOY))). Now I am awaiting the coming war. I swear I will kill them all

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This rings especially true if your enemies are sub-human desert nigger usurpers who'll then have a chapter on you in the history books (WW2, holocaust should have happened) 5 times the size just to cry about you, only then will your name not be forgotten a 1000 years later in prosperous times, just as now kids go "hitler was so cool" they'll go "yeah but user was even cooler he ACTUALLY killed all the jews in one go"

im Scottish. My enemies are supposed to be English according to the movies but I swear I'd kill and die to help England become a little more white. Those fags literally have a 85% white country. Scotland is 97% white. We need England, we cannot let it fall to the enemies like USA has fallen to the Mexicans and niggers

niggers are never innocent

Larper thread

For israel you fucking nigger.
Those kids supported Palestine.

this , people need to work behinds enemy lines , pressure Israel by there own golem and make them lose there influence so they dont ruin goyim countries , no one gets this

U fukken wot m8?

Why doesn't my man Boomer Bowers get the love the rest of our heroes do?

Post discarded.

All commies and antifa fags support Palestine. You think that makes them any less scum?

I made a entire post about him but my posts and threads keep getting deleted. Not allowed to speak about them on here ((()))

No. They were jews that wanted open borders for Norway, you stupid fuck.
There is no such thing as a based jew.

Checked and bump for truth post

Fighting a war is not murder.

May be cracking down more on discussion purely of mass shooters without a polticial context due to the recent warrants? Be a shame if they do but I wouldn't be surprised

It is not "murder" if you are in a war. Declared or not.

Most of the people brevik killed were 16-17 year olds- hardly children as the media reports.

No he didn't LMAO

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you mean (((our white govs)))?

Talking about murder?
In Zig Forums?
Get out you and your violent ways.

Actions speak louder than words.

Go back to voting you coward.

why the fuck do faggots on this site still claim this?
he shot a fucking nigger senator and his political cronies holding a meeting in a church.

Fed mods pretended to ban OP but didn't delete thread.
Banned OP (Fed) posts complaining about being banned to boost this post which wasn't deleted.
Multiple feds get called out. Thread gets deleted.
This thread is still up and feds are still posting in it.

An anti-White nigger senator.

You wont do shit nigger

Breivik thought there were, he also didn't kill a single jew.

Who writes the movies?


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Didnt breivik kill whites though?

Stop being retarded.

No, they were future commie/globohomo party leaders and activists. Anti-white people. Refugees welcome people, future is female people. Best shabbo goyim kike could dream of.

They deserved death. Anders Breivik is a hero to all white people

Especially considering he later even renounced his bluepilled views on Jewry and proclaimed himself a national socialist in prison.

Your brain on Zig Forums.

Attached: never attack anybody responsible.png (625x742, 517.06K)

Hate is wrong. Learn to love the nig. And bankers like Soros. Trust the plan.

Kill yourself.

Nice to know Assad killed nobodies.


Those evil ISIS fighters sure subverted nations to the brink of annihilation, manipulated you into brother-wars, murdered unborn children by the millions.

I'm sure they are responsible for everything. Those evil nobodies.

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Once again, kill yourself, dumb idiot.

>that'll make you fucking BASED
grow up, you edgy little retard

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Tarrant's action was tremendously effective, you drooling moron. But then again, you would knew that, if you wouldn't be idiot or/and shill.

And regarding acceleration - stop being fucking illiterate. It's not something new or original, it was deployed to some measure in pretty much every single authentic revolution in the history of mankind. All what is new is the new shiny name.

Also do tell, what is your solution and why are you not doing it?

go away idiot, even a fool is gonna realise if that was the goal this larp accelerates in the completely wrong direction

I didn't see bigshots ever get targeted. It's like they are immune to getting attacked. Only shooting migrants can solve problems. Yeah right.
He targeted literal nobdies. How is killing the little jew ever solved a problem. Yeah let the Rothschilds go, like Hitler
Like youtubers ever mattered.
You mean getting v& for exercising free speech.
Mostly whites died. Nobody cares, only the families of the victims, who will yet again, won't do shit, maybe lit some kebab shop on fire.
That sure translates into able bodied man who'll attack government buildings, not people who are responsible. Not edgy memsters OFC.

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Thoughts on the guy who shot dead German politician Walter Lübcke?

Also, you do realize that lone wolf attacks on the people who ACTUALLY matter are incredibly hard, if not nearly ippossible to pull off due to the extreme security around these targets.

why are Anons pushing back against this?
It's really very curious. Everything about the current situation is because of rich white elites with the collaborators.
Yet polfags keep steering away from the government and their agents every time. Every fucking time.


Not an argument. It was still effective.
Special ed tier strawman. Dumb yid.
Go back to whatever boomer shithole you came from, you obnoxious fat retard.
Keep coping. Done more than you ever will.
Pure lie. Post proof.

Kvetch me a river, cretin.

Can we triangulate the kind of type poltards are who keep avoiding the governments actions? I can only come up with GOP shills and literal cowards.

This tbh.

It's not about pushing against it, it's not falling for a false dillema retards are trying to sell.

They are both equally guilty (jews/traitors and shitskins), both traditional enemies of our people and they are both viable targets. One is guilty by orchestrating it, other by doing it - one without the other would be harmless. Solving just the JQ wouldn't do shit, exactly like solving just the sandnig question wouldn't do shit. Jewry and Muslims are together at this war against Europe for centuries now and they are both two sides of the same shekel.

Whenever someone tells you to ONLY care about one or another, he is either stupid, illiterate, uncaring or shill who want to use you. To acknowledge or resolve only one is false dillema fallacy of the greatest rank. They are both enemies and they both must go, at a same time. One can also be used against the other, especially consider that one group usually retaliates and that the Jewish power is only applicable in stable society.

It's not A or B, it's A and B.