1 in 25 boys now have autism, its is projected that by 2028 all boys born will have autism.
What do we do guys, this could mean the end of civilization as we know it, the elites have to be stopped before it gets any worse!
1 in 25 boys now have autism, its is projected that by 2028 all boys born will have autism.
What do we do guys, this could mean the end of civilization as we know it, the elites have to be stopped before it gets any worse!
Maybe it will backfire against (((them))).
Nevertheless autismo is bad news.
Actually, why isn't autism prevalent in females?
This is stupid.
Also it is quite often the case that simply everyone is diagnosed with Autism, at least in burgerland.
Though there is some legitimacy to it, like changes made in the education system which only hollow it out further, in the name of "diversity" and "equality".
It's a tiring world we live in. I wish I lived in a normal country.
No one cares thanks to your Shitler pic.
You die, I guess. Enjoy it, retard.
Global report.
As I pointed it out, it's due to the education system being made more adjusted to female needs. Neglecting actual science and education which matters over feelings and what other non-sense they are trying to teach nowadays.
Here for example now teachers are supposed to be pedagogues. Fucking retarded
which means 1 in 25 of them will end up here
problems werent
also, autism as its diagnosed today has become very broad. many times it simply means that they do not understand social cues or more accurately do understand them and simply reject them and society itself unilaterally
also also, im calling bull on this entire projection of expanding autism
shabbat shalom yidfuck
upset you didn't steal the first post?
Still think White Nationalism will work?
Autism is genetic dumbass, it has nothing to do with your education.
Shitler is more important than saving Whites.
Global report.
Autism can have extreme empathy.
Cowardly white nationalist faggots think larping for Jews will save us.
Reported for coming from cuckchan
Why don't you report to the ER and get the gerbil the Jews shoved up your stormie ass removed.
Do you have a single satisfact to snack that up?
lel sup modnigger.
That is a low quality OP. It reeks of 4nigger. Go back
how many threads per day do you fags put out?
I know a mother whose son became autistic after getting a virus/infection after having a vaccination, kid must be about 20 by now.
Autism is a spectrum and literally anybody can be diagnosed with autism to some degree, it's just another wildly overdiagnosed condition to push pills for big pharma. If someone is truly autistic to the point of dysfunction its obvious. Sage for shit thread