ITT: post wholesome alunya pics
Mods think anchoring the previous thread will keep me away
I almost forgot about that giraffe.
what the fuck is this supposed to be
Girunya was a shitpost from leftypol back in 2017 of a poorly drawn giraffe (as a giraffe-girl rather than a cat-girl) that was meant to mock Alunya draw threads.
It was probably one the last good memes to come out of leftypol tbh.
t. mocked individual
Pretty shit tbh.
t. mocked individual
t. mocked individual
t. mocked individual
Really makes you think
t. mocked individual
t. not me
t. ok
t. you should really post some commiekitty OC
ok here it is, little known fact anne frank (cutest girl ever) was the original inspiration for commiekat™, here she is seen with her iconic magic broom
It's a shitpost, that's the point my dude.
I can't say I'm surprised tbh.
well that's very nice actually thanks i love you
t. mocked individual
Careful, you might offend someone.
Whatever keep posting Alunya. Do you have the one whe, she's naked on the Zig Forums's mascott lap?
t. mocked individual
Isn't there a thread on muh reparations up in the catalog?
I'm not sure whether or not I have any pics of this "Alunya" you speak of. Could you describe it to me so I can see if I've got any?
you niggers keep bringing up reparations threads on both this board and /trannypol/, maybe read them and see what our actual opinions on that bullshit is faggot
Pretending to be retarded doesn't make you witty user. Never did and never will do. At best you'll make people being embarassed for you and i have a hard time imagining that would be any healthy person's goal in life. Aim higher.
The fact that you've got them up is pretty telling tbh fam. So how much are you going to fork over to muh poor oppressed niggers?
I have no idea how you got that impression. All I did was ask for an explanation of what an "alunya" is. How can I know what to post for someone who wants "alunya" when I don't even know what that is?
t. mocked individual
t. repetitive user
By the way, does Butterfly still post here? She was always so interesting to talk to!
that is clearly a creepypasta, not a woman
It looks like a tranny. I have no idea who this is, some eceleb?
It's butterfly. She posts or used to post here. She also posted on /b/, but left after she got BTFO'd several times. While she may be retarded, she is an excellent candidate for an IRL commiekitty.
Oh that guy with the butterfly text art or whatever for a name? I filtered his name the first time I saw that cancer.
that's fake, you can't btfo a communist that's not physically possible not within the realm of our current knowledge of the commieverse
Do you know who made that picture?
Asking for a friend who needs to know for a class assignment.
bumbowombo, he's an extremely well known artist
Why on earth would you assume I know the name of every two-bit drawfag that's drawn commiekitty? I collect commiekitty pictures, not information about their creators.
Your collection doesn't seem very big. Post more, don't keep us waiting.
I only collect the ones that are good and the ones that are stupendously bad. Like pic related.
Nigger, I'm posting here to get more, not to post everything I have.
Wrong pic
that one is pretty good, i like the frilled tongue
It looks like a fucking bat. It's hideous.
U wut?
i think it's supposed to be hideous, i mean some beach boys albums are supposed to sound silly but it's still okay if you don't like them, it applies here too
Post link to pixiv/tumblr/more
i was goofing, bumbowombo is fake
t. mocked individual
It checks out.
t. mocked individual
Well this one you just posted was made by /b/ and it's fucking hideous too.