I'm trying to get the Japs a piece of the Jewish pity pie, and the Jews will ultimately get jealous and make arguments to disprove it, and then we can flip those arguments against them.
you can't start off being too real, and starting with anything too German/European in nature will be a red flag. Japs work well here because there is some USA guilt for interning them.
It should definitely be someone non-white. Jews like to RP being white so if they criticize the Japocaust you can criticize their white privilege.
Palestinocaust would also be too real and too adjacent to Israel to begin with. You don't START with it, but you can prep those as followup memes.
I'm not sure, looking into it. Haven't heard of this 25 mil in 1340 thing, examples of Jews propogating? could you explain 1346 also?
I am very interested in this, although it's not quite what I meant, which is constructing other fake holocausts for other races as the jews constructed the fake one for theirs.
not unless someone competent can meme it. We would need to put a lot of effort into fake history, explanations, etc. as the shoahists do.
this says 129,000–226,000 people
one example could be that we change it to 12.9 million to 22.6 million?
I'm more interested in the internment camps thing though.
says between 110,000 and 120,000 were interned
however we know this was only the survivors, it was originally between 11 million and 12 million Japanese-Americans however only 1% survived.
a good mascot for this would be Mr. Miyagi's wife and daughter dying in Manzanar. This was shown in Karate Kid 1
Attached: Mrs.Miyagi.jpg (861x673, 319.66K)