The governor of Oregon Kate Brown has sent the state police out to find and arrest the Senate republicans who walked out last night to prevent a vote on a massive trade and cap bill. One senator said "they better send bachelors and come heavily-armed"
Video of this statement here:
Story here
The governor of Oregon Kate Brown has sent the state police out to find and arrest the Senate republicans who walked...
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To not widow women?
Lol no, it’s to send loveless men willing to risk death; married men know love and want to live for the sake of their wives.
Yes. Both.
Nothing will happen
But if something does happen ill be here checking dubs
Man its gonna be great
tell us what this trade and cap bill is about, OP
double double checked
dubs tell escalation is a good thing
Oregon needs cap&steal because their pension system are heading for insolvency.
So another societal shit test we'll undoubtedly fail?
>Oregon would become the second state after California to adopt a cap-and-trade program, a market-based approach to lowering the greenhouse gas emissions behind (((global warming))).
I hope you're right. I'm just impatient.
Your impoverishment to pay for shitskins.
It's the transplants voting for it. Although, this governor was actually born and raised in Spain.
Cap & Trade is such a retarded idea, that it could only have been invented by Shitlibs. It does nothing to actually decrease burning CO2 into the air. The idea that you can pay shekels to some kikes to make up for whatever CO2 you released is typical Liberal NIMBY pass-the-buck hypocrite insanity. It is only a backdoor tax for kikes to abuse to siphon off even more shekels from you to pay among themselves. It is only an exploitive financial assault tactic to keep living your opulent unsustainable environment destroying lifestyle, while passing the imaginary buck down to some 3rd world shithole peasant. no wonder Left Cost limousine liberals in Commifornia and Portlandia love Cap and Trade. they can virtue signal that they give a shit about saving the Planet without having to do anything themselves about it–like sacrifice any of their First World carbon spewing post-Information Age creature comforts.
someday soon–within the next 30 years–California won't exist, because it will be 100ft underneath the Pacific ocean. there will be a few fucking fossilized Boomers who managed to escape Commiefornia before The Big One sunk it into the ocean, and these Boomer scum will buy up all the land ringing Arizona Bay, and they will not have changed one iota, and they will boast about how woke they were and how much work they did to make other's pay the price for making the world a better place. then those last Boomers will all be shot up by a Right Wing Death Squad full of 35 year old Zoomers, and their corpulent corpses will thrown into the Pacific Ocean covering Hollywood.
You’re a fucking retard. You know that , right?
I promise you California will not be physically underneath one foot of water let alone one hundred feet of water
You’re fucking stupid you nigger slit
This. Kikes will still jet set around the world in their private planes to and from their luxury homes.
Mr. Al Gore himself never did give up his private plane with its "muh high carbon footprint"
Quick, do that State of Jefferson thing again Oregonians
Finally a old school post, I'm thirsty.
Northwest Front now pls
Why is no one talking about this?
Because it doesn't matter. Jews always get their way. No one goes against jewish law.
There are no women in politics.
Watch out for the pearls.
Always the pearl necklace.
Why would this even be federal legislation??? Let individual states decide to cripple their own economy and we'll see how they compete with the rest.
Oregon is apparently a major agenda push from the Trump campaign for 2020 as he feels it is in play. This issue right here makes the Oregon DNC look fucking terrible along with the Wyman shit from the other day supporting censorship.
I wonder to myself if the Oregon republicans are working with Trump to set up and make the states DNC look fucking terrible because they think OR is in play.