Completely constitutional what he said so the question is when/if is this going to come to a head to be struck down.
Completely constitutional what he said so the question is when/if is this going to come to a head to be struck down.
List of heroes is getting pretty long.
Cool, so he's an honorary nigger. Based and kekpilled
When the country finally collapses and all the inmates escape we'll suddenly get a huge influx of semi-retarded 'nazi' torpedo whites from AB and legends like the guy in OP.
There's literal droves of 'warriors' behind bars (majority sub-human).
Not sure if that's good or bad (the first part)
Afaik he got arrested because he’s a felon and had guns, not because of speech. Aka if you’re going to be picked up if you do illegal things AND POST THEM ONLINE
Typical Zig Forums poster.
It pains me when one of our Latino brothers goes to prison for wrong think or wrong doing.
Your mistake is thinking that this is an issue of 'individualism' and not understanding that they are all following the same genetic program, the 'jewish' program. Just like a dog is never going to become a fish by wanting to be a fish and a woman is never going to be a man by 'wanting' to be a man, the jews are never going to be moral or good by wanting to be good. Their genetic program is one of complete corruption and destruction be they 'little' or 'big' it will never matter. You must learn to judge nations by their whole nations cumulative behavior, like we do with niggers, or give it up and fucking DIE ALREADY. Jews will never be 'good' or 'moral' or worth saving little or big.
None of us have 'Latino brothers' faggot.
It's like you've never paid attention to how attacks are effectively waged on a force that's in power.
They are a fucking parasitic jew, user. Trying to save their own skin.
Not everyone in prison are bad people. There are people who have had to confront the evil of the government and have gone to prison for it. Many have been murdered instead. We only hear about the reported ones. There could be 10000s of murders happening to white, hispanic, black. All of them have been disappeared without a trace in any records, most likely.
Report the fed. Already had 4 of his threads deleted.
Anonymous internet has the days counted.
you're not fitting in, don't ask me why
Oh and what is said here by FBI agents LARPing as anons? I'll have you know Zig Forums is a board of peace.
He did nothing wrong. Free him.
FL is little occupied Palestine. Lots of old jews there to butcher and use for chum.
No. Unlike your pink ass he can go to prison without breaking down into a million pieces. You on the other hand would cry and become Tyrone's woman.
Lukewarm IQ right here.
It's not the 1970's anymore guys. You need to keep up.
Are you that stupid? He was arrested because he was a felon who illegally had guns and threatened to kill people with them. Speech wasn't the issue.
Real men don't go to prison. But please enlighten user with your Tyrone cuckolding prison fantasies, faggot
Allowed to post here.
Yes, all jews are the problem.
Suck on an exhaust pipe, mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging faggot
This is why they arrested him lying faggot. Just another Nazi retard serving the Jews.
Don't be a dick TORFAG. Nazi's are not inherent 'criminals' it is a political party, nothing more.
I have come to the conclusion that is what you kikes fear the most. A legitimate third political party that will crush your (((capitalism))). Look how quickly you threw your 'venezuelan leader' faggot under the bus for corruption, when it became clear that the people of venezuela rejected your interference and did not give you their 'consent to be governed'. Now imagine that on a global scale.
Kikes throwing their 'man' under the bus and then backing up over him a couple times with said bus and then driving off to FUCK OVER the next nation without even looking backwards. I don't even like that pompous faggot kike you hand selected to be 'the new president' of Venezuela and overthrow their constitution but I am amazed at how deftly you fucked him and left him high and dry.
"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." ~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)
You all are fucking incompetent FUCKING RETARDS that I wouldn't trust to manage anything for even 5 minutes.
Oy vey!
Whatcha sliding?
The catalog
I know this cunt personally and he is one of us. The (((filth))) will likely drop the incitement bullshit to get him to plea to the gun charges, a lesson to him from our hook nosed friends for speaking up against them.
He def fucked up by showing the guns in his videos, but there was no direct threats made and a million dollars bail for this kind of thing is fucking insane.
I'd say this Antifa parasite is responsible for the tip off
The Führer went to prison you pile of dog shit. Just about every surviving member of the Reich was imprisoned at some point. Ezra Pound went to prison. Codreanu was imprisoned. What a kike fuckwit you are, that or you would melt at the possibility of being imprisoned for your words and for being a white man, turning on your brothers when push comes to shove. Unproven scum like you are a liability to our race, if you aren't a nigger faggot or kike.
Exactly right, checked.
A law is only worth following if it's just and legitimate. The 'but he went to prison!' retards would be told it's illegal to be white and kill themselves. They are ultimately just shabbos goys regardless of their other opinions.
thats how fucking stupid you look, you pozzed retard
holy shit this board needs to implement some kind of IQ test to filter out niggers like you
So a felon jew talks shit and white man gets blamed. Pottery.
You think anyone is going to bother opening the cages when the collapse comes? kek
He's more white than you'll ever be tiprat, go fellate the pointy end of a shotgun.
Can't wait for your high IQ special race to finally die user, after what? Pushing us around for hundreds of years? Murdering our brothers and sisters, accusing us of crimes we didn't commit, generalizing us all as subhuman while you slaughtered your own relatives and inter-bred with the people of the lands you conquered, and only now do you see how pathetic and recessive your genes have become due to your own homogeneous nature, it's only evolution user, you have been naturally selected for genocide. We, the Jews, are only pushing you out for the sake of a better humanity, we'll keep some Anglo-Jews and German-Jew scientists around just for our own sake, all the people you recruit around the world, mixed, white and non-white will all die due to their hubris and the toxic propaganda madness we execute through video games and memes, the world will be a better place without you, we'll have a chip in every monkey, and thank you for accepting our first one, the rabbi Jesus Christ, we never could've succeeded in destroying Rome without him, like the Sicarii Israelites before us, we will run you out of your land and the rest of the world, sorry you were born too late to stop us. LMAO
Nice fake link, Jewboy
What is it with you mental midget feds and your proclivity for using one reaction image at a time and just running it the fuck into the ground using it on every single post you make?
You're already extinct, subhuman rat filth.
This is the only reason you're here.
I am thoroughly enjoying watching you all squirm now that you know what's coming, and can't do a damn thing to stop it. There isn't a single place on OUR World where you can hide this time.
Sleep well!
…tick tock.
I'm not advocating or endorsing any kind of criminal behavior, but the most powerful jews do go to synagogue.
Whoa,whoa, slow down there. Whattabout Sandy Koufax? Also… Well… I'll get back with you in a bit.
The left can't meme.
We're not left or right, we're staying home to night.
That isn't even remotely what I said, you strawmanning coon. You were caught squatting on National Socialism for the dank maymays. You're worthless to the cause now and you will be worthless in the coming years, when being a white man gets you imprisoned. You'll cry, bitch, and rat.
agreed fellow white person
All kikes need to go.
As a felon? Doubtful. Eat a dick yid.
So what was he convicted of earlier?
You've probably sucked more cocks than I've had hot dinners you bottom feeder
Hes a felon, can't be posting pics of you with guns.
Most likely hes a degenerate, but he sounds like our degenerate…
Checked. Thanks for a sensible post in this sea of feds and limp-wristed conservatives.
Every race has criminals, what's your point?
ironic fedposting is still fedposting, faggot
I like the golden swastika coin, and the one with wheat, good collection.
On what grounds did they arrest him?
That archive you provided is a dead link.
Like whom, exactly?
You guys never say as much. Its weird.
So, basically, he was a retard. Okay.
Seriously retarded. I'll never understand the appeal of threatening people over the internet, though now I wonder what he said specifically as to justify that charge.
I'm pretty sure just saying "I wish niggers would go back to Africa" or "I wish more synagogues would get shot up" is not viable in this capacity.
Good question.
This! Specially the last part!
((( )))
((( )))
Hmmm… nice job, FBI
Problem is these marxist degenerates are openly hostile towards the constitution. I'm quite honestly waiting that these cultural marxists are declared traitors to the nation.
Speak for yourself, i have half-latino nephews and my other brother has yellow fever
Every. Single. Kike.
I guess the parasite never stops parasiting, even if the parasiting will eventually end the parasite itself.
You just made my day user
They literally just signed an anti-semitism bill in Florida. This shouldn't be surprising.
The man was arrested for being a retard. Learn from his mistakes. If you're going to post shit like that online, consider using a VPN and/or Tor.
I found the faggot jew :) shitposting is the only thing this parasite has ever done.
Same fag, different ip? Or just some (((cable tv))) watching incel?
Is that what the rabbi teaches you after fellating you? heh. Try some math, dummy. With all the faggotry, mental illness and drug use by jews today, your gone in just a few decades. Sooner if you attack Iran.
Based and Gen X pilled.
Xoomers rise up!
neither prevent you from being tracker and neither protect you from the law. better than bareback, but don't succumb to the illusion of anonymity or think you're invincible
also I think Tor is a honeypot
Someone post the "this is what a Tor user looks like" pic.
Wasn't he already a felon? Not smart to post pics of your firearms online if you're not allowed to own them. That will get you everytime.
So no one knows why he was a felon before this.
If that all it was there wouldn't be a story, but they went after him for saying verboten words as decreed by jews and are charging him with a "crime" for those words.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Arrested by Florida DLE not the Feds.
They're specifically going after him because he's a white nationalist AND he was stupid enough to own illegal guns and post video of them. He's being held up as an example—"look goy, this is what White Nationalism is, a bunch of felon trash." It's psyops, and if you don't recognize that, you need to get the fuck off this website and lurk for two years.
It's lots of things, but when it comes to actually charging him, included is charging him for the "crime" of saying unallowed words by jews, which is THE pertinent thing, not the charge for having a gun while felon, or "huwhite nationalist," or any other implied purpose.
You stink of glow jidf lefty niggering.
No, you stupid faggot. You can't own an illegal gun, and if you do, you deserve the government up in your ass. Him speaking out against the jews is just window dressing to get you to think that this bullshit is about guns. Realistically, it's about jews.
you don't get the point you glow nigger
You're definitely not from around here repeatedly asserting "illegal gun." It's a felon with a gun, not an "illegal gun," and again, the issue is included in the charges and the reason they went after him is because he used his free speech to say things jews don't like, that's the issue, jews criminalizing speech.
(pic related)
Fuck off.
We have no race, we possess human form, and we form tribes of many races, how could you ever hope to kill us all? We inherit the Earth especially, that includes you, you are indeed a soulless animal, a slave, you will never see heaven.
This is why you get pogrommed and this is why you deserve it. No amount of pilpul will change the fact.
If you didn't legally buy the gun, it is illegal. What are you trying to tell me, you halfwits?
Pilpul? I am telling you the truth, there is more to this world than the material plane, have you looked into quantum mechanics? There is a grand architect, there are 11 dimensions, and that architect designed all of them, you either possess his breath or you're soulless.
More retardation. You're already busted stinky, this further flailing isn't getting you anywhere.