Wear the 13 & 50

The new symbol of the Far-Right is the American flag.

>Btfo (((Bolsheviks))) during Cold War.

Left already burns it.
Left already tries to replace it with fag flag.
Boomers wearing flag shirts will get attacked by Antifa.

The red is for Red States.
The white is for the White men.
The blue is for the heavens who have ordained our victory!

Bonus: We don't call it the stars and stripes. We call it the 13 & 50

Attached: apigclwdh__48410.1548285349.500.659.png (500x301, 152.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>(((Zogmerican))) flag
No one's falling for this moshie

The zogamerican flag is bordered with gold tassels.

>Btfo (((Bolsheviks))) during Cold War.
The USSR collapsed under its own bureaucratic weight.

Noticing alot more threads posted by glow in the darks these days.

Interesting, pls tell me more about your… um, white scientists.

Attached: 09808656178.jpeg (470x246, 16.38K)

Just replace the stars with Swastikas, this is the true American flag.

Attached: 1561002139836.gif (245x242, 627.57K)

13/50 implies the intended association with the "13% of the population" maymay.

Attached: anp2[1].gif (368x221, 3.06K)


Attached: fb545a9dbcd872d5e2244ce34a15d06d9121173cc75e79030b48317fe17ca770.jpg (1024x803, 125.57K)


Attached: 78a.png (1593x1294, 340.8K)

the stars & stripes = 13
the box = 1
13 + 1 = 14
50 / 2 = 25 (first civil war)
25 / 2 = 12.5 or 13 as it's closest integer (second civil war)
50 + 25 + 13 = 88



Should be the civil flag.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 10.40.31 AM.png (1106x448 559.57 KB, 740.94K)

That's actually clever, if you can paste quotes by the founders on patriotic items or the original constitution it would bring the globohomo to its knees.

Fuck the American flag and fuck America.

May want to change your gameplan up a bit
taunting Americans hasn't worked out so well for the world, overall.

Isopsephy is Greek
jews simply stole it.

That eo (11,110) does nothing but make silver notes available to the people during the transition from silver to the then gold-backed fed.
Flag is cool tho.

There's also this:
Flag can't real.

The “alt-right” is composed of faggots and retards. This is a National Socialist board.

kill yourself kike


Attached: ohsaycanyousee.jpg (740x384, 90.95K)

In fact, there is no record of such a civil flag. The closest is the National Guard and some older adjacent flags that have since been replaced but were labeled "revenue" flags and were flown by military ships. The only mention of a "civil" flag is the "striped merchant flag" which is horizontal and aligns with the civil flag logic of other nations such as the Poland and Mexico, where the military/govt emblems (birds) are mising:
though it is labeled the "civil flag" here:
Remember that the "emblem" is the corporation logo and the colors are the nation it represents/controls. Simply removing the blue and white star section would be a more legitimate civilian flag imo.

Here is some guy's larp on the subject:

Is that some sort of meme misissippi flag?
What the fuck are they doing ?

i have no idea

it was in greenbay at a packers game last year or something

Attached: unnamed.jpg (1200x619, 104.28K)