It also said a shipment of vegetable oil was spilled from one of the derailed cars, according to an update posted to the sheriff's office Facebook page.
Interstate 80, which was closed due to the crash, was reopened as of 12:08 p.m.
Update, 12:17 p.m.
The Elko County Sheriff's Office says it has received reports that a powder released from some of the derailed cars is aluminum oxide, according to an update to their Facebook page.
Elko is a huge transfer point where explosives and other ordinance has gone "missing" through the years. Most notably in 1998 when Captain Button "accidently" crashed his A10 into the mountains of Colorado which, somehow, lost several 500 pound warheads which, somehow, where only once reported as being seen and that was near Elko at Battle Mountain.
There is always a lot of action up in that area since the real Area 51 is near that section (Area 52).
Juan Richardson
Just because they're loaded with bombs doesn't mean they're armed.
Isn't this amazingly close to that nigger terrorist who killed his own son and buried him on his property and was subsequently left off all charges by that retard judge?
Jackson King
bet it happened in the darkest hour of the night
William Williams
At one sixteen? Yeah that sounds about right
Josiah Parker
I don't recall that issue, what was it/what happened?
Benjamin Williams
I keep telling you faggots. Some SERIOUSLY Silicone Valley connected commies hang like desert rats throughout all of those hills now. If the shit goes down, they will all flood in this direction. They're too stupid to do anything else. This is all they know anymore. This is their entire world, and existence. Party time. So very… …unguarded? …lax? …vulnerable, even?
Fire? Gas? Emitted particles? Expansive gas device? What’s the most effective ? Yeah I saw you post this question a couple of weeks ago Sitting fucking cucks
Brandon Wright
I have never seen this before. What the fuck is this and where?
Samuel Ward
The spectrum looks something like prime targeted, RV potable water tanks, all the way up to well planned boom booms in some art when MineCraft finally builds this map. Disease, rapidly spreading across that cesspool, would not be questioned in the slightest in Minecraft. It's a dangerous place. "Random accidents" wouldn't look like a pattern for some time either on that server. A LOT of "important" faggots get their biggest play time for the year out there. They don't hide. No one is paying attention to shit. Party time.
I love her and she is my mistress I want her to spread her wings and fly
Connor Sanders
Ahh okay okay, yeah. I have heard of it but honestly I do my best to not often research what those hippie fucks are doing. My city has recently (past decade or so) brought in something similar and it has been a fucking nightmare to see those bastards in an otherwise/usually peaceful/relaxing town with none of that type of shit.
Is Burning Man like the EDR or EDC or whatever it is called? As in one big drug fueled orgy of assholes and degenerates?
Luke Roberts
Yes in addition to being sf kikes and media socialite niggers
Joseph Miller
Put it this way, it's a city of 70-90,000 degenerates, built out of zip ties, and duct tape, poorly policed, and everyone is high on experimental designer drugs. Use your imagination. It's a shame there are so many talented (and very dangerous) folks out there (pic related). They're all fucking brainwashed by the "Commandments" of the "Founders" of the event though. I would love to convert the Boomfags, weldfags, and techfags to our cause. They build a fucking city in the deadly desert out of zip ties and duct tape. …for a party. They are a major concern during chaos. They thrive in this shit. They ran the Clown World meme in real life twenty years ago. The Red Nose District probably still exists out there. And I'm probably glowing now. TMI
Yeah I’ve heard that before Don’t worry about it then nigger
Aaron James
Black Rock City. The sale model city for the degenerate utopia they're promising these useful idiots if they can make it to the other side of the 'revolution'. A bunch of ever consuming WalMart commies, literally burning everything they create, while they protest against muh capitalism. It's fascinating and fucking infuriating. A quarter of the city is highly HIGHLY skilled, and dangerous. HIGHLY adaptable and resourceful. MacGuyver on Steroids and LSD. The rest are food. Useless. There are usually quite a few deaths each year. One guy jumped into some flaming art. This is where antifa go to play if they can afford to get there. Basically a town of fucking psycho tranny faggots is what I'm trying to say. For one week a year, with the corps fuckers there building the place for a few months before and after, this is where the commies experiment and play.
i think user is referring to the terrorist training camp that the feds bulldozed and memoryholed
Thomas Bailey
That cunt is bleeding down it’s leg Please mad vladnuke this place first It’s a race faggot a race to erase this place
Joshua Cox
Rude, crude, degenerates. The volunteer chicks are burly. IRL shitposting on themselves, and each other. She probably passed out with her boots on, and got Sharpied. Maybe even an 'edgy' tattoo of the sharpie assault. Daddy's little girls. Degenerates. (pic. beating on each other in thunderdome)
Looks like the commies are finally starting to get feisty. GAME ON, user!
Daniel Jenkins
most of them have summer homes here
even burning man has armed security now and all of them happily pay taxes to their local sherriff, the same guy who bumps out all the homeless squatters. You're a moron if you think any of these people are by any means "vulnerable". If you try to do your own texas chainsaw massacre you're going to get the police rolling up and shooting you for the nigger you are, it's not like the 415 where police don't want to get involved.