Why do glowniggers think they can trick us as easily as they do sandniggers? They keep trying to bait us and get us to fall for "muh Russia" memes. Its so cringey.
Any FBI niggers here? Explain yourselves.
Why do glowniggers think they can trick us as easily as they do sandniggers? They keep trying to bait us and get us to fall for "muh Russia" memes. Its so cringey.
Any FBI niggers here? Explain yourselves.
They push a massive amount of different methods to get data and info on people. It's true that most glows connected contractors are spotted easily here due to certain patterns but it becomes more difficult when they play the long game, work in teams and so on. I would think that this is amplified even further when they focus on someone and decide to go to the next step and spy on them in real time.
They have so many ways/different ways to get what they want at this point. The Russia shit though, yeah, that was odd to say the least but the more I look into Christchurch in general the more I realize that a type of silent war has been going on there between three factions for about twenty years now and has been heightened significantly over the past ten. Point being, I really think there is a lot more to Christchurch than we discovered in our initial research and by "a lot" I mean a shit load more.
Well, Christchurch spawned several sandnigger terrorists, didn't it? The way the NZ government just let them keep fucking around for so long makes me think they either condoned it, or allowed it to happen for accelerationism.
They are working overtime to push for a war against Iran
Must suck to be a Zionist boomer analyzing all this shit, lol.
You mean I'm a zionist boomer because I'm against a jewish war? Maybe I genuinely misunderstood you though
They'll never succeed, this is most paranoid place on the face of the Earth. Everything is assumed to be a shill or glownigger. Even your post sounds like it's glowniggerish and using youtube as an IP honeypot on specific videos.
Deradicalize and decelerate
Everyone should just calm down
Nope they want (you) to attack nobodies like Earnest or Tarrant, never the ones responsible.
Because they are low iq retards, the only thing they have is resources, but in massive amounts.
In 2014 the fbi had 35 000 employees, they probably have a lot more now. Their approach is quantity over quality zerg rush.
But in a place like this its like trying to drown the shark.
dude the FBI is nothing but morons and incompetent losers. MAGA!
Our martyrs aren't "nobodies"
webm or fuck off
Yes they are. And you're a low IQ retard. They killed nobodies and that makes them nobodies. They didn't do anything Otoya Yamaguchi style. They are just white trash terrorists or false flaggers.
you aren't from around here FBI
That's the best the glowniggers came up with in another thread
where does the FBI get these shitty memes? your post doesn't even make sense. GLOW HARDER STUPID FUCK
Yes I'm around here. I'm the voice of reason. Explain to me what any of these recent mass shooters accomplished. You're fighting against the windmill accomplishing nothing.
(pic related) Always the little guy gets fucked never those responsible. Daily reminder that Hitler let Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild go for money while the little jew suffered from malnutrition and the little german died fighting the little russian. Never once did anyone responsible got fucked in the ass.
So why don't you go do something against the ones responsible? Especially considering that your office is probably next door
Glow-in-the-dark niggers SUCK MY BALLS
I'd rather not throw away my life to entertain you.
pic related. Their main attribute is being a NOBODY, being the little guy who won't do any harm against anybody. I'm sure the one who indirectly kills millions is more evil than the one who larps as a muslim terrorist.
Too bad
You didn't read the manifesto did you?
Incompetency or the perception of it has been weaponized politically for great effect. The whole bush is dumb meme rather than criminal in his intent and to post here promoting such a basic thought process as hurr durrr FBI are incompetent shows you are probably better off back on cuckchan.
They are not, they have become an arm of political enforcement. Posting here to incite violence is just one more political step leading to enforcement be it taking the guns or further secret court warrants to spy on every single aspect of our lives.
This place has been studied and manipulated a thousand ways, the greatest accomplishment being trump. Then they have been using the threat of our words to systematically round up and pick off the most vocal of our ideas (its already well in place, the ADL etc just pick up our latest memes and hatespeech them - no matter how ridiculous it seems to us, they still shut it down across the normiespace and ostracize anyone who would dare voice wrongspeak)
Basically stop being so fucking ignorant.
Yeah I've read it and it didn't make sense. It was full of inconsistencies. Like the "birthrates"^3. Killing 3.9 billion is achievable natty in his mind, people will "riseup x10" and then somehow world peace. He did basically nothing. The rich, evil and powerful people just watched the video laughed and were probably glad that nothing will ever happen to them. (pic related is him)
If you fight the wrong enemy you can't win.
alright Shlomo
Your D&C tactics won't work on me. I'm all for the little guy and against any form of terrorism whether it's a war against Iran or a gopro action against a local mosque.
Your may mays are cringey and embarrassing
Is that so? Then name a few of these "fat cats who deserve it" if you will.
also this
My memes speak the truth. You just can't argue with them. You just want to worship white trash terrorists and may even think of becoming one for internet fame.
Not gonna name even one on a honeypot forum. Use your head. Use the internet. Find people who are rich powerful wicked and evil. STOP ATTACKING NOBODIES.
So you are just emprty words, and a shitskin fag. Now go back to jerking off to Tarrant and other superior white man.
Kys Abdul
Slide. I bet you think you're clever with your double bluff.
You don't belong here.
Your memes are terrible. Go home
You ma speak truth but Bernton has inspired people to go on the attack his plain was well thought out and worked as planed except he didn't burn the building as planed the deed is done and their is nothing to debate he did not attack the poisoner's but the poison it's self by doing so the poisoner's will live for some time.
Look man I just do what I'm told okay
T. FBI Nigger
It looks like there are two teams of glowniggers, one is trying to incite random acts of violence, another to prevent it. This polarization is evident in most of their operations.
Nope. Not gonna happen.
I have a very different definition on the superior white man.
hi there wannabee mas murderer thinking anybody who disagrees with radical acts of violence against the small guys is somehow of middle eastern descent
He sent the wrong message. Just look at the last 3 copycat shooters. Nobody will shoot anybody evil, just shoot the little guy.
What?I only have seen two (the teen and asian/white guy from cal )
That image why not kill goverment workers?
stop replying to him, he is obviously either mentally ill or a kike
"muh russia" is chinkies.
they need siberia for water.
otherwise come 2032-34, they're fucked.
literal kikeposting or leftie homosexual.
in all case, it defends the subhuman and its presence in white land, and criticise Hitler for not roping one jew.
rather amusing.
reminder that these "people" are the only 2 groups who benefit from the statu quo, as any other configuration ends up with them liquidated.
aren't those the same thing at this point?
aren't those the same thing at this point?
Whatever cunt, post TITS next time and then someone will tell you exactly what your higher ups want.
They didnu nuffin as always you should aim for those responsible. Not the little guy. Why attack the little guy.
(you) get a grip on life.