Trump rally live

need I say more

I need 200 characters to fill this shit up
anything to de-legitimize him

how does cia post in relation to trump i wonder

Why do we still worship this buffoon?

Fucking boomers in that crowd…boomers everywhere.

i hate him with a passion
i was hoping more people would come in the chat to "Comment"

have sex

I'm watching but it seems cut out of 2016. But after 3 years of disappointment it's not working for me.

he's disgusting

Make white babies

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Maybe you should get off the internet and have sex

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remember to vote Tulsi

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You're doing a shit job at forcing a meme.

Wouldn't go that far but since I'm stuck in a shit blue state I won't even waste my time at the polls this go around.

And I'm banned

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He's gonna wait until(if) he gets reelected to invade Iran

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purple user???

Last reply before filter'd Take a look at /sig/ pollacks aren't obsessed with frivolous sex. Time is spent sharpening oneself into a better person.

I'd say right before the election. It'll cause a huge surge in his boomer support.

Everyone in that crowd vs. all of nu/pol/, I wonder who would win?

Israel's 14 words

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I'm just here for the memes.

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kek because no one wants to fuck you

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The amount of shrills and bots in that jewtube chat is fucking baffling… Spotted 2 anons dropping known Redpills but to no effort.

Haha, goyim and /ourguy/ are banned words in chat… Fuck aye?

Yes, you're low-energy

Least im naming kikes as the bad guy, what are you doing champion??

More like, Keep America GAY, am I right?

Ahh, guess you like Trump are mate?

Don't suppose you have a specific candle in your house?

Fuck off. Reported.


Yeah, he's got 9 of them.

That does nothing or I would have been banned dozens of times by now, cuck2.

Reported for admitting to being imkikey.

How could anyone still support this faggot after an entire term accomplishing absolutely none of his major campaign promises?

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The response that I get when I ask that question is usually that he has spent his first term undoing what Obama did.