Cuck Destruction Thread

Post cucks/leftists/antifa/etc. getting physically removed from the world.
And remember, always kill a traitor before the enemy. They have no place in this world and should be humiliated and demoralized as such.

Attached: antifa_flattened.jpg (515x500 1.47 MB, 50.78K)

how about you fuck off FBI?

never seen an actual working class antifa commie. all the nationalist lads i know are working class yet these commies are indoctrinated middle class weaklings from white towns who believe they're the proletariat. and they get sparked out every time

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noice and true

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This bread also explains boomer hate.

i like to call it cuckma

Attached: sexual emergency, raped 10yearold boy in austrian swimming pool cuckma.png (1775x602 453.85 KB, 779.73K)

Attached: molly cuckma.png (664x880 1.7 MB, 278.87K)

Attached: yuval yarden 'white' woman cucked out of business.png (1200x1124 164.75 KB, 237.84K)

Attached: germany eu official daughter raped murdered - cuck.png (1024x592 76.29 KB, 140.69K)

Attached: campaign for cuck sri lank rape .png (616x1860 118.59 KB, 612.02K)

Codreanu was a FBI glownigger?

Attached: antifa_btfo_01.webm (1280x720 2.44 MB, 7.59M)

Attached: aa2b70fa8230f389efc5b369f92b13026ccd84cb089a778859e02fb7da689242.png (1024x768 56.79 KB, 131.13K)

Attached: Portland_police_smash_antifa_thugs.mp4 (900x506, 11.8M)

Attached: ANTIFA BTFO.mp4 (480x360, 11.22M)

Attached: Fat Antifa woman goes insane.mp4 (1280x720, 10.3M)

Attached: gas gas gas.mp4 (326x184, 1.72M)

I-its the left!

L'affaire Clément Méric from France
Joonas Karttunen from Finland
2 shitifas both slayed by only ONE punch, just like the one on the op's first picture.

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Attached: ClipboardImage.png (500x634, 396.4K)

second pic was shot dead right between the eyes

Attached: Ivan_antifag_shotdead.jpg (998x1005 45.42 KB, 744.97K)

Attached: Based Helmet Leaf BTFOs gay ninjas.gif (480x268, 3.51M)

LMAO, Antifa shills for open borders, which decreases the value of labor.

White nationalists are unironically more pro-worker than them.

Attached: Stonetoss comic libertarians and fascists versus communists and neoliberals.png (954x949, 622.45K)

golden dawn comp with a proper soundtrack

whats with the second picture?

Left stopped being pro-worker a long time ago.

Attached: Commieantifa.png (963x474, 275.87K)

Anyone got the video of someone giving them a haircut?

Reminder that codemonkey personally allows these paid shills to post here.

He was an antifafag from Russia, I think, who was shot in the head. Should make an edit of it.

link from 3rd pic?

2 webm where was his what the fuck happened???

It's known as the Suruç bombing, happened in turkey. Bunch of socialist/commie turks got blown the fuck up.


still fucking disgusting and gas worthy. try again antifail

Attached: disgust.jpg (600x450, 71.25K)

Funny I thought the two flags meant anarcho-Communism, though I'll say I spoke to a former German communist and he had said most of them haven't even read such literature. They're social liberal sheep who are amoral & apolitical by and large but saying antifa doesn't originate from Communism is comical.

As a former anarchy-communist I can confirm that the Antifa logo is indeed the anarchist black flag and the communist red flag. Similar to AnCom CNTFAI flag from the Spanish Civil War, it too was an amalgamation of the CNT communist party and the FAI Anarchist party.

The image this shill posted you have to understand is from an Anarchist perspective where they oppose all forms of state, whether it be Monarchy, National Socialism or Marxist Leninism. They believe their worldview would result in pure communism, which is not symbolized by the hammer and sickle in this image.



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I love this picture. It's hardcore.

suruc bombing, done by Isis against a Turkish socialist youth group

LMAO, nice work based ruskis

Am I supposed to feel something for this stupid, rekt whore?