Apologies or no this man just told tens of thousands of normies the truth.
And any who paid attention just saw him proven right.
The man is a god damn genius.
And this meme NEEDS to be spread.
The Man Who Named The Jew
Other urls found in this thread:
Digits. But I thought he was one of them.
He said he was hacked, deleted it and apologized.
He probably realized he wasn't even going to be able to do his shitty straight-to-vod movies anymore if he left it up. But even after deleting it and making excuses, what's left of his career is probably over.
He tweeted in defense of it before finally deleting it. He knows.
We should take some artistic license with that horror movie of his and turn it into into "Room 1488" and thoroughly populate it with maymays.
OP failed to mention John wrote on the tweet "follow the money".
Quote by definitely not Voltaire.
Really? Who then?Even wiki is saying it's not voltaire but some redneck..I'm so sick of clown world.
In June 2019, Cusack was criticized for retweeting an image on Twitter featuring a fist with of a blue Star of David crushing a crowd of people next to a quote misattributed to Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". The quote is actually that of white supremacist and neo-Nazi Kevin Alfred Strom.[27][28] In his tweet, Cusack wrote: "Follow the money". He later blamed it on a "bot", then defended it, then apologized and deleted it. Jewish groups claimed that the tweet was "anti-Semitic."
click on pic.
Oh shit, you're right, it's there. SORRY everyone!
He's a drunk and likely a faggot. He's spent the past 24hrs cucking for jews at unheard of levels even for hollywood. Just a broken, husk of a man. It really is some pathetic bullshit but then, he is a champagne socialist. The fucker even shills for Bernie.
post archive of defense tweet now
that was a hand not a fist
and the star of david is on the arm not the hand
Looked, but can't find it. Didn't look too long, though. If you find it post it.
found screencaps
I don't know what's going on anymore. I'm lost. But what I do know is that it's a bunch of bullshit.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's more people that are secretly paleo-conservatives in Hollywood but remain sipped to their true allegiance for it will be career suicide. David Radcliffe (Harry Potter) said the institution is racist a few years ago. also, Jodie Foster & Gary Oldman did defend Mel Gibson's drunken rant & Stanley Kubrick was an admirer of Hitler so who knows.
woah! Check the devil's digits!
And people won't see it, because the average person is a fucking idiot.
Chill, user, and be polite.
We say "he's an Irishman" here. Show some fucking decorum.
Fuck off Jew, at least Sanders going after the 1% is gonna accidentally take down your rich kike handlers
bernie goes after a false 1% when in reality its 2%
The 2% is disproportionately part of the 1%.
I wouldn't count him out. After all, that horrible raysisss Shia recently got a gig archive.is
Don Jr. also used that quote.
The 2% is 40% of the 1%
I thought you faggots were autistic, sheeiiit
He might be, but he probably isn't.
That ID
DACA check em!
He's a faggot.
I was working at a bar in Savannah, GA when they were filming Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Cusack and Spacey must've cornholed every twink from a nearby art school before they left.
Maybe he knows about (((them))); I'm sure he does as long as he's been in Hollywood. But he's not /ourguy/™.
Poor John Cusack criticized the jews and is forced to apologize. Gee, you think the shitter users are smart enough to understand what just happened?
That MKultra is cracking, so they reminded him that they would torture him until he forgets who he is again if he didn't stop.
No one seems to have picked up on just how fast he was forced to apologize. The dissonance is real.
Also, I thought he was a kike.
i like how they are not even trying to argue about the veracity of the statement, only on the author.
they're tacitely admitting it's true, and why things are like that.
and in acting butthurt, confirm its implications.
Based. But his career is probably over now.
Recently watched Frozen Ground (breddy good) I've heard said Hollywood actors play roles that represent themselves…so if he played a serial killer…then yeah, he's fucked up.
he shouldve linked to 4chan…
I think over 100,000 people did. Over half the people who followed the story.
irish catholic
If anons have that one in your folders, white out Voltaire, because the quote's misattributed on purpose. Most people aren't smart enough to look past authority figures, so if you misattribute a quote, they'll never let you live it down. However, lots of those people won't catch the fact Voltaire never said it, and the macro will spread wider because of Voltaire's big brain cache. Even if the quote was misattributed to make anons look dumb, it has the effect of getting more people to notice and even look into the jewish question.
Not married, no kids, he's a fag.
One doesn't need the name of a saying or quote. Fuck it, just say it.
Sounds like he got some unexpected phone calls.
You can't prove he never said it.
think about how stupid George Carlin is, and then realize that you're stupider than that
He should go on Owen Benjamins show, this is a better way to red pill than alex jewns any day
I think Shia spent so much time here he finally saw the truth. He's one of us now.
george carlin was the first rick sanchez
ID checked
Classic excuse. Dude knows.
Except he apologized. Fuck your celebrities.
Nice digits.
This guu is a champion he backpedals by saying I thought I was supporting this Palestinian after isrealis bombed a hospital. That's the way to do it, backpedal into another redpill. Fucking so mamy normies saw this. Fantastic
Ask me how I know you're a degenerate shill
So many homosex and degens in this thread, including OP
ftfy dumb faggot.
This is too subtle for most people.
so is he /ourguy/?
There have got to be more that don't by the lies. Now is the time to come to jebus. They need us so they are not alone. It's got to be crazy living in kike world.
Well I am not any of those, so there is at least a normal sex person in here.
Always add Shitler to help the Jews
Maybe he'll follow in Shia's footsteps and do some work for Mel>>13411352
They've crushed the truth so hard that when it finally slips out, it's under so much pressure it can cut through titanium
On the surface, but the message still registers and is incorporated into their memories.
He's right, backpedaling into another redpill is genius.
I just want to say that I support the Jews. The Jews are not harming me in anyway, but your insane ideology would definitely harm me and many other people. You guys need to de-radicalize, you are not making things better, you're making things worse. Join the side of peace, non-violence and non-hatred.
Tesla dated women, but couldn't properly pay attention to them b/c he was too busy having seizures where he literally dreamed up the technology that allows you to microwave your tendies in between fapping to tranny porn on your phone KYS
passivity disguised as de-escalation is jewfaggotkikeniggery.
You're either misinformed or not informed enough
John Cusack blames bots for his online child pornography link.
John is a pedo…
Iran and Islam oil pays for his whores,.
John is a sell out to his hormones.
Alt right faggots aren't welcome, you'll join the landfill.
Deradicalize? Fucking spare me.
Too late. Everybody in Hollywood is getting gassed after China wins WWIII.
Radcliffe is Jewish…
He's a proper God fearing tatercoon.
You die with them subhuman.