ITT I explain why what Jews want and what acclerationists promote are identical
What do Jews want?
Whites to have no political power even at local levels.
White pride of any kind to be criminalized.
Ordinary white people to suffer and die under the heel.
What does accelerationism promote?
Whites shun all political power, even at local levels.
White pride becomes inextricably linked with criminality.
"Let ordinary white people suffer and die under the heel! the worse things get the better it is! One day they'll rise up…"
Giving Jews exactly what they want will not result in winning. The drastic cultural shifts (TSA, intrusive mass surveillance) since 9/11 haven't resulted in uprisings because white people are innately law abiding, see crime stats by race if you doubt that.
> B-but the jew fears violence…
Do Jews ever lose power and control from being victims? No, and this can be verified because they fake hate crimes against themselves and other non-white groups for power and profit all the time. Victimhood will pay out big for them for as long as the mass of people remain uneducated and as long as every political functionary has an innate anti-white agenda. The shift in awareness visible in comments sections all over means we're winning at grassroots level, it originated here, and is why the chans are being pushed into the death-spiral accelerationist ideology.
How do you subvert a leaderless group such as 8ch? Not by controlling leaders, famefagging is ridiculed. You pozz the discourse through yet another critique; a tactic which has never failed. You shame white men who value honor into acting as lone wolves, and then use their actions to attach the label of "terrorist" to anyone who speaks out for whites ("nazi" and "racist" were starting to lose their power). White people value rule of law, honor, truth, and will never rise up behind lone wolves when the social landscape and legal system exists to demonize them.
Accelerationism meme is a method of making white men want the same thing as the Jew by using critiques to turn our best qualities into their tools of destruction.
Any response which cannot rationally disprove the opening premise and 3-point comparison between what Jews want and what accelerationists promote is either dumb, or kosher. We're winning the culutre war, they know it, and trying to turn 8ch and others into hotbeds of violence is an attempt to shut it down.