Does she have the Hillary Clinton disease?
Possible medical reasons?
They knew about it since if it was for the first time medics would come running?
Any other ideas? (yes yes reptilian hologram failing..)
Does she have the Hillary Clinton disease?
Possible medical reasons?
They knew about it since if it was for the first time medics would come running?
Any other ideas? (yes yes reptilian hologram failing..)
I wouldn't be surprised if kikes poisoned, and kept ill, all world leaders and then told them the only treatment was child fucking and sacrifice, so as to keep them hooked onto their supply of child sex slaves.
She claims dehydration but that's bullshit. She's an obvious junky.
How can you dole out so much hate and death to your own people without being corrupted by drugs, disease, or the devil? I hope this cunt is in severe pain everyday.
I hope whatever condition she has doesn't kill her fast, I hope it slowly makes her body deteriorate in the most painful, humiliating way possible until the suffering from extreme pain kills her.
Most of the time it's some kind of medicine that causes such tremors. Can some doc who posts here list some of those?
is she literally a sock puppet?
A prime example of what happens when one goes through Adrenochrome withdrawal.
YES! What a glorious sight to see this kike beast getting punished by mother nature. May she suffer in agony until her last breath for the crimes she's committed against European citizens.
What the fuck is her problem?
this is what happened when you eat human, specifically the brain
She will be running a fucking marathon tomorrow.
Probably shaking in fear that she's in the guy's sights (walther killer).
Interestingly, when time comes for them to move (in the full/longer version of the video), she seems to do it effortlessly or at least without any visible difficulties.
Does the upper body shake more than the legs? Does only the upper body shake and any leg shaking is due to the shakes of the upper body?
She's a reptilian, and was having a VERY hard time holding her human form. It's possible that she saw something that got her all fired up (human child perhaps).Notice the eyes at the end.
withdrawal from hormones/drugs that are keeping her alive/operating at 110% capacity
People addicted to power will go to any length for an edge (stockbrokers and study drugs)
Such drugs are usually stimulants and cause neurosis/dependence/cravings
As tolerance goes up and age decays the body, breakdowns happen
vidya shoahed
She probably shivered from disgust when the German anthem started playing. It burned her commie-soul. She descends from Polish-Jewish partisans who fought Germany and was programmed with hate for Western Germany in the DDR.
You know those sci-fi stories where killbots from a forgotten war still roam the wastelands, killing shit because that was their last programming? Kinda like that.
Merkel during German Anthem, "I've got cabin fever!"
sauce on the Jewish connection ?
Weird how they guy next to her didn't react at all.
kek. Exactly what I was thinking
Don't post youtube links.
This is symptoms of some form of withdrawal.
The fact that she tried to contain it and remained emotionless tells that this was not her first experience with this.
Whatever the symptoms, they were mitigated very quickly - drugs or alcohol or both?
Not sure about drugs in particular as a cause, but withdrawal syndromes from e.g. alcohol and opiates would do it.
Prion diseases such as Kuru (from eating inbred baby brains) as per HRC are definitely another possibility.
She might have experienced a drop in blood pressure (near-fainting) and was trembling because low bloodflow to her brain. You can control yourself from fainting and stay standing up when you know how - its one of those ‘world-leader’ skills.
Other possibilities are low blood sugar, systemic infections.
Reacting would only draw attention to it and validate it as a spectable, he's probably been told not to react when behaviour like that strikes.
What about dehydration the media claims?
This is it. Dehydration is off the table considering no one would advise him to stay calm merkel will be dehydrated.
Checked truth dubs
Faggot next to her is keeping a straight face. This was beyond huge
Simple. They're not her people.
That made my fucking year
it was mossad, of course
Ukraine Pres. didn't give a fuck.
It's always dehydration or exhaustion.
She white knuckling it the entire time.
Guys it's all a misunderstanding I have the Original video here
it was sent to me by a certain Heinz Shlomo Shakelberstein
what the hell us going on?
Jesus user do you actually believe lying politicians? Goddamn you are too stupid to post here. Lol the shakes she had are epic and have nothing to do with dehydration. She was having a fucking seizure. Shakes from blood sugar levels don't cause shaking like that. It makes your arms shake a bit uncontrollably, but you could tell she was fighting something bigger than involuntarily shakes from dehydration and blood sugar. People suffering from it will even show others they need sugar and try to get someone next to them they know to notice the shaking in the body such as the arms which usually are easier to see the shakes in. The dude next to her didn't even need to observe, she was all over the place and he had to play it off like "I didn't see anything goys"
Nothing, go back to sleep.
Rather, he was probably informed that the bitch is a bit twitchy today.
Otherwise any reasonable person would have said "You ok?" He was probably told not to publicly notice her spaz-ing out. He did a pretty good job.
dubs speak the truth
must've been a line of coke.
looks like clonic or partial seizures
Trips confirm blood sacrifice.
When you have enough people on the world projecting their energetic intent to kill it actually does have an effect.
Bingo, more or less.
It was probably one of these tbh, that's why the Ukraine pres is so poker faced, he jammed it up to 20 and then put his phone in his pocket.
What if they have the same doc/have the same treatment, and both of them have the same symptoms?
Don't you get it? She's already been arrested. German secrete service is just walking her around like a show horse. She was probably trembling in fear because of the realization of the situation she's put herself in.
At least that's what my psychic powers tell me when I watch the vid.
Kinda how they keep us under control, by poisoning us and selling us the cure at the same time
Do you know more?
Those new German milkshake machines are amazing.
Literally having a core meltdown realizing she's been a pawn of the Jews and Bankers and the masses that she at least thought she would dupe and at which she thought she would jeer and sneer, they all know. They know she is not a marvelous leader but a foolish leading lamb led to the slaughter for the destruction of her flock.
Video is unavailable.
She's fine once she starts walking. It could just be a chilly day. Would need to see more of the video. Odd that it cuts right when she walks away.
Maybe she's shaking because that German politician got shot earlier and show realizes that the people are not afraid anymore
She has to piss and forgot her depends.
This is a hitherto theory.
If I am correct, this is the first official visit of VZ to AM's Germany since he's in office. He visit EM yesterday. Now I don't know exactly how these people celebrate first official visits of these sorts, but I can imagine there's sacrificial children involved, especially since Ukraine apparently is a big hive of pedo villainy. Maybe she consumed too much of whatever these people get high off on these kinds of events and she was simply tripping balls in the hot, basking sun while the German anthem merrily plays away
I completely misused that word: I always thought it meant 'out there'.
Looks like akathisia, but that stays around forever. More likely to be early signs of heat stroke, it's fucking hot in Europe right now.
naked displays of genuine national pride cause her to spasm uncontrollably
but nah she's probably sick af, probably would kill a normal person, but she got them elite drugs
Coughing fits pants of shit?
She's got the cannibal shakes eh?
TOP KEK! Made my day.
Not sure why we allowing a deseased leaders to control our economics & armies(in other cases)
Those guys can really go full retard and mess things up.
another lie by her (surprise)
damage control? or maybe just copy right claim. took them long enough
top kek
Ha ha.that's really a idiot old cunt.
Ha ha that women trilling ha ha.
Perhaps she finally realised, when national anthem was played, she completely betrayed her country.
It might actually BE the only treatment though. I would rather die.
Or the national anthem causes that reaction in a jewish demon?
yeah a bit of both i guess
however they even aired it at the main news admitting her "shaking" though claiming she said herself that she "probably drank not enough water"
temperature around 28-32°C
so they are not inflating the issue by denial
instead they use plausible deniability
looks like a hollywood exorcism
or psycho-programming critical error
fucking frank-masons
or just vibrator
I feel kind of bad for Merkel, I get the idealist vibe from her. Life is hard for idealists in politics. We all depend on them, kind of; their ideas can go very right or very wrong.
Demonic possession
She's just steaming with RAGE, that there aren't enough 'asian' migrants raping the locals.
This is a sign that we're winning.
Whatever the causw, you bet stress is making it worse. We'll see more of this. They'll break down along sde their shitty system.
Afterwards Merkel said reassuringly that she is doing very well again, after drinking three glasses of water. Apparently I needed that, she said. According to German media, Merkel has suffered from vibrations before in similar situations. According to her employees, this was due to heat and water shortages.
That old idiot women.
Go home (((fedfaggot))) and jerk off to your tranny and child porn cache
Probably a mix of this:
And this:
When all the guilt hits at once
Remember the flag scene? She HATES Germany and German people.
I member.