Facebook unveils global digital coin called Libra
Initial backers for new currency include Visa, Uber, Vodafone and Spotify
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Never trust fake money. Kikes will keep hording gold while the goyim eat up this immaterial fake cash
how is facebook still an operating company considering all the allegations swirling around ?
Website archive
Literally remaking microsoft points. Fuck off.
im sure this will go well, just like when they made facebook "stocks" public
Literally were you retarded cunt. You paid for them with US fucking D.
Man, we're getting becoming more and more of a cyberpunk dystopia, except a lot gayer and less cool.
It's yet another kike fucking gift certificate scam.
Look Hannah you jew cunt, no one fucking cares about your soft advertisement.
Now you're getting it, cunt.
So Facebook is Lifelog is the US Government is a new government currency backed by all the mega corporations.
The best part is the loss of the fractions of cents over many many transactions adding up to many shekels in the jew's pocket. Rounding will always fall in their favor. The daily exchange value will also be oh so kosher. Oh, you want to send shekels like western union? There's a (((small fee))) on top of the fee you already paid to purchase these shiny shekels. They also need to pay a fee to exchange them and they will be exchanged at the day's lowest value. You understand I'm sure.
feel free to discuss politic here
HAHA perfect
Don't know why the pol niggers are crying about this instead of making any actual valid point. I think it's highly interesting to see facebook create a cypto. The fact it also has support from other financial groups such as visa and mastercard is quite the addition. Personally I'm not a cyptofag myself, but I've heard about jewgle supporting link cypto which exploded it's value; if I remember correctly anyways.
I wonder how crypto is going to pan out, seems like instead of government backed money the plan is to shift into corporation backed crypto. If Visa/Mastercard allow crypto to be used with their cards, I feel like that is going to be the largest game changer.
because millions of stupid goyim still use it and they are lost cause
I'm glad I always pirate musics.
user, gold is next-to-useless. It is soft and makes pretty pendants
You can even use it as a Gold Ore, and get gold if you have land with pyrite.
Stop using words like that and conflating ideas.
It's like faggots who say 'AI' when it's 'machine learning' instead.
What facebook is doing is using blockchain, which is the real advancement from Satoshi. Bitcoin was just one of the ideas on how to use Blockchain.
Blockchain, as a secure verifiable non-repudiable ledger, makes transactions much easier than whatever random bullshit banks agreed on.
Using that, then, you can place the ledger under a currency, or your transactions, or if you're autistic, your own secure virtual currency, aka a 'cryptocurrency'.
Facebook is just doing a faster, more efficient version of Western Union that'll be cheaper so that they can run it out of business as shitskins use remittances through FB messenger with grandma in the old country (who is now the main user of Facebook).
It's not just Visa, Uber, Vodafone and Spotify
This is bad. Very bad.
And so it begins…
"Cash? Just use Libra user, we're hitting the bar later!"
They are called shares you imbeciles.
Stocks are what you own before a company IPO's.
Once the shift from usd to corporate backed crypto, not only can they ban you from their stupid website, but they can ban you from buying stuff.
Not only that, they can track your purchases and control you like fine tuned economic unit.
It's more like clownpunk at this point. Or maybe cyberclown.
Gold is the only real money that's easy to store and transport, and that the jews can't simply conjure out of thin air. Commodities are fine too, but they're not as easy to transport or store, and don't make for good coin minting. Only precious metals like gold, silver, platinum can work well there.
Avoid all those companies, and whatever others join this.
You're the faggot.
Scary thought for sure. I doubt people will allow them to deactivate their accounts and delete savings, but I can imagine they will be allowed to cash you out and then bar you from use. The biggest problem I can think of is that corporations are usually not required to be as open as governments are. Which considering that governments are not very open is a huge problem.
For example let's say facebook hides the fact it had a large security breech, this would obviously lower their cypto value. However they may hide this fact and allow their (((investors))) to cash out before they bother to reveal the news. Corporations also enjoy fudging their numbers (such as facebook themselves), they could artificially inflate the worth of their cypto by pretending the company is doing better than it is, and then cash out before the crash comes.
What a time to be alive, truly I fear for the coming generations.
Centralized cryptos have been tried long before Bitcoin. They always get destroyed by regulations.
We would never do that silly goy
The pet rock was, well, just a rock. Crypto currencies and hybrids are basically still, well, just rocks. Maybe worth even less.
At least you can hold a rock and do stuff with it. Anyhow if your buy'n I have several hundred thousand newly minted, counterfeit proof, super smoooooth rocks for sale, the global IPO begins……………………………………………………NOW!
another jewish color for usury
remainder that any money with inclusive debt is a robbery
im starting a timer for "oh shit we dont know where it went" Bernanke style happening. you should screencap this
It's like you know nothing about value.
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Aren't all these companies situated in Israel?
Digicash seems like the main problem was just being too far ahead of it's time resulting in a lack of userbase. Not to mention there wasn't a large "dark web" to order drugs from, which is the main reason bitcoin even got a userbase in the first place.
Thank you, now we know which PEOPLE want to spread globohomo and ENSURE you don't have a family. We'll need tangible targets when RWDS go global.
I know that the Earth doesn't support infinite growth, and that flooding Europe with rapefugees doesn't fix economic problems related to fiat currency. I also know that printing trillions of fiat dollars to bail out banks that fucked up big time has bad long-term consequences. At some point, the reality sets in and the jew tries to create a war so he can escape with all the gold before anyone notices.
Already ahead of you, we'll need the CEOs names for now
In a world without niggers, Europeans would still reproduce at a reasonably constant increase (growth). Eventually there is not enough "Gold", which is useless compared to Pyrite. You can do everything with Pyrite that you can do with Gold plus much more. Only a fool would not see through the jew label of "fool's gold". Remeber nazis and pagans and hicks are bad and so is the hooked cross and families and biological sciences and cash and freedom and speech and guns and and and.
See the pattern.
Banks have too much power and don't want competition. My money's on Bitcoin and precious metals.
You don't need constant growth unless you're in the jewish fiat model that requires inflation. Otherwise you only need enough population to replace the ones who die. Actually you can do with even less, because technology makes things more efficient over time. But worst case, you only need to maintain a relatively constant population.
Infinite and constant are not the same. The jews see constant growth while the reality is infinite growth. You are posting on infinite, I presume you comprehend the meaning. My point is that value is ageed upon by the parties involved not by some jew central authority, even if that authority is only saying "gold (and other "precious metals") is the only mineral of real value". Obviously Europeans would not abuse the planet as we ae the stewards of the Earth; the white blood cells, if you will. The only value provided by the "finite" nature of a source for "backing" a currency is it's inability to be "faked". Dollerydoos are printed and thus the reservation with Zig Forumsacks. But minerals that have other uses are the most valuable, like a worker (including neets) vs a marxist commie (including "working" jews), clearly only one (the former) has value.
I agree. But not on the negative meaning implid by "fiat", moreso in the bitcoin communities than on here tho. If a European world used Gold as the approved currency, it would be "fiat". Technically, this facespook monies is a "fiat" within the community using it.
1. An authoritative sanction or decree.
There's only a finite amount of gold on Earth, so that's why it can be real money. I mean apart from the other stuff I mentionen (easy to store, transport, and mint). That's where the value of gold comes from, and why it was used as currency since coins were minted. There's nothing arbitrary to "agree" upon, since the universe itself created gold with those properties. OTOH, everyone has to agree with the jewish fiat currencies, because they were just made up from nothing. And when you don't agree anymore, the jews send their proxy military to bomb your contry, as it did with Libya (who was moving away from trading oil in dollars, and also had plans to create a gold-backed dinar).
"Money", epecially in the form of "cash" or "iou", is a receipt.
Usually for a product, service, or labor (work), thus, anything can be "money".
Paper is this, like "money" or "iou". But unlike "money", you can't counterfit an "iou". Maybe "money" orders are the future.
This is why cold storage for coin is the best way, igoring that coin can be killed off (deleted), rendering your paper notes valuless.
Yes there is. Work.
1. Deciding by will or one's own discretion.
A value-exchange agreement between parties is arbitrary by definition and that is a good thing.
Fuck jews. I agree with that.
Money doesn't have to be backed by anything, jews just pretend it does by grouping the characteristics of barter curency with the limit in a resource, much as they try and pretend they are some limited special resource when jews are nothing. Without the agreement between (you) and jewbanks that their "money" has value, it would have no value. The agreement is everything. This is the real sekrit.
Get lost faggot
Quit sending fags to join then you idiot.
This. Digital currencies are useless as they don't translate into physical assets that can actually be held in hand. If something like an emp attack occurs, you're left with literally nothing as far as any currency is concerned.
Cool blogpost faggot. Go buy your zuckerbux if you want, no one gives a shit
The killing of Qaddafi and the utter destruction of Lybia (cleverly orchestrated in such a way that that no one could step in and take over where Qaddafi left off) is the greatest crime ever committed against not only a "Middle Eastern" country but the world, to date. Qaddafi was by no means perfect. However. he had taken ownership of his past, and was trying to pay reparations for it. He had a education system that guaranteed a free and COMPLETE education for men and women regardless. Women enjoyed more freedom there than almost everywhere else in the Middle East. And the list goes on and on and on. Lybia was well on it's way to becoming the enlightened lighthouse showing the way to the future for all predominantly Islamic nations. And to top it off Qadaffi had the sense to realize that putting his nation on a gold standard would catapult it into a critical elite leadership role in the "Middle East" and even the globe.
Sadly, (((others))) realized this too. (((They))) realized how this one man could unravel the machinations of well over 100+ years of manipulation by the (((banking))) systems (((puppet masters))). Lybia was poised to be the lead dominoe in a chain reaction that would have seen the fatal wounding of the fractional reserve banking system. His actions would have given (((them))) a terminal cancer that would have destroyed (((them))) slowly but surely.
This was NEVER a legitimate revolution. The REAL citizens of Libya were all left scratching their heads as to why things happened the way they did. And they are suffering horribly because of it especially the women and children. These revolutionaries were imported and paid for their services, bringing Islamic fundamental extremism and all along with them, to cripple Lybia well into the distant future so Qaddafis vision would die right along with him. For the most part Qaddafis people adored him and realized he was working hard and at a break neck pace to lead Lybia to a seat at the global leadership table. It paved the way for the illegal immigration invasion of Europe and the destruction of Western civilization as we know it.
If I could have just one wish, it would not be for more life and it would not be for ultimate wealth or fame. It would be to see ((those)) responsible completely exposed down to their true motivations, tried in a global court, and executed (every single last person however more or less involved) before a live global audience in glorious 8k resolution.
>(((global court)))
Just acquire the suspects and carry out your own inquisition, and livestream it.
The issue is with centralization. Who's going to be the supplier? It's the same story with Ripple. These coins will only be "manufactured" by a select few companies instead of miners. If you control the supply you control the price. The ledgers will not be available thus there will be no transparency. They could one day decide to flood the market with their shitcoins and devalue your value in a snap. All these centralized coins you see, backed by big kike companies, are the kikes being afraid of real decentralized, limited supply coins like Bitcoin, Litecoin etc.
Have sex.
Gold is equally as arbitrary. People just decided to use it as currency but don’t act like it’s superior just because nations try to devalue the dollar by buying a lot and fear mongering. If SHTF no one cares about your coins they care about food, water,shelter, weapons, and medical supplies.
The thing that is most worrying about all of this is if companies start paying their salaries in Fakebook Money. Can you imagine the dystopian shit people will have to deal with just to get paid their wages? I am sure most people are wise enough to have an unused public profile just for that shit, but it's still troublesome to think that.
Bump so the world can see it
Yup… Going to be transferring my mined crypto into silver here soon. I thought it was cool but no more.
Schizo /b2/ nigger has returned.
gold is elemental and stable it lasts.
generational wealth can be accrued.
not true with fake money.
So they are filling the hole by addressing the issue sub saharan africans had in paying for uber?
Or just a way they can send money to minors?
Generational wealth absolutely can be built with "fake money". Gold has an intrinsic value but it's intrinsic value vs it's perceived value are two very different things.
The US economy is the biggest in the world and if it just suddenly lost all it's dollar buying power then there's going to be big problems. If the US economy suddenly tanked and inflation skyrocketed the intrinsic value of gold will be far below the intrinsic value of a pair of shoes or even lumber for a fire. A gold coin will be worth nothing more than novelty. Gold loses all utility purposes in the event of a societal collapse. Plus what are you going to do - carry your gold stash in some treasure chest? It's completely burdensome and impractical from a mobility standpoint.
Gold is dumb and that's why countries moved to fiat currency. Gold is arbitrary, backing a currency by it doesn't really mean anything as the value of gold is equally perceived for all intents and purposes. Gold serves no purpose in a collapse of society and gold serves no purposes in a time of prosperity either as it produces nothing. Stop listening to gold shills like Peter Schiff.
Holy fuck I love kikes and their currency now!
Okay, I'm back.
I guess that’s why it’s been done for so long then. Enjoy your useless gold.
That's a declaration of war against the entire world. They are going to flood the world with the slaves they bred in their global poverty racket. By giving them free phones, they now can send them endless fiat money and use them as an army who's addicted to small payments and who would do anything to keep them. If the world doesn't wake up and end the jews once and for all then this will be the end of freedom and security forever.
How many generations
So facebook want to be hacked again? Their security is bullshit and they want to be biggest spybots ever and banks love it.
Only independent crypto would work. Not with facebook and banks supporting it.
Let me ask you the question: == WHY THE FUCK BANKS DON'T SUPPORT BITCOIN? ==
Answer: Because they can't control it and get profit from it.
In far future, I think we will be using cryptocurrency but bank will not have a piece of cake so they will become other thing: Banks who can protect contracts, wills, assets, etc but not the currency. Unless it's physical money.
You got that point right. This is what is about… Control.
You can see paypal, patreon and others banning users from using them just for being republican or doing things they don't like even though they didn't violated laws. They want to monitor behavior outside of their sites like China.
Oh god, save me from that. Imagine needing facebook to use FB money.
Nice little minecraft hitlist they've compiled for us here
user, I…. How delusional are you, exactly?
It's our karma for thinking the dollar was invincible and not understanding what the dollar was, what were we trusting?
thanks for the clarification, dad
im sure this will go well, just liek when they made facebook "shares" public
now they can uber directly to europe
What are the chances someone can short it?
If it's backed by (((assets))) once the economy crashes it's still worthless.
Then we have nothing to worry about it.
You do realize gold is a shit metal, right? It's a good conductor, but there are better conductors and it's worthless in any other application. The jew craves land, as evidenced by their mort-gages to the borrower. Mort-death gage-grip. Words reveal a lot about this world most likely because that is the only weapon of the kike while humans are expected to be honorable and just, the jew has no obligation to truth and contrarily profits in deceit.
Facebook is a government asset.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite board on the Citadel.
you can short anything, shorting is just borrowing something, selling it, and buying it back to give it back to the original guy at a hopefully depreciated price at a later date, but i wouldn't do it to this as it's going to be pushed by all the elites, at least in the beginning inflating the price, maybe once the novelty wears off
gotta agree with this user, Land is worth far more then Gold, in a stable normal economy land has value, if everything goes to shit? Land still has value, land can be passed on to your children, rented out, 'put to work' so to speak and there is only so much land to go around, also there is no substitutes for land, unlike gold which has silver, copper ect as currencies and monopoly money of course
Yea gold is such a shit metal that it'll just last until the end of time. And then you compare gold with land like it's apples and apples. Yea land is good, it can generate "wealth", but you still need a place to store that wealth, and that's where gold comes in. You want to buy someone else's land? Better have gold. You can survive with land alone, but without gold, real money, the economy can't stabilize.
Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network. To join Pi, follow this link minepi.com
Gold has been part of that agreement for literally thousands of years.
Your diatribe trying to suggest that gold has no real value l then is idiotic at best. Intentionally deceptive at worst.
You can play with words all you want, it in the end they don't mean anything. You see what I did there? You are transparent. I see right through your bullshit.
And how long has gold been considered a store of wealth???
Keep up with the…
No one is buying your bullshit.