A winnable nuclear war? New Pentagon document shows US military thinks so

"Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability" said new DoD doctrine before it was taken offline
— Steven Aftergood (@saftergood) June 19, 2019

In such circumstances, the Joint Chiefs doctrine stating that “Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability,” might be taken as a cause for alarm, and with good reason.


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nukes are a hoax. people are still living in hiroshima and nagasaki despite being hit by a nuclear bombs

Attached: hiroshimadetroit.jpg (500x345, 76.43K)

? After reconstruction and decontamination efforts the two cities are back to normal, but that doesn't mean they weren't flattened you retard.

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I want a nuke
I’d be good with it I promise

those were fireboms you retard. japanese houses were all made out of wood so its pretty obvious that everything wooden is destroyed. tokyo after the firebombing looks pretty much the same

Yes because of neutron reflectors
Tell me more

Thinking outside the box here but given that the climate narrative has pretty much dried up/failed, given that other operations have failed and given the fast response to biological attacks in most countries I have to think that the next would be "plan" for population control would be an all out nuclear winter where large population centers were targeted to remove mass groups fast while claiming the reason of war.

Nukes are a jewish psyop.

Maybe. I feel like the oligarchs are just paying think tanks and propagandists to social engineer people into reproductive dead ends like faggotry and porn addiction. The family is pretty much gone, nobody gets married, all the women are whores for a chad but leave 90% of other men childless and alone to simmer in sexual frustration until they lose their minds. Then they import a million people from the third world and indoctrinate them into the same death cult. Eventually the population will drop off significantly, without the need for any major destruction.

I loathe using this word but I am truly seeing a major awakening of people catching on to many things in my daily life. The amount of people from both parties that I interact with who all repeat the same aggravation/fury in some cases with same group(s) is really surprising to me. If you would have said what you just said to me a few years ago I would have agreed 100% but I am really noticing a serious unification of sorts across party lines and that must truly scare the shit out of those people because the last thing they would want is the people waking up and realizing their games en masse which all signs really do point to is happening. I have no idea why it is happening but it genuinely appears to be the case. At least where I live.

is that a christian church i see?

I remember reading about some Christ believers claimed to survive the bomb because they prayed in the basement.


May 12th 2019

Mr. Carlson,

I’m aware that I am probably the last person you would like to get a  letter from. To be clear, I’m not looking for an interview or attention  or anything like that. I’m writing this as a personal letter to you in  the hope that whoever reads your mail will actually give it to you.

I’ve been meaning to write to you for about a year now, but I’ve been  putting it off. But I knew that I needed to write you sooner rather  than later if I wanted to have any hope of it making a difference. I  watch your show almost every night, and most of the time I enjoy it. You  come across as a genuine person who believes everything he is saying,  whether you’ve written it or not. You seem to know which stories to  avoid – the ones that would force you to compromise your integrity and  beliefs – or the ones that, because of your platform, would force you to  carry water for mainstream conservatism. For example, Steve King and  Ilhan Omar or other stories related to Israel.

The real purpose of this letter is to try to convince you that you are uniquely positioned to do …


… something great. I don’t have any doubt that eventually you will be  taken off the air, regardless of how careful you are. As you know you  stand apart from the other commentators on FOX. But the fact is that you  are still well within the boundaries set for you by the left. You  correctly hate that Republicans and mainstream conservatives’ minds are  controlled by the left, and that they follow the rules created for them  by the left. They truly are controlled opposition – whether they realize  it or not. But you are as well.

You don’t have an issue pointing out the biological realities of sex  difference, and almost seem to consider yourself brave for doing so. But  you would never touch the race question. Imagine if things were to  continue on the path we are on at the moment, without falling apart. Sex  differences would become and absolutely verboten topic just like race  is. And no one, including a future Tucker Carlson type, would dare to  speak about it. It truly is the exact same thing, the difference being  that we are several decades further along with the race propaganda than  we are with the sex propaganda…


… and by that I mean in the total denial of differences. Both racial  differences and sex differences are backed up by science, but you’re  only brave enough to talk (and I suspect, even think) about one, and if  you were living a few decades in the future you certainly wouldn’t be  brave enough to talk about that one either. In the same way, you can  talk about illegal immigration but wouldn’t dare to speak about black on  white crime. Think about that for a moment.

On your show you consistently preface your comments or qualify them  with caveats. I understand why you do it. The problem is that they come  across as weak, as if you are unsure of yourself, and you seem to  believe that without them your opinion may not be morally justifiable.

Nothing you say is anywhere near extreme enough to require a  qualifier or explanation. You don’t need to attempt to establish your  morality before you voice your opinion on something. As you well know,  the only people who would want you to do so hate you anyway. You  apparently understand the concept of never apologizing afterwards – I  only ask that you try to extend that …

Sounds adamic and retarded tbh

Your enemies technically can't nuke you if you nuke them first.

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Nothing compared to the nigger bomb


Attached: [email protected] (229x256, 20.96K)

Yes. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were the heart of Christianity in Japan. They dropped the bomb right on top of a church during service.
Now recall what ethnicity were responsible for inventing and building nuclear weapons.


… concept to, before or during any potentially offensive comment as  well. Besides, it really does come across as “some of my best friends  are black”–esque.

Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that I don’t harbor  any illusions about you. I know that you aren’t a racist or white  nationalist, and most likely don’t like me to say the least. You have  plenty of jews and blacks on your show. I’m not too familiar with the  power structure at FOX but I’m sure you have more than one jew  controlling you in some fashion. I’m aware that you are securely on the  conservative reservation. But at the same time you seem to be a  relatively free thinker.

You decry identity politics when the only effective solution is to  embrace them. As you know, what scares the left more than anything is  the thought of the right adopting their tactics. That is essentially  what white nationalism is. And they have a good reason to fear it,  because if adopted it would be able to resist their machinations. White  nationalism …


… is simply identity politics for whites, and is no more evil –  actually much less so – than identity politics in their non-white form.

Conservatives are losers and you are a loser by extension. Maybe you  don’t even consider yourself a conservative, but that is what you are.  Even if the left were able to be convinced to abandon identity politics,  all blacks became conservative and put American identity first, so on  and so forth, would that actually be a good thing? Conservatives think  so. But assimilation is actually much more dangerous to the survival of  the white race than multiculturalism is.

You have white children and therefore whether you like it or not, you  are invested in the white race. Regardless of whether you want to  accept your white identity or not, the enemies of the white race do  accept it and intend to destroy you for it. Once you accept the fact  that everything going on politically and socially is designed with the  goal of the destruction, displacement, replacement, dispossession,  marginalization, and …


… eventually the outright violent genocide of the White race, it  begins to make a lot more sense. You find racism to be morally  repugnant, why? Why is the acknowledgement of racial differences any  more repugnant than the acknowledgement of sex differences?
Again, this is the left’s control showing itself. It is morally  repugnant because of what they claim results from it. Whether it is  justified factually is irrelevant - we must deny it because of the  alleged harm it causes.
If the “progress” we are currently witnessing today continued unabated,  anyone who continued to deny the equality of men and women would  become the social equivalent of White nationalists today, and would be  denounced by the contemporary Tucker Carlsons.
In reality of course, the denial of race causes much more harm than the  acceptance of it. The denial of race by Whites is what put us in our  current situation to begin with. The adoption of racial identity by  Whites isn’t scary, as you and a guest agreed one night; it’s what must  and will eventually happen if White want to survive. I could go on  interminably but I will get to the real point …


… of this letter instead. You are uniquely positioned because your  high profile to help the White race. When everyone assumes you are an  evil White racist you don’t have anything to lose by becoming one… by  giving them what they think they want. The mistake conservatives make is  the refusal to give the left what it thinks it wants - all the while  thinking their refusal makes them more righteous. Time is running out.  The persecution really begins when we become the minority. We haven’t  seen anything yet. I’m in prison for giving them what they wanted, it’s  true. But it’s also possible to give them what they want without being  violent. Before I went to jail I would pace around literally saying  “I’ll give them what they want”. But that’s beside the point.
My request to you is that when the day comes, and you are taken off the  air, don’t waste what you’ve been given. I can assure you that a large  segment of the nationalist community would welcome you. Some allegedly  already see you as an ally. The alternative is that you will be forced  to water down your show, and thereafter fall into obscurity. If you do  nothing after you are deplatformed, you will fall into …

Unless they have some sort of defense system in place or faster missiles and a good early warning system.

Yeah no shit, Niggers are more dangerous than nuclear radiation and anyone arguing against this statement is actually retarded and needs to stop living in the sci-fantasy world in their head.

kek True.


… obscurity, remembered for nothing. Even if you are somehow able to  maintain a following, no greatness will come with it. Because yours is a  losing ideology. On the other hand, if you are open minded enough to  honestly research and listen to what White nationalists are saying, and  to see that our interests align, you could be a remembered figure in the  historical record. Everyone loves mainstream recognition. The  conservatives crave validity from the left, and likewise the true  far-right would gladly accept recognition by a figure like yourself.
Because of your profile you could instantly become an influential  personality in the movement, assuming you had the humility to admit that  the people there before you may have known things you didn’t, and the  willingness to educate yourself and admit your past mistakes. You could  bring the more mainstream following you currently have over into racial  nationalism, making them more comfortable with the transition.
Please don’t make the mistake of believing there is any hope of avoiding  the inevitable pariah status you will undoubtedly enjoy soon enough.  Leverage it and make a name for yourself that will withstand …


… the test of time. Surprise them with a preemptive strike, liberate  yourself on air, truly shocking them while you ride off into the sunrise  of better things and true greatness, denying them the pleasure of  bringing about your ostensible demise. Begin to cover the disgustingly  brutal racial terrorism Whites are subjected to on a daily basis by  non-White American citizens.
Forgive me while I backtrack for a page or two.
You rightly criticize the SPLC, but I wonder if you are really aware of  what its actual purpose is. The purpose is to discredit or shut down  anyone who even hints at the possibility of the existence of a White  identity.
This is what the hate against Trump for example has always been about.  They see the people who voted for him as the kind that could be  problematic in the future. Potential White nationalists if you will.  People who might not go along with their agenda forever. And if there is  one thing they’re good at it’s nipping things in the bud. You correctly  disagree with the designation of the CIS as a hate group, but I wonder  if you would …


… disagree with that design for other groups I wonder if you  understand that your most extreme White supremacist is in reality only  the equivalent of your average black or jewish person, or any other  non-white for that matter.
The point is that 25 years from now no one would question the CIS design either.
I wonder if you are able to comprehend that the black conservatives you  sometimes have on are only conservative because they very smartly see it  as what’s best for their race. They understand that there is no White  racism and that civic American nationalism furthers their interests for  the black race. This is in direct contrast to White conservatives, who  subscribe to the ideology because they think it’s what’s best for  everyone, and they honestly believe in an unhyphenated American  identity. In other words, black conservatives are actually just  intelligent black nationalists, assuming we had the same criteria for  what is considered a black and White nationalist, which we obviously  don’t.
Take me for example. I’m on death row for …


… attempting to bring attention to the suffering of the White race  (which is far greater that you’re aware of. And that’s not embracing  victimhood, it’s embracing truth). Am I evil? I don’t think I am. I’m no  more evil than the black supremacist that killed 5 police officers in  Dallas.
You’ll remember that Obama qualified/justified his actions in front of the dead’s families directly afterwards.
The double standards won’t miraculously go away, and pointing them out  isn’t petty although we are conditioned to think it is. The  persecution hasn’t even begun in earnest yet. We must accept the  inevitable. That’s all I’m asking of you.
The same dynamic I mentioned about black conservatives applies to jewish  conservatives as well. They certainly don’t care about the country as a  whole, and their loyalties are more than just divided. They are  actually undivided as they only care about what is best the jews. That  has been the case since time immemorial.
I have clearly tried to use the drive of ego …


… to entice you into my camp, but I have good intentions. I hope  that whoever receives your mail will have enough integrity to forward  this letter to you


Dylann Roof

The ONLY thing the powers that be are afraid of is if someone with the genetic potential to be a Leader, abandons the Elites and their social ladder to create their own world of Philosophy from the lurching weight of the asleep masses. They would be completely overrun and, the cycle that they'd started several centuries ago would have to be taken from the top.

Wrong thread.

Let's just get it over with, nuke everything.

Publishing the opinions of scientists on non-scientific matters is a common leftist media manipulation tactic. Scientists are vital subject-matter experts in their respective fields; they are not leaders.


ahh now I remember why I stopped coming to Zig Forums.

You are safe in Chernobyl and the surrounding areas. You are not in Chicago or Detroit. Think about it, user. Radiation is by far not the worst that can happen to you, even if you factor in consistent exposure to gammas. Niggers are worse.

That certain tribe has a habit of letting their golems get away from them
Those are my nukes now

pretty weak, user.

Germans invented it and Jews took credit for it lmao and then decided to try to give the credit back to the Germans after the Cuban Missile crisis made them a nuisance to Joe and Schmoe opposed to just an engineering marvel we killed some nips with once


Tokyo wasn’t hit with a nuke you greasy nigger

So they nuke the enemy and parts of the USA that they want cleansed.

Pissrael and all of niggerdom from bugs to beaners need cleansed with fire

yay fire!

Attached: guy with flame thrower.jpg (670x449, 48.14K)

Fuck off fed , that faggot is a nigger loving cuck
I support total peace

It will be peaceful when they are dead, a n o n…hello?!?!

Get your ass over to Iran and North Korea and say that

has bioweapons not nukes

It will be peaceful with eco naturism and only one hundred million humans left (all whites) on earth

whites or Whites?

White families. Father Mother and kids. Father the head of the house with Mother keeping the family
Much etc

There will never be a war (nuclear or otherwise). It will be a long slow death maintaining the status quo.
Never forget that China & Russia are the kikes next hosts.

Boomers lived through the nightmare weekend of the Cuban Missile Crisis when we thought the entire world was coming to an end, so we've been heavily propagandized against nukes. For pro nuke numbnut lunkheads you need to go to Gen Xers… Guaranteed these lunatics are Gen Xers who think nuclear war is a good idea.

It's just a jazz hands distraction from the bioweapons.

So long as these freaks survive and can spend their lives in comfort and ease, they consider it a victory. No matter how many die on either side.
An atomic blast lasts only seconds. The heat from hell’s flames last for eternity. Remember that, warmongerers.

Bio really is how it’s going to happen
Bugs that target melanin content and such

They will tag populations with specific markers and then release bioweapons that will target the markers. Think 9/11 but on a micro scale. Beacons go into the buildings; computer flies planes into beacons.

Sounds great tbh

Thoughtcrime, FBI needs to arrest these people for this. Also we need analmouse rats to stalk and harras them.

Fuck faggots like you, nuclear power is a meme too?

Not what they are saying at all.

Hey, just so you know, nukes are real. The mechanics that allow fission and fusion have been tested for many years. Here is some declassified footage of nuclear weapons tests. Watch it and try and convince yourself it's not real

I mean how funny would one between India and Pakistan, or the Middle East and Africa, be?

What is winning?

The 2nd part of winning is, what are the conditions of winning. But the very first part of wining is, how does that benefit you.

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It's a damn good thing those Abrahamitic traitors got vaporized. The silver lining to the bombings. If Christianity spread, it would turn Japan into Worst Korea 2.0

There are 51lbs nukes in the us arsenal. A 51 lb nuke can walk right up to ….. And sharpen every pencil for quite a ways. I think it can be done, but not with the big ones, I think the little guys can get walked right up to putins mothers house and turn the bitch into nothing nobody remembers. Bro's we have been sold out by traitors, they have filled your minds with doubt. We can kill anyone we want with true MAGA power. Do not be ashamed patriots , 51 lbs nukes can be carried in a backpack right up to where the Jews are. True maga has never been tried.

They are correct, I did the math two years ago.

Imagine if you had your nukes already in the country with nukes pointed at yours…

Boomers are a threat to national security.

Boomers are largly cowards.

Actually only boomers that have a certain "reputation" should pass on knowledge, knowledge gets lost because these people arent really preceived as capable due to circumstance.

but i thought bio weapons were banned under the geneva convention!

America jailed and tortured a guy because he revealed American warcrimes so badly he turned into a tranny lmao


I have seen what you fuckers did to him. He didn't turn, you fags used hypnosis and worse on that kid.

There really isn't a good reason to come here. Most of the people here are dishonest, dishonorable and rabidly homosexual.

This is Mos Eisley. This is where you come when the rest of the world is sleeping and the cops have already said not to yell into the night because they can hear you in the next town over, which is on the other side of the mountain.

Is this a fucking meme? Of course it's unwinnable. Did these niggers forget the concept of MAD? Even if you nuke every single piece of land in the enemy country 10 times over and everyone dies, it's still a loss if the same happens to you. Even the godless commies understood this concept and stayed away from launching nukes.

Was valid when the USSR had the Typhoons and a full battery of mobiles set up in Eastern Europe.

Right now, more than half those missiles have been left to degrade. We would win on a first strike basis alone.


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Depends on the country but the US and UK's current government policy is to use nuclear weapons if necessary to achieve strategic goals. Some countries like China and India have defensive only or a no first use policy. The article on wikipedia is interesting to read.

The above is actually a reason for why ANY immigration is incredibly dangerous. It's bad enough that a traitor could always side with the enemy and do damage; but when you're willing inviting people are openly disloyal to your nation? Fucking ridiculous.

United States is the only nuclear power to have an effective nuclear triad. USSR had one but Russia hasn't been able to effectively bank roll it. China's is a paper tiger and isn't going to change soon.

Attached: tablezip.webm (853x480, 3.82M)

You American fucks are so braindead its not even funny anymore. They do not need super special technology to go toe-to-toe with you when they have thousands to hundreds of thousands of potential agents already embedded within your "fortress". Apathy and disloyalty among our own citizenry is already a huge issue as many can be bought should the enemy ever really need aid; but they actually have their own people swarming in our homelands.

How do you think the siege of Vienna would have gone if Vienna had thousands-to-hundreds-of-thousands of mudshits embedded within? The parasite is already in the host; attacking the outside source of the parasite will not stop the parasite already inside of you.

Chicom spies are a known problem and are more under control than you realize. My libshit pozzed up hometown just put the boot to over 100 illegal enterprises run by chinks. If those fuckers had the balls to do that on a low level local scale what do you think is going on higher up? I work in aerospace. We don't let a single slant get passed the first floor. China needs to worry about their women and other domestic problems. They are bleeding manufacturing to other asians countries. You are a chink, you know damn well that asians hate other asians more than anything else on the planet. China is going to be fucked in 20 years once every other asian nation around them that was once poor as shit peaks from the explosive growth they are dealing with now. You think the Vietnamese are going to be cuddly when they've got billions to throw at some new jets and tanks? All these shit countries (India, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines, etc) are going to swarm and eat away bits of China when the social credit system inevitably bites them in the ass. That system is just a patch on the massive crack that is the CCP dam. It's going to break and it's going to be ugly.

Attached: ILikeChinese.webm (852x480, 2.59M)

Can't/won't stop tons and tons and tons of heroin cocaine, methamphetamines from being smuggled in.
Can't/won't stop hundreds of thousands of stink niggers from pouring across the borders to look the welfare system.
Gooks, sand niggers, any number of old resentful enemies could build nukes in steel cargo containers and drop them all over the country. At that size they could be massive bombs.

So uh, Jews?

Both Muslim and Catholic sources tell us that Jews provided valuable aid to the invaders.[47] Once captured, the defense of Córdoba was left in the hands of Jews, and Granada, Málaga, Seville, and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors. The Chronicle of Lucas de Tuy records that "when the Catholics left Toledo on Sunday before Easter to go to the Church of the Holy Laodicea to listen to the divine sermon, the Jews acted treacherously and informed the Saracens. Then they closed the gates of the city before the Catholics and opened them for the Moors."

Kikes never change. Jews opened the gates of Cordoba, Jews opened the gates of Toledo, they opened the gates of Constantinople, backstabbed Germany for the Balfour Declaration, backstabbed Britain for Palestine, soon backstabbing USA now, etc etc. History repeats itself unless we exterminate the eternal parasite once and for all. As a great man once said a jew can never be a patriot, only a bad insect.

It's not about how fucked China is. I have no doubt that the US, or pretty much any nation could absolutely wreck them. What you all forget is that there will be retributory attacks. I am not trying to glorify China; I think China the country is actually not a threat at all. What is a threat is their swarms of antmen that infest an increasingly large percentage of the globe. War has always been about demographics. One person with nothing to lose and an idea can kill 50 others with ease. If they have access to bombs or get some orders on what to do and how to do it from their homeland; they can do much more.

Exactly. Just a tiny percentage of your citizenry being kikes can lead to conquest. Now look at those huge hives of chinks and whatever else that are in YOUR city. Do you really think a 'first strike' is going to put an end to them?

An oft overlooked aspect of historical wars was the PURGING of potentially treacherous elements from the mainland. Germans put under watch, imprisoned or deported from the UK; Nips rounded up and put into concentration camps in the USA. They did it because you cannot trust these people when you are at war with their kin.

But we're not talking about ~45-2000 people anymore. We are talking tens and hundreds of thousands across every Western nation. The foreigner problem needs to be addressed before you go to war. Just look at the shitshow the West has had after going after groups like ISIS or Alqaeda; CIA-led controlled opposition or not, many mudshits feel more loyalty to a bunch of potentially non-existant goat-fuckers than they do to you; and they will be happy to explode themselves to avenge the fairy-tales of the media about a war in a desert half the world away.

You are not going to wipe ANYONE out with a 'First strike'. Chinks are not a 'paper tiger' when they own 15%+ of every city on the planet.


You glow in the dark, faggot.

Another reason it's unwinnable is because of how entangled logistics, infrastructure and resources are now in global trade and economic systems. Even a limited nuclear war would spark a cascading failure of logistics which would eventually cripple the world. Some of these failures wouldn't be all due to nukes destroying critical infrastructure, but rather the hostile response from other nations after committing such an act. Eventually what was meant to be limited, becomes all-out war and it's game over as result.

Incidentally that's why the appeal of cyber warfare is becoming much stronger. Because imagine doing the equivalent disruption of a limited nuclear war, but without permanently losing said infrastructure. That if unintended consequences occur, the solution is as easy as undoing it and set up some "unknown hacker" for the fall. Such a method favors the (((globalist))) mindset too, because it means the capacity to manufacture narratives without sacrificing physical assets.

the social credit system is what the west have been doing for decades anyway.

Nuclear power is clean and FREE energy, which is why they created the radiation lie and associated it with bombs to scare the public shitless, so that they could shut down FREE energy and replace it with endless amounts of (((alternative))) energies to steal money and labor from billions of gullible slaves for decades to come.

Most aren't chinese. All asians hate other asians but most asians agree with each other over how much they hate the chinese. The Chinese in USA can be split into categories. There the railroad chinks that have been here for over a century, they have no tie to China aside from lighting off fireworks for new years. Then there are the multi-generational immigrants that are still bitter about the great leap forward and tianamen square. Last are the new FOBs and at least half are spies. So roughly I'd say only 1/4 of chinese in USA are an active sleeper threat. Still too many but not the great uprising you think.

Ya and how is that working out? Not well.

A nuclear triad isn't really needed.
The UKs nuclear deterrent is carried by submarines that no one is able to effectively track (not even the UK)
Its been causing the yanks to fuss and fret for ages to the point they've tried to infiltrate the Royal Navy to discover a means to track UK nuclear subs.

Yet that whole system is probably going to be fucked once they lose their ports when the Scottish welfare niggers vote to leave.

Let's start by nuking israel

The Elites are touting Nuclear War to improve the Environment minus a Billion or so people

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Too much nukes explosions can "open" the Ozone and all of us are dead.
Only the people who are in space will survive but not for long.

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nuke war is not like a headshot in one on one situation, the time you send the nukes they will know about it immediately.

THIS, ist christfaggotry.

I actually have a suspicion that most nukes either are not functional or never existed, especially with notorious liar countries like Russia or China you have to assume that their are bluffing. Israel might be bullshitting to the point where they really dont have any nuclear weapons at all.
Its also questionable whether or not (((elites))), oligarchs and other influental people would let the Army destroy their private property™, assets are the Achilles heel of all nuclear countries.

Eh they'll just build another port.
They wouldn't be optimal in comparison to the existing ones but there would be the opportunity to make them more modern, more secure and better equipped to deal with the subs. It'd just be pricey.

Ultimately the nuclear deterrent would remain. Royal Navy would never allow parliament to scrap it.
They'd probably beach the new carriers since they hate them and refuse to take any F35s. Which would piss off parliament no end since they love both those things.

Meaning the UK would remain able to have a submarine pop up off any coastline in the world and drop a nuke.
Without anyone knowing until the nuke has hit and even then probably not knowing who did it

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