Kimmy, ignore the US. Nuke Toronto instead please.
War in Syria is waning, so Canadian state media introduces "climate refugees"
Cuckanida will literally open its own asshole for rapefugees.
What will the JEWSA do?
Either applaud them and follow suite or say "we need them to come LEGALLY!"
its only going to get worse until hitlers spirit rise again isnt it?
It all needs to crash and burn and then something new will rise.
so when does the boogaloo begin?
As soon as we come a failed state. Give it 5-10 years or so.
That album is killer
This is why it is important to debunk the climate change myths.
They've been using it to encourage soulless dumb dumbs who believe everything the media tells them and boomers that rapefugees are inevitable and needed because their lands are turning into literal barren deserts in 0.003 seconds time
(although their lands have always been barren deserts and somehow they still live more or less okay for their standards)
Because the far North is cooler, and is generally full of white people, they want them flooded with nonwhites.
NO WHERE in this world will be safe if these kikes continue.
Let the fuckers burn in the sun, we don't need any more.
Remember when a Calgary judge ruled that shouting "I hate white people" and spitting at a white baby wasnt a hate crime?
economic migrants bringing their shitty mohammed religions and backwards cultures with them.
They are merely a symptom of the (((disease)))
Was the Canadian government elected to help the citizens of the middle-east or Canadians?
They want you dead. Traitorous liberals applaud this and trotskyist conservatives are more concerned with muh GDP and Israel.
They couldn't pull enough support to continue to destabilize Syria, Iran, and Iraq so they need to find another way to flood European nations with mud skins to create mud labor apes to drown Aryan and Anglo populations.
You are absolutely correct. The people in charge simply hate and what to exterminate whites by any means necessary. They better hope they don't fail, or the consequences will be great.
Mexico, Soutb America, India and Africa are too hot, goys. You need all 2.5 billion people to migrate into your home land.
Chino California will be sending Hispanic "Refugees" to Canada soon, lol
Cold and Hot?
If the West would increase the food it sends to Apefrica, they could produce even more Diversity than they already do. Merica needs 500 million subhumans asap.
DOTR soon
It's time.
When people stop waiting for it to begin.