‘Climate Emergency’: Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars While Planning Mass Third World Migration
Drivers will be forced off the roads in Ireland and the population packed into “higher density” cities under a long-awaited climate plan which will ‘revolutionise’ people’s lifestyle and behaviours, according to local media.
“Nudge” policies such as huge tax hikes, as well as bans and red tape outlined in the plan, will pave the way to a “vibrant” Ireland of zero carbon emissions by 2050 according to the government, which last year committed to boost the country’s 4.7 million-strong population by a further million with mass migration.
In order to avert a “climate apocalypse”, the government plans to force people “out of private cars because they are the biggest offenders for emissions”, according to transport minister Shane Ross whose proposals — which include banning fossil fuel vehicles from towns and cities nationwide — are posed to cripple ordinary motorists, local media reports. Launching the plan in Dublin, leader Leo Varadkar outlined his vision for an Ireland of ‘higher density’ cities consisting of populations whose lifestyles and behaviours have been totally transformed by ‘carrot and stick’ policies outlined in the climate plan.
“Our approach will be to nudge people and businesses to change behaviour and adapt new technologies through incentives, disincentives, regulations and information,” the globalist prime minister said.
Urban areas will be battery farms full of war, pestilence, famine and death just like homosexual pajeet prime minister likes it. Stay away.
Jordan Hill
Any Irish fags around? Are the Irish just going to sit back and let this shit happen?
Dylan Powell
The gets in this thread tell me that this must be important.
Brody Johnson
Yes, the Irish will probably let this happen. But they'll wake up eventually, everyone will. A lot can happen in ten years.
John Ramirez
Well if the article is right, they're planning on importing another 1 million+ mudshits into a population of ~5 million, then cram them all together into high density cities. Talk about hell on Earth.
Ayden Mitchell
Yeah because fucking Ireland is the world's biggest polluter. Finally they'll be forced to get rid of their monster trucks. The bastards.
Eli Myers
sage. OP is a faggot
Jonathan Roberts
Little slow aren't you today JIDF? Did someone bring some hummus to the office?
Andrew Perez
I'm pretty sure China and India are the worst polluters and you are never going to make either of them stop pumping Co2 into the atmosphere.
Also any major volcanic eruption would absolutely dwarf all of the emissions the human race has ever produced in it's entire history. So go ahead, cripple your economy and cram into a studio apartment with 5 ebolaniggers for diversity, it won't save you from the Yellowstone eruption in a few years.
Andrew Long
potatoniggers already have a third world nation. They're colonized by a shitskin monarchy.
Climate change bullshit is just the lie to mask the globalist agenda.
Jonathan Watson
our 'elite' are fucking insane
Hunter Perez
They're both nuclear powers too, what a coincidence. It's almost like having the ability to construct a doomsday weapon makes all forms of economic sanctions irrelevant…
Jordan Reyes
That's a shame for Ireland, they have some quality women. Now their children will become pozzed by africans and muslims.
pretty much, due to the british bullying them for so long, with an added aversion to violence (due to IRA), they turned into the elite's wet dream; gullible naive people with hopes and dreams and a longing for 'freedom' for all (sub-humans) to roam in the Irish streets stealing everything from copper piping to people's lives. The elite literally can't get enough of smashing hope and peace for their own sick pleasure. They can't even deal with their fucking gypsies, what makes you think they can deal 1+ million extra sub-humans?
Ireland and potatoniggers had a shit run, either they enter the cheatcodes or they tap out and go 'GG no re'
ever see that movie "Dredd"? thats what they want for the cities. Hunger Games is the model for rural areas. both are under agenda 21, agenda for 2030, and the wildlands project.
invasion is the best tool the NWO ever had in their arsenal.
Ryder Turner
Christian James
Enough propaganda and they will make it happen in the short term.. in the long term however ……
Goddamnit you fucks. tbqh you fuckers are better than the cuckchanners, and i'd rather take your kind The pic makes my iron the big iron but spoiler it please
Evan Hughes
This happens everywhere. There is a fresh quarrel in my country about quite large EU gibs intended for climate change shit. Usual jews started crying immediately that gibs must go banks and autonomies on community, province and county levels instead of goverment. Cohencidentally at the same time there is big push from usual jews and their kosher international think tank to greatly boost independence of communities, provinces and counties to give them power over police. That could effectively turn country from republic to federation-like entity but without fed government obviously, fucking up whole country on administration level. That's what they do every day 24/7 since always in history. Just gas them
Robert Bennett
Climate cultism is just the rebranded version of the Protocols. Those who ruin it the most are the ones who are trying to "save" us from themselves.
Liam Bell
simple description of agenda 2030 jewish global communism for newfags
this is simply Agenda 21 repackaged which, consolidating populations into more manageable arrangements while reducing personal freedom of action. Standardization of all countries and all peoples according to a predefined (((metric))), with all sectors of society (agriculture, medicine, information, materials logistics) being subject to the oversight of a single committee/group IE world government. Ultimately this leads to one world currency, subdermal/brain chips etc. control of reproduction, culminating in the reduction of the population by 90%. The population reduction can be achieved in a single generation; once the new world system has solidified and been operating for decades, worldwide sterilization can begin.
Bentley Anderson
why is this in pol and not leftypol?
Adam Roberts
Irish people talk tough but they always let their own government walk all over them. Worse than any other country. I think from their point of view they are just glad its their own government walking all over them not someone elses.
Chase Walker
Seems like Ireland needs a couple of Brenton Tarrants to clean things up, or maybe a few hundred!
What happened to the IRA? Surely they wouldn't want Ireland to be invaded by a brown flood?
Elijah Powell
a better question is, why are you?
Eli Stewart
IRA are funded by communists and so they support mass migration because their benefactors do.
Chase Cruz
Zig Forums is leftypol now. Anyone is allowed to post anything here, unless it’s right wing content. Then it’s banned.
Nathaniel Wood
ok david
Lincoln Reyes
and they know this will create total chaos, crime, violence etc. This chaos will give them carte blanche to rollout the police state procedures and technologies. Ordo ab chao.
Juan Parker
Trump could have prevented this, but you abandoned him.
Elijah Reyes
I fucking hate these people. I was an environmental radical in the vein of Derek Jensen and Ted Kacysnzki before I found /b/ and later /new/ and then Zig Forums. Fuck. The green party will destroy the Earth. Anarchofascism is the only real solution.
You've all missed the point completely. Jews are running this remember. It's right out of the protocols or the communist manifesto, they want to BAN PRIVATE PROPERTY. They will do it using shit like this rather than straight up marxism. The key points are BAN private cars. And remove private property. It's whats install for all of us if we dont start killing them.
Jack Flores
All part of the plan to keep urbanites locked down while the rednecks are drugged, killed, failed farms bought up by the (((banks))), European history completely scrubbed (why I've been buying old, obscure, and dangerous books). This is the kike's war on Nature. People will see it in hindsight and commit suicide in massive numbers, the drones they've bred will keep going to work and breeding low IQ shitskins, the planet will turn into the middle east, and the kikes will fight over who gets to be messiah of a desolate and enslaved world.
Ireland is a country where people randomly have a horse and cart instead of a car. Getting rid of all cars would be madness in an industrialized country but it would probably work in ireland.
Justin Cooper
Talmudic world order. One giant open-air gulag. A technological hell from which there's no escape.
They don't want anybody leaving the cities, and they want the rural populations gimped as well. They think that by enforcing internal communication/locomotion bans between populations in real life, they can localize resistance to their tyranny. Instead of a united offense, they can bring overwhelming mass against tiny municipalities.
This is how it looks in real time >oy vey shit is fucked, we will (((fix))) it Everything is here, public transport, new kosher taxes for local oligarchs, med care to promote abortion, ban of property - cars. Batory Foundation is probably main jewish ngo in Poland and directly owned by Soros frontman zombie
They don't. The just that retarded and deluded drinking their equality cool aid.
Alexander Sanchez
Connor Howard
Quality women, posts a Jewess looking Ginger.
Gavin Sanchez
So no diversity at all.
Justin Cook
To the higher executive echelon,"vibrancy" is thinly veiled code for chaos.
No diversity, only mono-culture.
Blake Nguyen
the anciuent egyptians are cool. they could probably go net zero if they wanted. they don't because it's easier not to.
Evan Scott
once upon a time in ireland… PUBS …the end
Ethan Roberts
Potato nigger here. The Greeks called it "hubris", that overbearing type of arrogance that always leads to a disastrous downfall. Yes, our half pajeet homosexual Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and our Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross announced the "NiggerPlan 3000" a few days ago. Shane Ross enjoys visiting "massage parlors" so they probably have blackmail footage of him getting jacked off by a 12 year old girl in Belgium. This is what they want to carry out, but at the same time the government has always announces "castle in the air schemes" to divert peoples attention whenever they are getting unfavorable publicity. For example, recently there was public outrage after a 13 year old "Syrian Refugee" became the youngest person convicted of murder, after he and a friend kidnapped, tortured, raped, and killed a young girl. As well as that, a lot can happen in ten years. For example, after Britain leaves the EU (and it will) Ireland will leave as well. Our economy is and always has been intimately connected with Britain, most of our exports go there. I'm quite confident that the "Niggerplan 3000" will never come to anything. The world will be very different in a decade. The EU will consist only of Belgium, panicked muslims will be lining up around the block trying to get flights back home, and there will be concentration camps in Wales full of traitors.
Serves 'em right. The stupid snobs detest their Irish-American brethren, calling them "plastic paddies", even though they helped them by sending guns and millions of dollars to them during the Troubles. At the same time, they call any Nigerian nigger who washes up on the beach there a "New Irishman." It's fashionable to hate Americans these days and they've decided they want to be a proposition nation like Canada, Australia and the U.S. Let's see how that works out for them.