It sounds stupid and absurd to think autistic and the mentally disabled would have sex all of a sudden. With non existent social skills and autism (which comprises most of the incels) how do you think this is possible idiot normies? You cant trefute this. Plus autism affects boys more so the chance for a girl with aspergers is lower. Its like asking a down syndrome dude to get laid which is not happening (if they ever get laid). Normies never think, they oily spout nonsense. Plus genetic engineering and cloning is coming which will make this degenerate practice obsolete. Your time will end normies as the AI and Autists take over! You had your time, Now is the age if the coming race which will replace you. Tomorrow you wont be laughing. WE will become the new persecuted jews and take over with our brilliance and high IQ. Plus we got bill gates and the elites with us. Normie genocide incoming!
Why "have sex" is a retarded meme
Could you stop pretending that you fit in here and just never post again? Thanks.
Could you stop being an edgy dickhead and never post again? thanks. BTW my redpill was too much for you eh?
Sage and report. You’re not even trying.
I’ve only seen it here once, now twice by the same vein of unorginal faggots who repeat shit they hear online to others online.
You don’t belong and didn’t bother to defend /r9k/ when it mattered, now that board(s) is dead you come here to make this your dumping ground?
Kill yourself in a actually orginal way; swallow a lead pipe and choke on it for epic double meaning and lead poisoning, simply baste
report what? Im just telling the truth. Normies like you need a bullet in the head. None of you shills will argue with facts.
Your making no sense and going off topic now. Im not a shill just an honest incel like you ppl. Also autist are the master race.
Awww, did someone call you an incel? Did it hurt enough on a personal level that you had to make a thread here? Aww..
no its to the shills like you you low iq normie. I like how no one is refuting a single point. Neurotypicals like you will be shown no mercy nigger
Getting this upset over the "have sex" meme just validates that you are an incel. Just ignore it, if you are having sex(which you should be with a white woman) what is the harm?
shut up fag
triggered normies!
Nigger making fun of the mentally disabled is a no no. didnt you rmother (if you have one) teach you that? Seriously normies need to be genocided in a ww3. The final solution.
it's adorable you think a single white straight male would be allowed to use that technology. No, it will be strictly reserved for 40 something year old catlady roasties who let their own wombs dry up, or married gay pedos.
The same way a single dude couldn't possibly adopt a child by himself if he wanted to.
Have sex OP
have sex
I'm assuming you're talking about the normie-conjured pejorative for ebil nazis, in which case, good job proving exactly those suppositions you moron, it's a rhetorical insult, they're saying that the reason channers behave the way they do is because they're a bunch of autist/assburgers/incel/virgins who can't get laid in the first place.
lmao get rekt incel. I have excellent social skills and decent looks yet willingly choose to be here. Being a normie is gross but so is being a literal autist incel.
Yeah it sounds like you're a sexless loser with absolutely no social interactions or hobbies or education or anything going on in life. You're a slowdown for the few people who try to give a shit about you.
You'll never achieve anything in life, you'll be the laughingstock at your high school reunion. Fuck off and stop trying to fit in here, you look like a retard butthurt over being called an "incel". And the reason why you are butthurt about that is because its true and it hit you pretty hard. I hope your stomach doesn't feel too funny as you read this, loser.
I fucked your mothers and sisters last night so im good
Fucking nazi scum. Incels are rising and will destroy you. I really want to to torture you fucking normies to death so bad. Cant wait for ww3 when the jews genocide you white bastards
hey zach
Dude you seem kinda frustrated, maybe you’d feel a lot better if you’d just
so whats your solution you fucking NAZI scum? gas them like they did in the third reich? This is why normies need to die seriously. And fuck white people. They created this mess in the first place so stop blaming X group whitey
shutup niggerkike ur penis small
If it were only that easy… Oh wait feminism! KYS normie
lol is that your only good rebutal? sage all you want normie nigger but the truth stands. What will you do to incels/autists like us? genocide us? Fucking liberals.
Ironically this thread itself is a superlative example of when the have sex meme is both amusing and effective, and why it became so prolific in the first place
Just have sex dude
fuck off retard, we'll nuke you first you fucking deformed piece of shit
Tried didnt work cuz im ugly, now what?
Girls dont like me nigger
Why do you post here beyond being a bot? Are the autists of Zig Forums meant to be basking in your ironic trolling glory? Or is this some methposting?
do it nazi scum
alright fat fuck
kys sterile faggots
Reproduce is the only valid meme
no humans will die in the next holocaust. This time it will be 6 billion goyim. You will suffer this time
fucking stupid normies. How many girls have you had sex with?
my first was your mother, fucking retard
The Holohoax never happened.
But it's going to.
No where on this world left to hide, yid.
…tick tock.
75 years is a long time to plan my goyim friend. AS a crypto jew, im rooting for the winning team. You dumb animals had your chance now we inherited this world. Fuck off to the stone age if you live in the aftermath.
Plus most goyim will never wake up. You are living in fantasy land. 4chan is ours now and if this is your last Bastian of defense then we have already won!
lmao the jew really is raging now
facts are not raging my friend.
Please make more white babies! Have sex! This will be much better as we will have more worthless goyim to kill! hahaha, no escape this time.
Yes. Keep repeating that mantra, yid.
If you believed any of it, you wouldn't be here trying desperately to talk us out of your extinction.
I love watching all of you parasitic vermin squirming all over the world as the "goyim" ARE waking up to your bullshit.
Your generation is lazy, decadent, and stupid. You have nothing of the power the strength of your old ways holding you together. WE have effectively infiltrated and turned many of your institutions against themselves.
It's actually going to be quite easy to be rid of you once and for all once the inevitable fun begins.
But I don't need to tell you this. You already know your fate.
…tick tock, bitch.
infiltrated what? WE own the world lol. And please attack us, it only makes us stronger plus anyone that was stupid enough to target us is rotting in the ground. The jew is eternal faggot. Nothing will stop us
I just know that we will remove you and the others who are unfit, inlcuding some cancer of our own.
What is operation samsung?
This can't be a real jew, THIS is what they got?
Jesus what a fucking whitepill.
You reek of desperate grasping at straws, try grasping your noose; it's got a nice feel to it.
Go back to cuckchan. I dont see it ever posted on Zig Forums. Its only on cuckchan.
You don't own me, and I know who you are.
The jew is already extinct.
…tick tock, rat filth.
Oh, you mean Operation SAMSON, you fucking LARP?
It's a retarded lie. You have no nukes, you parasite. Your empty threats hold no weight here.
Do you know where you are?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know anything that is going to save you?
Oh shit forgot to sage this shitty thread. Everyone sage this bait thread.
yes let me sage too, before we get a self igniting jew allready.
Retards fuck all the time
1. Faggots love to target them and give them booze smokes and drugs so they can all have filthy parties with them.
2. In group homes now they're actually encouraging female and male tards to fuck and even procreate as there is a very strident voice in the care community asserting that such behavior is "very therapeutic" for them.
Stay out of Vancouver BC if you don't like what I've just said. The self righteousness of the loony limey left around here is overwhelming. I can't wait till the boomers all die and the insect like chinks totally take over without anyone to howl left when they decide to log off all the local mountains, parks and indian reserves and ship the raw logs off to Japan or China.
my father was a kike but i feel special already. I can feel our victory iver the goyim already. We are 94% complete with world domination. With iran falling it will add 5% more. Where is your pathetic revolution goy? I dont see it. All i see are sedated sex filled sheep. The only threat are incel virgins and they cant even shoot properly. Im soo scared!! dont gas me! lmao
Waste of dubs
check your dick you circumscribed fool. samson is real idiot. If we can control amerika what makes you think the goyim wont give us their nukes? You really are simpleton. If this is the BEST the goyim can come up with, the jews dont need to fear anything from you filth. Plus whites hate you guys so…
kek, acctually a good one
Your tricks are not going to work. Just try another false flag like 9/11 to get goyim support for the Middle East. it’s not going to work and the day you try something is the day of the mass awakening.
i only see blackpills. I dont know where you see whitepills. You guys are lost in your own echo chamber. Sage is your only cope. Just accept defeat, it will be better. Its a fact that any group that messed with jews are now extinct (nazis, romans) or irrelevant. The odds are not on your side goyim.
Still, the jew gene is powerful enough. Hitler was one of us and made us who we are today!
actually mutts are on our side and support war. Might is right and the end justify the means.
stop feeling sorry for yourself, go out and work hard, once u have money u can nail hundreds of hot women
t. 0/10 autist who never got a single woman until he earned money, then he banged lots.
this is why money was invented, so that autists and other types of beta male who can use their skills to do high tier intellectual work can convert it into time inside vagoo and fuck as many women as alphas do.
the only men who don't fuck women are deltas, those who don't try to fuck women and who don't try to get job.
What happened to your kind every time a nation woke to your filth? What will happen if you turn the world into one nation and there's nowhere to expel you to this time. You should really try to see beyond the length of your nose, js. We gave you every chance in history to do something for yourself on your own. You wont get another chance.
Money nowadays has been turned to favor Jews. Getting a job is pozzed as fuck now and not worth it. It's better to have a talent you capitalize on yourself (and hopefully avoid taxes) if you're going to make money or do criminal shit.
i know how the game ends. Ill even let you in the plans since youve lost. After ww3, when china takes over they will kill all you goyim and usher in the 1000 years of peace. They will be the new rules. I dont care if im sacrificed but it will be sweet seeing you guys rot in the ground.
LOL, still replying?
Guess I struck a nerve.
In typical jew fashion you PROJECT(TM) your own failure on others. So what I'm really reading is:
good god does inter-generational kike BTFO'ing feel good
Image very related: It's your jewish father's friend
3/10 effort. Sage.
Memes are made for the common denominator. They address the masses. The individual doesn't matter in that process. Same for the natural process of procreation. It's about survival, so if you're not on par with core survival, you will be wiped out of the gene pool.
You've got it backeards from your fallen creator chaim. That canaanite blood coursing through your khazar husk must feel terrible. Repent while you still can.
Well, the little jew was quite entertaining, but I need to leave now
either a shill running demoralize psyops, or a delta- male.
if the latter, I'm no better than u other than i seek the best paying job i can get and try to improve my abilities every day . Armed with this, i can continue to get inside many high quality vagoos for decades to come
who said there is only one autistic way of procreating? only the smart ones need to use eugenics and cloning to live. Fuck the rest.
have sex, incel
The only way to procreate is when two natural opposites react with each other. Everything else is against the natural order and will be punished accordingly with negative consequences, which will lead to death.
This, unfortunately he wouldn't comprehend the natural order of God.
He will just continue to writhe in burnt kvetching pleading with us goy to believe him that hes winning.
it's normalfag, jewcunt
I wasn't referring to god, allah or yahweh. When I say laws of nature that I mean laws of NATURE. These laws are not created by an outside entity, they are designed by "the sum of all things" inside this ecosystem.
How ill having sex defeat the muslims and jews nigger?
Jews fear nothing more than white babies. They are trying to fight against them
like none of you shills tried refuting my original point because you know im right and resort to name calling. Sex will be outdated when genetic engineering is introduced. Then we will kill you useless eaters.
great, more innocent souls to the meat grinder and their eventual death and suffering. Why bring in a poor soul to this jewish hell? You dont think long term. They control amerikkka and will kill whites. Having sex will do nothing than sedate you and make you feel good temporarily while they fuck with you behind your backs. They dont fear this meme because they will win regardless. Stop underestimating the enemy.
Procreation means creating new humans. Humans that work for you, that are on your side.
Also OP thanks for the thread, it's a perfect analogy as to why you always lose it the end. You exist as a parasite, and without a host you will die. You subsist on perpetual deceit of the truth you require to distort. Your thread exposes your malintent and makes even more steadfast the resolution and awakening of our race. You cast only pale shadows of the light you abhor.
no problem, i hope the blackpills embedded in this thread serve as a warning no to fuck with jews. No one fucks with jews and lives peacefully.
Do you really think they are any match for Nukes and AI machines? Come on. You are not living in the 21st century. This isnt the 1900s or 18th century. Large armies are an outdated concepts. Quality over quantity always.
keep making more losers, it will be very satisfying killing them once we are in full power.
You are so scared. It's quite glorious to witness.
You're going to die a slow, agonizing death, at the hands of the Aryan Race you have parasitized for thousands of years.
The balance is due, desert nigger.
And with today's communication, and technology, you have NO WHERE on OUR World left to hide from what's coming.
You can't stop us.
Sleep well, yid filth.
Whatever, enjoy your sad life.
best of luck in your love quest for a boyfriend-free girl
I can taste your paranoia, and anxiety from here, kike stench.
Your very blood is tainted by your rotten soul.
You live in abject anger, hatred, and fear. You are a miserable people, and the only time to get close to feeling "human" is when you can spread that misery to your Superiors.
We've had enough.
You're already extinct, jew.
…tick tock.