Adolf Hitler: Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1936)
Where on earth can I find full and uncut Hitler speeches?
What does he say in this video? I only understand he mentions things about jobs or working…
Adolf Hitler: Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1936)
Where on earth can I find full and uncut Hitler speeches?
What does he say in this video? I only understand he mentions things about jobs or working…
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Stop sliding and ask in QTDDTOT cianigger.
Nobody answers there.
Try bitchute or, unironically,
JewTube has already been scrubbed fairly efficiently of anything useful.
If you think my doing is right, if you think I was diiget and that I worked for you this year, that I used my time decently in service of my people then give your vote! And If yes then stand up for me like I stood up for you! is run by a Jew. Isn't it ironic?
Thanks a lot.
Can someone please correct the following for me:
Ob du meine Arbeit für richtiges, ob du glaubst dass ich fleißig gewisse bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe, dass ich ??? diesen Jahr für dich angesetzt habe, dass ich anständig meine Zeit ??? habe in ??? meine Vokles ??? Wenn ja dann … für mich ein so wie ich fertig ein???
Ob Du meine Arrrbeit für richtig hältst, ob Du glaubst dass Ich fleißig gewesen bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe, dass Ich mich in diesen Jahr für dich eingesetzt habe, dass ich anständig meine Zeit verwendet habe im Dienste meine Volkes. Gibst Du jetzt deine Stimme ab? Wenn ja, dann tritt für mich ein so wie ich für dich eingetreten bin.
This post is a little odd don't you think. Do you really think that someone on here really wants to listen to a socalist. This guy is glowing, tread lightly
Why the hell are you always sceptic???
Go back to cuckchan Trumpnigger retard.
Fed is trying to play mindgames.
Why? Nobody reads that shit. 90% of the time if I ask a question in there, I get no meaningful response.
Feels good. Like a feeling that I've never ever, no, never had before, no, no, I get a good feeling.
What's the benefit of randomly shitposting on chans? Why doesn't somebody make a complete list of Hitler's speeches and their English/German transcripts? Why isn't there a wiki for it???
the one thing that really gets to them is actual hitler and goebbels speeches. the reason being that the average user can learn more about how the world works from listening to a couple of these speeches, than from months of chasing their own tail on /nupol/. the more you watch these videos, the easier it will be to spot attempted ideological subversion.
The opposition has completely dispensed with the notion of countering original natsoc ideology on an intellectual basis, and has gone over to a strategy of ensuring newcomers do not come into contact with such content. The reasoning behind this is simple: historical videos are not illegal, also natsoc ideology replaces hate, anger, and the other emotional responses they are so desperately trying to cultivate, with stoicism, determination and love for your people.
Are you White today?
Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
Yeah, no. Will pol ever stop with their idiotic idolatry?
if jews are as you say such terrible people, would it not be more logical to avoid all jewish companies and not just israeli ones?
thank you for your service comrade!
(Heil. checked)
This is such an accurate statement. Most people don't/won't read. But that doesn't stop them from having opinions.
The biggest tragedy I discovered is in my current reading of Mein Kampf.
The book isn't a hate screed, it's an autobiography.
It's actually an interesting study in one man's views of the year before, during and directly after the first World War.
His observations of the Jews in Austro-Hungary and the Jews in the media after he moved to Germany are insanely close to the situation we see today.
Perhaps the last chapter(s) is when he writes about the stuff the demonize him for, but so far really, he just seems to deeply care about his country and his people.
It's a bit of a difficult read at times simply due to the place and time being so distant, but it's also fascinating when you see how shitty Jews (and just regular day to day people) are, and always have been.
I definitely think transcribing all of his speeches and having some kind of wiki or database where videos and translations to all languages would be a great idea.
It's one thing to get propaganda fed to you. It's another thing to read and hear the truth behind the lying propaganda directly.
Whether you think my work is right, whether you believe that I have been diligent, that I have worked, that I have worked for you this year, that I have spent my time decently in the service of my people. Are you casting your vote now? If so, then stand up for me as I stood up for you.
I beg you, you do reason with the Jew.
Wow, you are really pathetic.