What is the meaning of life if you are not exceptional in any way, if you do not look exceptional, if you do not have exceptional talent, if you were not born in a unique place, you don't have any unique skills, and you don't have a bigger goal in life?
What is the meaning of life ?
Eat, sleep and fuck to pass on the genes is the meaning of life.
Life has no meaning; it has a purpose.
Lead or follow.
To lead is to have strong (leader) genes.
Pass on these genes fused together with similar genes.
For most people that cannot think well enough(that probably includes you) the "meaning" is whatever makes sense to you and gives you purpose.
For you as a biological creature you already have a purpose implanted in your DNA and that is to breed. This is the reason you constantly want to fuck girls – it's not about the fucking, it's about the breeding. You can see it in yourself if youre honest enough.
For some of you there is also the spiritual path(even though most of you will never reach it and will mostly waste your time): www.accesstoinsight.org.
Challenge accepted.
We wuz Hindus and Buddhists an SHieett.
Shit streeting panjeet.
There’s 2 options here: either you are exceptional at something but just haven’t found that thing yet. It could be something obscure, could be something that maybe has fallen out of use (like blacksmithing) but could be useful in the future, or you simply haven’t found that thing yet. Or the other option is you aren’t exceptional at anything. Thus you can try to become a sort of “jack of all trades, master of none” type person.
The overwhelming fact is that most people are not exceptional, this is tautological. Doesn’t make them any less useful, be comfortable with who you are
The Hindus and Buddhists kill their kikes and sandniggers.
Buddhists (((kills))).
Backward donkey confused and dazed in your jewish backward superiority complex.
Find one or two close friends. What's your cell?
All your company now. In addition to organizing and selective it was very risky.
But you should choose to use it, the most risk factor is the biggest loss to the system.
Just as all the career changes will end with the eradication of the dispersal tribal seating, those must be destroyed for a new purpose.
The rotation can be enforced only through destruction of the system and if it is for the weak and the anti-fascist.
Therefore, the aim of the resistance should be to destroy the regime and lose their ability to leave and retaliate.
There are two types of goals that are a big deal. You may divide it into two or three small groups.
The first is political hiker/signal turn targets.
And chapters; Funding, government, area police.
Levers politically controlled political purposes are often represented by policy or trademark, and their destruction by a political force exempted from it.
It is easiest to disrupt economic goals. Two men with Molotav cocktails were able to go to America of destroying electronic substations and causing money to inflict damage of billions of dollars to show the weakness of this regime to prevent terrorism.
But at the beginning of the civil War, which may be necessary to destroy the political/symbolic goals to be clearly different, it is time for this opposition and a secret mystery. It's time to work directly on the system.
Life on Earth has only one purpose: either serve the Jew or fight it. They have made everything on this planet about Jews. Your life, your dreams, mean nothing to them. From here on out, Earth is about either serving the Jew… or fighting it.
We're God's shitpost.
More and more I feel like we're being tested. Tempted with every luxury the world can offer a person and enticed toward corruption at every turn but the only way to ever get out of this realm is to avoid the temptation and hold your integrity no matter how much is thrown at you.
Essentially, we have to not fuck over undeserving people and stand in retaliation against those who do. If we can do that, I feel like we will finally get a pass out of this shit hole, but if we don't, we are stuck here to wash, rinse, repeat until we get it right or eternally if we don't.
I feel as if jews are damned and they know it and no matter their behavior, they have no chance of ever leaving this realm so they just go all out on the disgusting behavior. I guess I'd do the same if I had no hope.
Life has meaning, but whenever it matters it changes.
One thing I wouldn't do, though, is fuck over undeserving people. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about it and I want to tear the fucking heads off those who do hurt indefensible people. I am a separatist, but only because I think each person deserves the right to grow up around their own people with their own culture. I think forced integration is cruel to everyone involved and those responsible for it should be skinned alive and/or drawn and quartered on a public stage.
action is caused by causation, ergo, the act of living has meaning. Similarly, the purpose of life is to act on its perceived meaning.
Having children is the meaning of life.
The goal for this here now, as a human, is to learn how to escape this dimension/realm. Ok? Read Robert Monroe's trilogy. You don't have to learn how to OBE, just learn what's going on here. LOOSE rote.
The first round. I'll stop the bumping a shit thread.
Living jew free.
go back to /b2/