Remember anons, that these glows are doing trying to incite you to violence is ILLEGAL. Yes, you can easily tell who they are, yes they will deny the fact they are shills and other tactics. But call them out anyway because there may indeed be a private pyle newfag too young and naive to understand what these fuckers are doing. Just because they use some of the lingo doesn't mean they will ever redpill, educate, and push a pro-American patriot agenda. Because they ARE fundamentally traitors and jewish puppets. American taxpayers should pay YOU to shitpost, not these israeli loving assholes who have betrayed their nation, their people, and their community. They should be all fired and sent to gitmo.
The FBI Browses (insert)chan
First for fuck glowniggers
The trouble with that video is that he's a CivNat retard who comes to all the wrong conclusions.
He's half-heartedly bashing the FBI to cover up his real agenda - deradicalization. I don't know if Mr. Obvious is just another shill or just a gay-humping civnat mouth-breather but either way it's embarrassing that anyone would believe him about that shit.
You forgot newfag glow in the dark the cardinal rule. Well one of them actually.
Zig Forums is a board of peace
Fuck the FBI, you all need to be summarly fired and sent to gitmo for the damage you have done to this nation that gave you SO FUCKING MUCH.
FBI should lurk more. Atleast fucking 5 years.
can't you report them for that?
And a small correction. You never forgot, because you just arrived.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that war is coming no matter how hard you hold your dick in your hands.
They need to lurk 2 more years before they ask anons to blow up buildings that are filled with feds will never promote them. Infact they need to wait forever because they're stuck doing this dead end job.
Glowniggers have been probably poking around on cuckchan since at least 2004, and certainly not long after this place was founded. This really shouldn't be news to anyone, but it's nice that there's now solid confirmation.
The only thing you need to worry about is who your cell mate is going to be once you are fired for causing so much violence and harm to the American people glow.
why should you have to worry if you speak the truth
cops aren't supposed to be doucheknuckles
Yep. Selling out for some shekels.
The Gulag Archipelago is here. How are you going to serve against it?
Yet they clearly have no problem selling out the country and their people for a fucking sting on a poor young kid who wants to know how to fight back against something he knows is deeply wrong in his community and nation run by traitors.
If these fuckers will not police their own and stop the traitors, then the whole fucking agency needs to go.
white genocide is legal though. stopping it will require illegal activity. thats why kosher groups like IE and AIM never achieved anything. they did nothing to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. now they just broadcast to the enemy that there is nothing to fear.
you arent going to "legal" your way out of a government led genocide dipshit.
Oh, are you trying to actually get sympathy for the fbi? The same agency responsible for targeting pro-white nationalist with honeypots, entrapment, damage to the perception and identity of pro-white groups, and other attacks both psychological and physical in nature? Then you wonder why we call you glow in the dark here? Then you wonder why you are known as a traitor? Then you wonder why we find your agency one that is absolute shit and can't possibly be cleaned?
It is because you don't clean shit, you dispose of it.
fbi pls go
imagine going into a thread in which the OP has fully exposed FBIniggers encouraging violence and illegal activity…. and then proceeding to promote violence and illegal activity.
They aren't bring their best, people.
Reminder that we have a thread.
why don't you piss up twitter instead? They even make it easy to correlate posts to identities. Anyone trying to make you afraid to say something is just trying to make you afraid, and if you let these people scare you then that's the last step before the Gulag.
The FBI also starts threads.
Hear this one more time, G-man: if we attack Iran, the likelihood of Word War 3 is near 100%. At that point, your police powers no longer carry any weight. Mayhem ensues.
I know who I will target first, second, third, fourth, and fifth. Making my list, and checking it thrice.
Sorry FBI, but truth-telling and honest propaganda is the strategy which relieves us of white genocide… not shooting up mosques or synagogues. But a big congratulations to the boys at the J. Edgar Hoover Building: You've officially started to glow, a magical skill once only CIAniggers possessed. This is a big day in Fed history.
Are you trying to (((shut it down)))? Shut down the fact that this thread is reminding anons that the fbi needs to be dissolved? The fbi has destroyed ALL public trust here in the chans. Where memes are born and we move the public discourse. It is time we remind them that the "honor and accolades" they have earned can easily be ruined by the fact we can remind the public virally that they are TRAITORS in this day and age. They are all no better than james comey.
They are little kike puppets. They don't deserve your sympathy and support.
Gordon Ramsay will be one of the next few celebrities suicided by TPTB
Violence at this stage is the only solution. Only a brainlet would say otherwise. Let's not forget that the left endlessly engages in violence against us. They attack us in the streets, they flood our nations with invaders, etc. If we we do not meet violence with violence, we will lose. Period.
The fact is, the thing that scares the Feds and Kikes the most is the citizens rising up, wheeling out the guillotines, and executing all the traitors because that would basically just fix all our problems.
Don't forget, it's only ever nationalists who are told not to commit violence – not others. The "don't commit violence coz feds" narrative is fed to us to slow us down. Do not listen to the idiots who push it.
Are you still inciting violence here on the most heavily surveilled internet by feds fbi? You forget, you are not the only agency here. You get to go to Gitmo too.
Take your meds fed.
Listen: I am not a moral man. If you FBIniggers need training on how to into 4chan… I'm your guy. I require $100,000 yearly, with half up-front, and a 5 year contract. You wanna know how to shoop da whoop? I'll show you.
Reminder that there are no good cops.
Top Kek. Don't you federal agents feel stupid now? Outed by Tibetan Dorje making enthusiasts.
Fuck off animetranny. You're probably a gaunt lanklette with a retard haircut. You don't even understand how this works: Feds tell you to do specific things to incriminate yourself, they don't give you the truth like I do. Violence is the only solution.
if you weren't such a nigger, you would understand that not putting anime pictures, gore, redpill pictures, pepes, is why the picture sent in for a warrant was kosher enough for the feds to submit to a judge without them being seen as loons.
smile faggot, feds are using your no image boomer text serious posting for their own plans.
if you really do care about making them look insane atleast post a few jews.
why not create a new chan not allowed to feds ?
Who cares if this board gets shutdown or we all go to jail. That sounds like the inevitable end result anyway. If you believe in the European races having their own destiny again there is no political solution anymore, it's been over 70 years and things have never gotten better and the political arm of the real Nationalists have gotten weaker.
White interests declines at the same time Israel was created. Imagine my surprise.
Why are you trying to derail? Why are you trying to defend the FBI?
Oh… its because… YOU ARE FBI.
You are also a traitor or just a fucking jew.
I was marking since the end of the second world war but you could actually draw it back even further to the beginning of the 20th century. Where the modern Fascist and National Socialist precursors begin and have an energy to them that seems to burn out rather quickly, or be suppressed extremely harshly by the old powers.
True. At the end of the day it's always the Zionist, it's always the Communist, it's always the FBI.
How do you keep feds out while staying anonymous?
How are you guys ? im new
you are fucking retarded you can still actually redpill a shit ton of people, sometimes you will get weird friends along the journey. If you actually think everyone is going to die then you should kill yourself dilbert.
This. The FBI deserves no sympathy. Traitors deserve no sympathy, just the rope and a short drop.
Slow day at the office agent? Welcome to Shitposting class.
Woah! Easy there big guy. It almost sounds like you're implying we should go and round up glow in the darks and kikes
like (you).
this was an analogy about trans people ?
i have enough with captcha can you tell the mods to stop this
I think we're at the point where citizens need to start suing the government more in fact as much as possible to sink the entire legal system into a bog. Keep in mind the idea that saying voting is a trick made up to satiate you with well rehearsed and pageantry and has no effect on the real world for White interests anymore - is not the same as saying you have to go shoot someone. There are plenty of non-voting methods, like legal action, boycotting, actually dropping propaganda leaflets and many other things that one could do in minecraft. Point being we all need to start thinking outside the box or the frog is boiled.
that was a big post
The feds are obvious. The problem is that they can find out where you live with your IP address. We just need better anonymity protocols.
Look at glownigger derail! Look at him defend his FELLOW traitors to your homeland and people.
Ever since IPv6 came around, that's been even more difficult to do.
yeah discord faggots are grooming kids on videogame and RP discords. also shrinks in the USA and European countries are contributing to the gay problem. They cant talk shit about the homo that rapes the child so they have to rationalize it and evade legalese so they often tell the kids that they now share the same sexuality as their rapists.
blowing up a building wont do jack shit, ted destroyed a fed building with normalfag feds, they all got replaced with zog agents. zog agents never have kids.
Feds use people as hitmen to blow up and shoot offices that have older or established feds that are barring their promotions since deskjob positions are fucking pathetic and office worker feds are power hungry mongrels.
You are extremely new to this, find out what are government assets and it automatically leads to reporters, feds will never ask you to go for those.
Citation needed.
I wasn't aware that a board for politically incorrect discussion was actually about anime. Interesting.
This is where you went full schizo.
how are you
it's normal that the 24-hour CAPTCHA only stay for 30 secondes ?
Why didn’t you accept my abicaticonta
move the shit in russia idk
could you stop doing this please
I thought the feds could call up your ISP and ask them who you are. I don't think IPv6 changes that.
Why are you trying to defend the FBI and get this thread off subject?
thank you for the precision
I'm not going to tell you who a partisan fighter should target, just like I wouldn't drudge up the history of partisan warfare in the post-war period in the divided Germany. Or in the formerly occupied Polish territories that switched hands between pro-National Socialist factions and pro-Communist factions or perhaps the IRA or a million other political paramilitary organisations that have existed. In fact what many of you fail to realize is there are no optics, people are going to hate your ideas based on far less.
The fact that you think this site is some kind of bastion for us or some kind of victory that we even have it still is laughable. You still sup at (((their))) table, we're still right where they want us to be in the realm of philosophy and theory that dies dusty on an increasingly rare book shelf.
Reminder that the only things the FBI fights for are child abuse and the right to put little boys on hormone blockers and rape them.
>The fact that you think this site is some kind of bastion for us or some kind of victory that we even have it still is laughable. You still sup at (((their))) table, we're still right where they want us to be in the realm of philosophy and theory that dies dusty on an increasingly rare book shelf.
Oh look at that! He didn't filter like he said. And he is still intent on derailing to defend the fbi for targeting white people.
You mad glow?
It's probably more about the fact that he wants to monetize Zig Forums content and he can't do that if Zig Forums takes action. This is yet another reason e-celebs can't be trusted.
Feds arent Natsoc. fed posters dont promote Natsoc. Remember we are a board of truth.
Daily reminder the glow niggers are some of the biggest kiddie fucking faggots out there
hi, what the stuff on his pant ?
proofs ?
im a far left guy if anyone want to know
Nice jewish tricks there!
Its brain juice from a slaughtered chosen one on his pantaloons
They're doing their job. Their job is to serve and protect elite pedophiles.
Who the fuck do you think has been posting all the pedo shit this whole time?
internet crazy people
Federal and State jobs don't function the same. They get free housing and tons of free cash for travel, vehicles, and in some places food. If you work in a upper class area you pay sky rockets usually.
My thoughts exactly.
i don't give a shit about pedo stuff honestly
what the reason to ban pedo image on the internet ?
fucking fbi just go
You little glow in the dark faggot, this isn't /b2/ nobody is going to humor your shitty little pilpul here. You cannot argue your way into making baby rape ok. Go get knife fucked by a gang of prison niggers.
What does that have to do with the fbi trying to entrap anons here? Wouldn't you want the fbi to be dissolved for being traitors so you could see that shit in peace without worry about getting v&'d by their sting operations to support a facade of justice? After all they will v& you, for the express purpose to pretend they are doing their job; while covering and running interference for the elite. That is why the elite are able to commit these child sacrifice and evil religious cults, because the fbi and law enforcement protect them.
I don't give a shit about sharing pedo images, but I do give a shit about actual child rapists, and the FBI defends actual rapists.
how can you say "child rape" if the child is not even able to speak bro
Fuck off, pedophile kike faggot.
TBH would probably betray republic for that fucking salary, think of how many rifles and baby food for white babies i could buy
I don't see how Natsoc wouldn't have the same problems. How do you hold the cops accountable in Natsoc? I'd rather a society where justice is done directly by the people, not by some centralized authority "representing" the people.
No shit. Only a retard would post any kind of specific threats or plans here. I do like to fuck with them and rile them up though or just make fun of them.
I will go because nobody talk anymore
this was a pleasure to speak with unknow internet people
i use devuan btw
FBI releases 458-page file on Communist Divider and Mentor to HRC and Obama, Saul Alinksy
Remember this the next time you say the FBI isn't good.
We gave you the tools to fight.
Never forget this.
All me btw
t. FBI
Daily reminder to filter niggers with zero reading comprehension who are only here to shit up the thread. This thread is important because distinctions must be made.
Also, the Odinia lady sues people often with very little resources. Practical politics from Horus and the late old Bob are about just talking.
Anyone who didn't know these things should probably shut the fuck up tbh.