Can't Poo in Loo: India's 6th Largest City Out of Water

The drought has depleted four reservoirs that supply the country’s sixth largest city, Chennai, with a population of more than four million.

>Forced to flee

>Water shortage
>By 2030, it’s predicted that 40% of the population will have no access to drinking water - and 21 cities, including Chennai and New Delhi, will run out of groundwater, impacting 100 million people, according to NITI Aayog.

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World superpower by 2020
Why whitey jealous?


Hope the pajeets put on a good show

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No one fucking cares about poos problem there are 2 billion of these fucks, just stay die and stay out of white countries and imageboards.


who could have seen this coming

Streets don't need water my friend.

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inb4 trump imports 100 million pajeets

I actually would not be surprised if this whole thing was manufactured just to have an excuse to bring more shitskins to white countries faster and faster.

You heard of "climate refugees", now get ready for "lack of basic utilities refugees"

So anybody wanna place bets on how long it takes before 1 Indian city robs another city of it's water supply and that city goes out to rob another city?
Shoulda kept the Ganges clean and body free, can't wait for the same thing to happen to China with the yellow river and the Gobi desert.


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Nobody ever stops to realize that the jews have already discarded India and moved on. It's quite literally a future glimpse of the US

Entire massive country doesn't have potable water so…
1. Start space program
2. Breed like rats.
Hey ho way to go India.

No. We shall move to USA.

India dogs die of thirst. India dogs go to hell. Happy China move your border, or no water.

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All paki people ar dirty bastards. Remind me of a time my friends mom worked as a cleaner in a small hotel and a shitskin had rented a room and instead of shitting in the toilet for whatever religious reason or not shat on the floor all the time and she would have to clean it and was not allowed to say anything to the guy about it.

Nations need to learn the art of depending on enemies for water. I could explain more, but y’all are probably hopeless.

Long distance pipes, peeps. If one nation is “exploiting” another, the exploiting nation will subsidize both nations’ water infrastructure, while the people of the exploited nation will invest in water conservation without need of subsidies or regulations. It’s highly efficient.

This problem is somehow Trump's fault too.

India is already starving.
Dixit the WHO, indian average calorie intake (which wasn't that high already) is steadily decreasing for the last decade.

That's his fault for not making designated shitting floor.