Two teenage neo-Nazis, who encouraged an attack on Prince Harry for marrying a woman of mixed race, have been jailed for terrorism offences.

Two teenage neo-Nazis who encouraged an attack on Prince Harry through dissemination of online material following his marriage to Meghan Markle, a mixed race American, have been jailed for terrorism offenses.

Michal Szewczuk, 19, from Leeds, and Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski, 18, from west London, were members of the far-right group Sonnenkrieg Division, described as the “third generation” of banned terrorist group National Action.

A judge at the Old Bailey in London sentenced Szewczuk to just over four years in jail, while Dunn-Koczorowski was handed an 18-month Detention and Training Order, saying their online propaganda was abhorrent and criminal.

The material was “uniformly violent and threatening” and “the nature of the violence includes rape and execution,” Judge Rebecca Poulet said. The British neo-Nazis called for Prince Harry to be shot for being a “race traitor” following his marriage to actress Meghan Markle, a BBC investigation revealed last year.

The Sonnenkrieg Division, which translates to ‘sun war’ in English, is an offshoot of the US-based Atomwaffen Division, who have been linked to five murders.

The leader of Atomwaffen, which translates into German as ‘atomic weapon’, Brandon Russell, was sentenced to a five year prison sentence in January 2018, after police discovered bomb making material at his home in Tampa, Florida.

The US-based group has encouraged terrorism, expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler and posed masked with automatic weapons.

The investigation revealed that key figures in the Atomwaffen exchanged messages with their UK counterparts over several months, in which they expressed admiration for far-right terrorists, including Norwegian Anders Breivik.

An image posted in the exchange, depicted a gun to Prince Harry’s head, a swastika, and a caption reading: “See ya later, race traitor!”

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get the fuck out of here. Learn to check the catalog first you polish inbred jew fuck.

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Our democracy.

White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites

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This fake news/psyop has been crafted with reference to Zig Forums.
(((they))) are here, watching, listening, identifying what the more naive factions consider "based" and incorporating it (under their control) into psyops.
>muh based Poles, muh savior of the White race ignore that Poland was considered the jewish homeland in Europe for the last 1000 years, due to Poles unusual love of kikes.
This absurd concoction mixes it all up.

Wouldn't surprise me if the primary purpose was to test the response here, like tossing a pebble into a pond.

Do not be surprised if a (((Pole))) messiah appears out of nowhere, threads are started here about him/her, they form a "group" and encourage anons to sign up.

If NA was demobilized, then its replacement was already in place
Find the replacement and identify it.

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Imagine being a Slavic National Socialist.
That's worse than being a White Zionist. Fighting for an ideology that considers you subhuman.

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What is the significance of the second (sandal/shoe) photo; why highlighted ?


Monkey paws

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At least if they were going to go to prison they could have told the whole truth.

Prince Harry is fucking a beast. It is not even that shocking for behavior among the royals. He had a child with a non-HUMAN.

I find there speech offensive. But it is self evident that the right to free speech is a God given right. Unless they threatened actual physical violence, the Queen and her thugs are out of line jailing these stupid teens.

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The truth is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than killing someone user.

White Nationalism, it's a winner!

Anything is better than Nigger/Chimpanzee Nationalism. I can't wait for the 'royal baby' to start throwing its shit at 'subjects'

But hey, at least you aren't speaking German, right? KEK

Already a thread you jew fuck.

Do you still have a copy of the study that niggers = monkeys infograph came from?

WTF is an X/A ratio?

The X/A ratio is the ratio between the number of X chromosomes and the number of sets of Autosomes.

Looks like they were using niggers to fill in the blanks of other species too.

Yes, resistance only causes you to further defeat yourself… the Jews have won because they control the banks and media. Until Media control can be ceased, all that awaits is genocide slow and fast nya~

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If you kill your enemy, they win. Kill yourself, and they lose.

Honk honk.

Jews are masters of deceit and controlled opposition is their favourite. Unless their media control can be broken. Anything Aryans do to resist only becomes evidence that Jews use to argue Aryans don't have a right to exist nya~

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Yet you Poles are there cleaning nigger toilets with your muh we are Europeans and equals.

One of the kids drew a picture with a gun to harry's head
This is the threat.
The other kid is "guilty by association" it seems and said harry is a race traitor.
But Prince (race taitor) Harry actually held a gun to a black man's head:
And he is a race traitor.


Bongs are going to Brexit you back to babi and then what?