I've been thinking alot about branding recently.
Call me an optics fag if you will, but i dont think we have a chance of winning this war without a fuckton more hearts and minds on our side.
Specifically i was thinking about the level of indoctrination the average american gets in regards to the swastika.
As a teenager he sees it on the arms of the roaming hoards of the undead he either "kills" or "is killed by" in a plethera of games created for his indoctrination evoking levels of rage and hatred that speak to a truly genius form of propaganda
As a young man he watches movies where the rapists, degenerates and cut throats all wear it.
As a mature man he marvels at the ability of his ancestors to destroy the evil wearers of the swastika, regardless of their literal in some cases familiar connections to them.
The average White American is taught to hate the swastika…
What if we could change that?
Not with one action alone mind, that will take decades.
But at least one action specifically.
Namely, National Socialist Food Banks.
I am well aware then many of you actually are in possession of jobs and families you worry would be harmed as a result of participation in such an organization by ((them)). (though these people could still and indeed have a duty to anomalously donate to our organizations)
But i am also equally aware then many of you, such as myself, are relatively young man dispossessed by an educational and financial (((system))) literally designed to higher people of every other race, gender and sexual orientation but yours.
Are you going to take that sitting down?
If not i would suggest doing something that will actively help your brothers and sisters, crushed beneath the boot of international Jewry, namely by volunteering at or creating a National Socialist Food Bank.
The heart land is checkered with a thousand small economically depressed post industrial heroine filled shitholes where our brothers and sisters live in little better then well maintained ghetos.
THIS is where we have the greatest potential to grow our numbers.
Not the numbers of the "alt-light"
Nor of trump populism
Nor of cucked nationalism
But of legitimate National Socialism.
And the easiest way to grow our numbers here will be by attempting to sincerely work towards helping them as what they are, members of our people.
This will also give us chance to actually FIGHT the huge amounts of anti-national socialist propaganda levied against them on a daily basis.
When we show up delivering food?
When they come to get food from the bank
When they come to have meal at the haul
>Speach explaining exactly (((who))) put them there.
The death of evangelical Christianity and the rise of the "cosmopolitan" left has left a gapping hole where they're previos donations and support of poor white communities use to be.
We can and should exploit that opening
Yes, you got me.
I am black transvestite jew working for the federal government with the nefarious plan of getting whites interested in national socialism by helping poor white communities.
Honestly user if the jews wanted you dead the patriot act gave them you're name location while reading this.
The last 2 ideological world conflicts were won by the people who controlled the united states.
If you cant se the inherent value of controlling the most powerful industrial and militarized nation in the world home of over one hundred million ethnic europeans you are a fucking moron
your lack of attention span is most impressive.
National Socialist Food Banks
Other urls found in this thread:
Wonderful idea
Have a kike free first bump
I like this
and what happens when majority niggers and spics show up for gibs?
This would be good in conjunction with.an actual militant branch. Think Hezbollah. A fuckin soup kitchen on its own is a waste of time.
Don’t have a place for them to show up at
Deliver food to white families in need
It would be good excercise to walk food to families too
Spics and niggers in the middle Shit hole Appalachia?
They go where the gibs are user.
And gibs dont go to poor white rural communities.
Are you White today??
Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
gotcha, so it's delivery only. It could work, but navigating thr discrimination bullshit laws will need some gymnastics
If the federal government sends in fucking armed guards to stop us from delivering food to poor whites
this will be an optics win in and of itself.
ESPECIALLY if one of the zogbots is retarded enough to shoot someone.
That would be the best possible outcome for us
Shot while in the service of fellow families? The shame zog the shame tisk tisk tisk x20 million
I have a farm and a family and would donate to one nearby me. This should be done by those guys at North West Front as well as New Awakening imo. I would totally support it. I would red pill fuckers when I was there as well. - Willamette Valley user.
Interesting you think that because that's EXACTLY what a lot of cities have done to people feeding the homeless.
I don't think you've done any research on this issue before coming with your solution because it's not trivial. It's not even just Federal either, you have to navigate city/state laws as well. Then you've got the whole problem with cooking, inspections, and all other kinds of jewry.
So I've changed my mind, it's a shit idea because you haven't done any fucking due diligence to even figure out the logistics or feasibility.
I don't hate this.
Good man
This shit is honestly what the fuck is killing this board.
A thousand autists larping as the fucking purity squad without having ever done anything for the movement irl.
You know something user?
This might be a fucking retarded idea.
This might get me or my friends killed or thrown in jail.
This might fuck up every aspect of my life for the rest of my life.
But at least when my skull its the pavement and my eyes close for the last time i'll know i did what i could and i fought for my people.
I got off my ass and i did something?
You have another idea?
Fucking run with it and let me know what it is so i can follow.
Im not the leader of this movement.
But unless you got something better to suggest,
Im going to start up a National Socialist Food Bank In my community.
And if the zogbots come to (((shut it down))) ill fucking die giving hungry members of my race, starved by a (((((((system)))))))) so satanic they are willing to poison their children with "medicine" and rip babies from their mothers wombs.
This is a great idea, however, consider that Sweden is moving to banning runes and that we could get very similar effect without it being an actual swastika (e.g., Odal rune is already a semi-far-right symbol for some reason).
It would be a lot easier to start under a rune or even the black sun, or some other placeholder for a proper swastika, then when the group is large enough that it doesn't becomes news as a failure, it can re-brand.
Now, I see another problem, unfortunately. A food bank relies on donors, sometimes money but often non-perishable food. What if they poison it on purpose?
JIDF gang bang today
Start an ns commune where people can farm learn and train while abstaining from the poisons of the modern world.
You will have thieves feds and druggies come, if you can deal with that and build something positive you're on the right track. I would say try forming a group of friends interested in getting money together and buying land away from the city to start up. Then don't network online at all, delete your entire online presence and network interpersonally, be stricht about your rules but kind and practical in enforcing them, you catch someone shooting dope in your barn they have to go and stay away for a year, give them your best wishes and some provisions and hope they come back. Rotate guard duty, just have a nightwatch, just one normal dressed guy with a fudd gun, don't make obvious guard towers and wear ss uniforms, keep the highspeed shit stashed away in case they try to Weaver your ass, would suggest a means of broadcasting to the public if that happens too, live footage of a slug fest with feds could stir outrage in our favor. Also being active in neighboring communities, trading, volunteer work, being friendly and polite. This isn't impossible, but it will take serious effort and discipline and sacrifice and struggle, and unfortunately most folks are still too comfy to sign up for any of that yet.
Whenever someone proposes a positive idea, there are invariably countless negative responses (paid shills or not it doesn't matter), don't feel too bad about it.
So you're looking for a participation trophy? Your logic is shit and your planning is nonexistent. You're the fucking problem with most people, you come up with these "ideas" and don't bother to look at whether or not they're even viable or feasible. You're not any different from the leftists who just want to "do something" because "it might work". If you had any fucking brains in your head you'd realize I'm trying to help you elevate your thinking beyond this pleb mentality you have to actually get shit done, and that requires more than just some arm-chair ideation. Of course instead of thinking about my criticism you instantly react by lashing out like a bitch. So you go right ahead and fail because that's easier for people like you to do instead of actually putting in the time to really understand the problems you're hoping to solve, AND THEN coming up with workable solutions.
You're going to fucking fail at everything in your life because of your mentality. I'd suggest you just resign yourself to being a grunt and following someone who actually has a plan that works.
And both of you faggots have the same pleb mentality. You're not leaders, you're fucking grunts just like OP. I'd put all of you running point so you can take the first rounds as meat shields to protect people who actually have value to contribute.
Up North in Québec, we have an ebul nazi far right group routinely distributing food to homeless people packed inside bags with a sig rune on it.
That's a first step.
Im looking to feed my people or be a martyr user.
Either way its a win for the movement.
You literally said "hehe lel you didnt consider state or national law"
"guess its time to give up on the rise of national socialism in depresed white communities lolololol"
user they're are two possible outcomes here.
We are able to do it
We feed our people and some of them take the redpill as a result
we get shut down
they kikes literally have to take away food from starving children
It gets memed HARD by every board worth a damn
and this in turn leads some of our people to the redpill
You really arent dude.
If you had you'd have said
"this would be a good idea, but you need to look into the state and local laws first"
instead you said
"haha faggot, you dindu no reasearch before posting, you're idea is thusly inherently shit."
additionally you're the one in the arm chair user
im the one whos going to do shit.
Yes user i know
getting angry at a faggot critiquing work in the real world while he sits on his ass and pontificates on the futility of action cause "da cops would shut dat shit down lol"
practically a woman on her period arent i
user if you have a fucking solution i am
user as ive explained
even if this fucks up and gets ugly
it will be an optics win for the movement.
thats the actual beauty of the plan.
and id suggest you learn the lesson your father should have taught you before you were allowed on the internet
The word for criticism without offering an alternative is
I had thought about doing something similar myself, and I think it's a great idea. Have a hivemind bump.
Do whatever you like, your efforts will be irrelevant and your sacrifice will go unnoticed. Just remember when you fail and you have that moment of hindsight clarity, that you failed because of your pleb mentality. With a pinch of luck, maybe the experience will level up your thinking.
I'd wish you luck, but you already failed and have yet to realize it.
HEIL 007BD6. O/ Open this shit. Take your time with the symbols early on until you are established.. This is important. This way you are just the food bank guy. You can build community support then add something in. Slow and steady.
This is a really good idea. Do this shit. Really. I will donate food.
Maybe we need some literally Swastika centered paraphernalia like sweat bands.
They don't have to be Nazi flag colors but they don't have to be subtlety laid in patterns either.
Shirts are too soy.
A big orange hat with a white circle and an orange swastika would be dope.
lol make whatever you want bro
sounds based.
Kill yourself.
OP is caught up on the swastika, but its getting National Socialism to our kindred on the street or in jail that counts. I'm going to copy off them, but try a sun wheel instead. Sieg Heil, Québec!
I mean i think rebranding the swastika is an important goal to have forward,
Since is strongly suspect any national socialist activism will eventually lead to conversations about what happened in the 30s,
But look bro
As long as your self indentifying as a natsoc food bank?
You're based regardless.
Im not going to be the kinda faggot who starts a purity spiral war litterally over what are fucking banner should be lol
Golden dawn does something like this. It is / was on youtube
how avoid to give food for niggers or mexicants?
Fucking based.
This is my plan. This is what I am doing, and what I want to do. The online networking is nightmarish to be honest but I can be an inspiration to whoever, and aim to be, with what I am building.
Growing some of the finest food grown anywhere, to be donated to Whites and to feed the neighborhood, being explicitly natsoc, not breaking ANY laws, and doing that which men used to do for their elders, for the elders of the community.
t. dixieanon
Don't have time to actually read your thread beyond the subject title but I was thinking about how a church in my area is gaining lots of followers by providing all kinds of services to "vulnerable individuals" aka homeless and such.
NatSoc could gain a ton of recruits if it did "good works" to attract people who want companionship, fellowship, resources, etc. out of it. Many people joining this one Church I know just to have friends and such.
You could start with just a handful of people, like maybe 10 people, but if you can get that you can grow from there.
Hello Mr.
Substantiate your presumptuous posturing with something of actual value or go fly a kite.
There's a special place in heaven for people like you.
Helping people via a food bank, or some other charity work, is a great way to present your ideas in a positive light but I don't really see the importance of the swastika specifically. Of course, if no one actually goes out and does it then it's just talk.
Supposedly, OP's plan is to make people aware of national socialism being the good guys by showing real actions that don't match how movies/games/thugs use the swastika.
I agree though that "white solidarity" should be the first step, runes are fine but the swastika is just bad publicity that you don't need when you are starting out. Make them call you a nazi first for merely using the word "white" in a positive context.
this is a very good idea, incidentally this is how the black panthers garnered so much community support in the black community during the 60s. It gave the government quite a fright to put it mildly.
Fuck off. We need to be doing this AND cleaning out ghettos. People wake up one morning to find a house emptied of all life and all its drug equipment laid out on the lawn with a sign that says "This crack den dismantled by the American National Socialist Party." or "This child trafficking operation exposed by", etc.
Charleston NC or whatever it is that has no water still, setting up in a neighborhood there would be substantial, or Oso WA that was hit by a mudslide, it doesn't get alot of press but there are white disaster areas that are fucked for years to come that could use help.
Cant wait to see the headlines. Good idea
Great idea OP. Since many in US in particular who are homeless are often normal people who got into that situation for numerous reasons like debt, or divorce and such. Even if they are druggies who knows maybe it will give them strength to know there are some people out there who are kind and wants to help. Strength to get out of their situation.
The bonus is the kicker how it would annoy ANTIFA and the sock puppets. You would get attacked for sure though. As long you stay prepared its all fine.
We've got water in the Carolina's.
Kindness always wins in the end. Triumps evil any day. You cannot fake kindness if its methodical and continuous. People know deep in our heart what is good and wrong, sure some are totally brainwashed and messed up but they are few. Connecting them to the good is the way by doing deeds.
Flint Michigan. I'm fucking retarded.
This basically, but they're are ones that (((michael moore))) didnt bother to tell you about in worse conditions and with more white people.