Now I am not surprised that of our heroic Aryan Soldiers of late that Saint Tarrant gets the most attention. Rightfully so. Until someone pulls off something more amazing than that, he will be king. No arguments there.

But why doesn't my man The Pittsburgh Jew Slayer, Boomer Bowers, get the love or attention here he deserves?

I mean you guys seem to fawn over Earnest far more, and don't get me wrong - the kid was redpilled as fuck and had balls of steel, especially for his age. I don't want to take away from that. He is a remarkable young man. But…

Why does my man Boomer Bowers not get the love that someone who did so much less, Earnest, gets? Just because he wasn't a user here? (As far we know at least?)

Also do we know exactly what kind of arms and gear he used? He looks like he would have a dad gut so not sure how well a tactical vest etc. would fit or look on him but that is not a huge deal


Attached: images(29).jpg (299x168, 4.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off FBI

fuck off mossad
mods: there are 9 threads mentioning jewish false flagger tarrant. can you take your head out of your ass?

Did you even read OP? No shit there's a ton of Tarrant threads. The question specifically is why does he and Earnest get discussed to death but not Bowers? Tarrant I can understand, but Earnest? Read OP.

We can't even talk about people like Bowers because you're such a pussy you're afraid muh fbi might get you? It's not illegal to discuss these things you fucking retard, and your implication of such makes you suspect as fuck to me

Attached: Untitled 496.jpg (500x495, 179.84K)

They don't like to bring up Bowers because his "screw your optics, I'm going in" line cuts through all of their managerial and ameliorating shilling.

Yeah sure we can talk about Bowers.

What is lacking about Bowers is that his attack didn't have livestream and he didn't have a manifesto full of memes that make it easy to spread.

The fact he kills yids is good tho.

Attached: Design Blur_Oct272018_110514.jpg (744x740, 139.54K)

a man should be within his legal right to exterminate foreign invaders enforcing authority over a person on their own soil but law doesn't reflect nature.

Robert Bowers killed 11 Jews.
How many Whites will Jew Trump kill with the upcoming war on Iran?

hi FBI

Your Trump derangement syndrome is showing

Attached: 6FAB1AFD-886A-46FD-B1DF-8FA59B25FE30(1).png (585x565, 254.53K)

A couple Jews think it's still 2016

Just filter them when they pop up.

He did have a gabbai profile where he talked about issues like White genocide and jewish ritual murder, which got both issues mentioned in the media.

Attached: 1550008497971.jpg (580x486, 52.57K)

Indeed. That's the thing, you have all these retards screaming "SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD TARRANT DIDNT NAME DA JEW" and saying its a false flag because he killed mudslimes (I don't buy this line of thinking for a second to be clear and I honestly think a lot of it is shills trying to demoralize white men from thinking any of us can ever take a stand against subhuman invaders) but them you have Bowers, who frequently named the Jew on social media and shit on Trump for being a Shabbos Goy who did exactly whay they claim Tarrant should have done and… Nothing. Rarely memed or mentioned. Hardly ever discussed here.

No livestream and no manifesto probably do have a lot to do with it but fuck man, he was clearly a no nonsense kinda guy… He said fuck it, I'm going to do what needs to be done and he did and got a respectable number to boot… Way more than Earnest (who I really am not bashing here but just using as contrast of how much attention he gets in comparison)

I think you may be right here. Goddamn such a classic and immortal final statement

Nice, saved

Nice also saved

I totally agree - they should but with ZOG controlling pretty much all of the West that will never happen. Perhaps violent National Socialist revolution would be the only way to change that in Minecraft of course. Also we can always discuss it, they haven't taken that right away from us, in the US at least… yet

Also ignore the Trump niggers

Attached: 1560542437833.jpg (720x722, 55.23K)


Trump is a kike puppet. But when someone has to complain about him literally everytime even when the thread has nothing to do with him then it's obvious. That's leftist behavior.

looks like ryu/ken fan art tbh fam

Yeah he did that is also where he made the infamous 'I'm going in' post but I checked out an archive of his profile and it seemed pretty sparse… Yes posts naming the Jew and basing white nationalists who support Trump because he sucks Jew cock but they were all short one or two lines and seemed sporadic in their quantity of posts at best

Just wish we had more info on the guy and his beliefs. I wish we had even some pics or surveillance cameras footage of the day of just to see how geared up he was and shit. Did he use a rifle or a pistol?

I know, I saved it on a cuckchan history board /his/ thread about The Führer ages ago. I like it.

Colt AR-15 SP1
Three Glock .357 sig handguns

Attached: Jews “Refute” Conspiracy Theory by Admitting It is True – Da.mp4 (540x960, 1.54M)

He used his mind - the most dangerous weapon of all

Fuck yeah, nice choices

That among so many other things are what make the Aryan man the greatest and truest form of humanity. The only weakness as I see it has always been the Aryan's trusting nature of good intentions by others when they only wish to see him dead and his softness of heart and desire to help those weaker than he. I believe those traits are finally being realized and corrected however now that we have gotten ourselves literally backed into a corner with all comers actively working towards our destruction

If we really think about it, people like Bowers and Earnest caused a larger uproar than Breivik and Tarrant combined. A drop of blood from a single Jew is worth more than oceans of goy blood. Earnest botched his whole attack and only killed a single kike and next thing you know the Israeli ambassador to the UN is saying how the menace of antisemitism needs an international solution at once.

But with the "neocon don" angle, I don't think that's entirely leftist.

Is Bowers still alive?

Does he plead not guilty like Tarrant?

Tarrant is FBI meme, however Bowers is a poor fag that overdosed on redpills…

Bowers inspired Tarrant

Attached: bowers_reference screw your optics.png (2068x465, 396.07K)

Only a matter of time until someone beats Tarrant's score and directs it toward Our Greatest Allies

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Another inconsistency in the official narrative. If Tarrant really was inspired to kill Muslims because of Bowers, why did he said in his manifesto that he was preparing for years to do that same thing?

Fuck you


He's referencing Bowers, not likely inspired by him.

You can have more than one inspiration you disingenuous fool. Filtered.

Attached: thismyproblemsolver.jpg (1294x736, 172.06K)

I can’t even imagine what would happen if some
madman pulled a Breivik on the Chosen. I think the reeing would be so loud it would be dwarfed only by the Holohoax itself. If it happened here in America antisemitism would be illegal overnight and every politican would be prostrating themselves before them. In accelerationist terms it would be flooring the gaspedal

Attached: A3F00019-E466-4040-9286-98E8D7E594E4.jpeg (476x342, 55.13K)

Optics cucks coming out of the woodwork

Attached: screw your optics spurdo.jpg (860x670, 46.72K)

*No jews died in the making of this psyop*

After Bowers we live in a post-optics era

Attached: opticsbowser.jpg (1280x768, 409.4K)

Attached: joans unholy beefcurtains.jpg (480x360, 37.2K)

Yes he is still alive and yes he also plead not guilty and is awaiting trial

Attached: 1541375867441.png (816x1056, 723.15K)

Be gone pussy

Attached: dFb4pi9.gif (396x216, 1.04M)

I wait for his trial and Tarrant.

Better pic

Attached: robertbowers.jpg (838x798, 99.69K)

That looks like its been run through the "young" filter on Face App or something and as such is fake and gay

he was born in '72 which makes him Gen X btw
The screw your optics, I'm going in meme was/is huge and still referenced.
Bowers was a trucker that loves his people. Not much more to him than that. Simple man, simple life.
By focusing on the person and not the message you're hurting the cause.

The (((media))) uses this tactic to distract from their message. I've noticed this really only occurs with terrorists in the West, especially America and Canada. They delve into every aspect of their personal life and history.

See Omar Mateen as an example of this. He called the cops during the shooting to tell them exactly why he was doing what he did. He wanted people to know he was taking revenge for airstrikes against his fellow sandniggers.
Is that what was published? Nope, instead they pushed the self-hating closeted gay angle you got 10000000 interviews with his coworkers, his ex-wives, school teachers, basically any person that ever interacted with him was guaranteed their 15 minutes of fame. The aim was to discredit any legitimacy he may have had and to shift focus away from his justifications for the killings.

As for specifically why the media was not able to delve into Bowers' personal life as much as they liked was his lacking social media. Only three pictures of the man are available publicly, four if you count the courtroom sketch. One driver license, one mugshot, and his Gab pfp. The only trace of him online were his political posts on a political media platform, and some old usenet GNU forums. So they were forced to focus on his message rather than his character.

This is a good thing. You want to force the juden has to confront your beliefs head on without the possibility of character assassination.

Attached: 1457746173732.jpg (252x297, 22.78K)

Tarrant himself even referenced that statement in his post on here.

Attached: Tarrant references Bowers.png (2068x465, 366.79K)

Earnest gets more mention because he followed in Tarrant's footsteps in particular, almost a 1:1 copycat minus several important factors like experience and careful planning (like not setting the live stream to private). And the latter's method was what made the biggest waves, more than any other who came before. Brenton Tarrant was just so innovative and inspirational with the way he carried it out, from the live stream itself to the customized weapons and the soundtrack he had going. Bowers came before but frankly he's got nothing on that.

This. Not even a manifesto

Good points, the choice of targets had more weight in general than the numbers. The attack that Bowers carried out was called "the deadliest attack on Jews in American history" which shows just how high up they are compared to all the other invaders, and only 11 of them were killed as opposed to Tarrant's high score of 51. But that also means you can actually put less effort if you know that the reaction is going to be huge if you kill even one Jew, in contrast to putting in effort to waste other invaders or shabbos goy traitors that are lower on the totem pole as Breivik and Tarrant did.
Now if only someone could combine the effectiveness of Breivik and Tarrant's operations with the chosen being targets, that would be a sight to behold.

BTW Tarrant's action got the big tech Jews and traitorous goy shills to draw up an initiative that's literally named the "Christchurch Call" (an oxymoron for many reasons) so at least he has that to his name.

To be honest if he did this after brenton tarrant he probably would. You have to understand that before brenton tarrant nobody actually saw these events as something that actually helps a cause even on the changs. Before Brenton Tarrant changed the overton window this was universally seen as lunatics with no agency or awareness helping the media advance their anti white narrative. In many past shootings that definitely was the case and because of that this was initially just thrown on the pile with all of the other ones in everyone's mind.

Manipulation is done by the private sector

Wasn't aware of his old Usenet posts… Know where I could find those?
Off-topic blog post below
I have always loved going back to ancient Usenet posts and reading shit like flame wars between people like Derek Smart (nigger game dev with delusions of grandeur from the 90s who did Battlecruiser 3000AD and biggest critic of Star Citizen nowadays, has beefed with its dev since the 90s) and other users on the pc gaming Usenet groups from the early to mid 90s… Shits funny and interesting to see people shitting on him, him bragging his game would be the greatest space sim of all time and people trolling even back then when most people had accounts tied to their actual names and emails on their colleges servers and shit. I am in my 30s so I was around then but didn't even get internet access till '98. Bowers probably aren't that old but would still be interesting to read

This is a lie by the FBI. There's no evidence of that. Bowers wasn't there to kill Jews in general, he was targeting 66 year old doctor Jerry Rabinowitz of Dor Hadash, who moonlighted as both a moyle and an HIV clinician. He prevented Rabinowitz from circumcising a pair of twin boys recently adopted by a pair of homosexuals recently married in Dor Hadash.

All the other deaths were just incidental, people who got in the way. Witnesses admit that Bowers opened a closet and saw people huddling there and didn't shoot them.

To be blunt, Tarrant was a better showman than Bowers. He not only racked up a far higher score, he also paired it with a book of redpill and gave us a phenomenal video to meme with. The video itself was laced with potential from the soundtrack all the way down to his guns. That is the core of why we've memed far more with Tarrant: he gave us way better material to work with. All Bowers gave us was SYO, which is okay I guess.

We honestly should be putting together tutorials for live-action livestreamers so that they can put together an effective visual product as Tarrant did and not fail at it as Earnest did.

I of course hope nobody uses it to sensationalize actual violence, violence should only be emulated on minecrafty, but it would be great for doing some kind of cool video involving first-person squirtgun shooters, amirite?

The rabbi was seconds away from genitally mutilating 2 jewish infants. Who would genitally mutilate jewish babies but an antisemite? All Bowers did was kill an antisemite.

You got a source on that?


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty
If you're an Australian Zig Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

Tarrant made a mistake.

Robert Bowers is Gen X. Don't call him a boomer

I don't see Earnest getting any more attention than Bowers.

That said Saint Terrant really wins because he did 3 important things Bowers did not.

1) Live stream. To a very real extent media is more real than reality. I lived through Chernobyl and Waco, but watching their respective miniseries makes them feel more real than they did when they were happening. Watching the Scandinavian girls beheading deeply effected me in a way that no news snippet could. Terrant's live stream removes speculation about what happened and makes what he did more real. The lügenpresse can't lie about what he did.

2) Kill count. Bowers killed a handful of elderly jews. Terrant killed a stack of breeding age sand niggers. A white man trading his life away needs to be effective.

3) Chad manifesto. His manifesto was brilliant, he did not come off crazy at all and it answers so many questions that we can talk about what he really believes instead of wildly speculating. The lügenpresse can't lie about what he believes.

He's really the model for anyone who is going to take this path. As the boot of the anti-whites presses down ever harder on the necks of the good people of the world more will follow in his footsteps. If the FBI wants to combat the rise of pro-white terror they need to do it by arresting the jews and other anti-white criminals who are making this into a fight for survival.

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Attached: brenton chan.png (836x538, 351.09K)

Breivik beats Tarrant's score

The same goes for Anders Breivik, who killed more than Tarrant, Bowers and Earnest together

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Except in Harvard, other universities, bank leadership, corporate leadership, industrial leadership, Israel and everywhere else jews want to remain on top. These double standards are what make these people so atrocious.

It's never been about helping others. It's always been about helping themselves by subverting and destroying the host nation, which they themselves have admitted countless times in the past.

There's a Waco miniseries? Fuck (((television))) user, don't waste your time with that Chernobyl shit.

Also requesting more information on the Scandivanian beheading

Does anybody have a link to Breivik's manifesto?

Anyone got the vid ?
coz I wanna meme the shit outta it

The Lavon Affair פרשת לבון Subversion of al-Assad Regime חתרנות של משטר בשאר אל-אסד USS Liberty Incident ליברטי USS Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners חזית לשחרור לבנון מזרים The Frankfurt School בית הספר בפרנקפורט Six Million שישה מיליון Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength גיוון הוא הכוח הגדול ביותר שלנו Gaza Flotilla Raid משט לעזה


Attached: 1u2ut4.jpg (380x651, 55.56K)

Kill yourself, smelly subhuman yid.

Fuck off OP, this man lived a degenerate life, did not take care of his body and caused awesome amounts of harm and damage.

Kushner must be paying you good money to have to sit here and pretend like pol has ever supported trump.

One good sacrifice or one good death can repair a lifetime of wrong. That is the main pillar of the traditional European heroism. Go away.

Well yeah it's for propaganda purposes. Might be better than using basically mugshots of him taken in poor circumstances, given that we have very few photographs of him.

How does it feel knowing everyone here has pointed you out as a shill yet you continue to post?

Do you get paid by the (you)s or is it just amount of times you bump an irrelevant thread?

this guy really wants to get involved in the court battle as a defendant, and/or is a fed

Stop changing your ip faggot

>(((everyone))) pointed you out as a shill
Hello, dumb bot.

He killed white people though, not merchants

They were from the Labor Party, i.e. people with Aryan bodies and Jewish souls

because nu/[pol/ is controlled opposition and most post herea are actually glownigger, mossad bot posts now.

Its been interesting to see the media reactions to both. The media and the feds seemed way more triggered by Earnest because I think Earnest went after Chabad which is a particularly powerful and supremacist form of Judaism where the Bowers sect of Judaism were not. Also there was little info on Bowers, so how does anyone know it really happened? We live in skeptical times (and for good reason). Where is the courtroom photo of Bowers? Its possible the Bowers one was faked because it seemed to drop from the news very quickly, which I found unusual compared to the Earnest one.

Anyway who really knows. That is just my thoughts on it based on the media that I saw.

I don't think the babies had converted to Judaism yet, they had only been adopted by a pair of homosexual Jews who had just gotten married.

which part? Most should be common knowledge to anyone who studied this case.

Dor Hadash was the synagogue renting space in that building which was involved with HIAS.

Bowers' stated motive was primarily anti-immigration, but Rabinowitz was the only member of Dor Hadash killed, so clearly he was the primary target.

The members of New Light who died were basically circumstantial.

It's possible Tree of Life might've been involved in HIAS too but I couldn't find evidence corroborating it. It would not be surprising. But I only remember finding Dor Hadash listed as a sponsor.

Traitors are fair game.

True but Breiviks manifesto is such a goddamn slog and longer than most history books… I wish he could have distilled his message and focused it into a shorter and more concise narrative. I've read it all and I don't want to sound like some tard who is whining about having to read a long document but it's like 1500 pages and I think he would get much more attention in our type of circles and his message out there to more people if he had taken the time to edit it and cut out the fat, as it were

I meant source that his expressed only target was the man you said and any others killed were just accidental collatoral damage or that he didn't actually say All Jews Must Die during the shooting or to police afterwards?

Perhaps, though that particular photo is his drivers license photo and not his mugshot I believe.

It does make him look a little better and may have value as a photo for use in propaganda, I will admit. There is certainly a very small amount of photos of him.

Attached: people.png (500x547, 136.35K)

No arguments that Tarrant is king in these regards, agree 100%. But I see far more Earnest references, memes and praise than I see or ever saw even right after the shootings for Bowers

Quoting somebody else but

They were little white kids sent their gay parents. Communism isn't genetic. Think of current Germany, that's the result of "denazification". Requires sustained propaganda effort to keep people in that condition. So his efforts were materially counterproductive except for propaganda to inspire others to take a similar path but in another direction. Or to just generally escale the violence.

Attached: c8425aafb6a0a882556861a03bd0af6982622f04.png (407x469, 39.71K)

Bowers is dope but Tarrant is king because of his meme magic, his live stream, his score, his posts on here and because he is the same age as most of us

I give praise to Bowers but he was old, didn’t survive, didn’t even write a manifesto

Earnest was mostly a fail but his manifesto was even better than tarrants and he was also the most recent

Not to mention the shills will try to bury bowers and bump Tarrant threads for obvious reasons

He did survive, and plead not guilty.

Attached: pleads not guilty.png (1352x2376, 1.24M)

Oh my bad

But it just goes to show e was quickly forgotten and buried by kike media

But of course

Hail bowers
Hail earnest
Hail tarrant

Our next saint should take time and make videos for months, even years

Maybe even write music or create art for us

Of course train hard and live stream the event

And always remember Jews are much better targets than anything else