as a black WN. What should I do now? I got redpilled after the mousqe shooting. And now I hate Jews,niggers, and faggots.
I really do want to help the whites. Their a great people. I really do wish I was white at times. So any advice?
Advice for a black WN
Help your people build their own nation. We don't want to trample non-whites, we want them to go away. Many of us are willing to leave this country to create a white nation somewhere else. You should be willing to do the same for your people.
I suppose that's true.
go back to africa
What he said
Assist your people, but redirect them to a constructive cause that isn't anti-white. You don't have to hate yourself, you just need to promote self-improvement and work ethic.
I'm an Asian white supremacist. White people are obviously superior to every other race, in terms of appearance, health, intelligence, morality…. the only reason anyone ever denies this, is because they're afraid of the truth, or too venal to accept it. Your sense of empathy is not just something that permits social cohesion, it also permits you to anticipate your enemies by being able to feel what they do. It's a fucking superpower to someone who doesn't have it.
Although you took it to extreme level of permitting Baizuo faggots to exists, which is hilarious….
Don't identify as "Black™".
Color labels strip you of your ancestral heritage and cultural identity.
Rightfully blame the Jews for the slave trade and find your way home. Take a bunch with you to transition well back into your original land.
It's 'they're a great people.' Not 'their a great people', aside from a grammar lesson, there's not much you can do. Just be a good person, a kind person. Look after yourself and your family. Good luck!
White racism is ironically the only hope for niggers to ever live in semi-functional societies. Think of it this way, niggers flood white countries, destroy them like locusts, then start cannibalizing each other because their population cannot be sustained without the white man. If whites genocided most niggers in the world, the few of them who are not total apes could go back to parts of Africa and try to develop there in peace and prosperity with white man's guidance and help (but without too much contact).
Genuine racists would never support slavery, because they know that it eventually leads to miscegenation and degeneracy of whites (who are removed from the fruits of their labor and instead turn to decadence). Slavery is a Jewish/semite practice and it ruined both whites and blacks long term.
As for advice, support segregation and fight hard against race-mixing (think of all the black women who suffer because their men go after white whores while white men can hardly be with black women due to having functional selection mechanisms) . It's also very shameful to be seen as a sex object and not a genuine person, being some rotten cunt's pet. Alternatively, form your own war band of negro gentlemen and take over some African country by defeating it's warlord, building your own wakanda there. I don't think Jews would approve though, it would be bad for business,
Kill yourself on livestream for us bro
People want the trivially comprehensible world of the ancient idiots, those long-ago ancestors who said, “go to hell and die,” to the unwanted, and lo, God often answered their prayers in winter. We don’t live in that world anymore. The most overpopulated regions are the regions that never did.
You have to bring your planning up a notch. Learn as I have the art of being kind to be cruel. Make people live with each other. Protect them, and you can cherish them into oblivion.
Hard choices will need to be made. The US is unfortunately a battleground, the dominance of the ones who once stood before now stand behind and what was lost cannot be reclaimed without war. Ideally, the various icons and leaders of the various ethnic factions residing in this country would come together and decide whether war, coexistence, or peaceful departure to be our future. Realistically, it's a childish notion and chaos shall reign as said factions eventually reach a boiling point and open acts of aggression are wrought upon the desolate landscape we call home. In Europe, the only options are genocide or eviction. Seek those amongst you whom are worthy, if you possess any intelligence greater than those around you then you shall recognize your peers instantly. Educate them, prepare yourselves accordingly for any and all possibilities. Know that conflict is natural and inevitable, despite the distaste and abhorrence that the truly privileged and gifted amongst all peoples naturally harbour.
As you see on this board, despite the asininity and cowardice of the typical user, there are many who are quite militant in accordance to their causes and beliefs amongst the European Peoples. There are many who feel this land belongs to them; and those amongst them who have resided upon this soil for generations, they have inherited rightful claim of such. Your people undoubtedly feels the same. As we prepare our own for any and all inevitabilities, I shall reiterate that you do so as well. Be absolute when it comes to others, forsake the savagery of the heart in return for the pursuit of all aspects of civilization. Inspire your people as we try to inspire ours. Destiny belongs to those who have issued their edict of possession, by word and by action. Those who fail shall suffer the judgement of induction by the ones who have staked claim upon their very lives.
Salvation comes to those who have earned it, not to those were given it. You are my brother in spirit but not in flesh nor mind. I wish you the most sincere of luck, and may our paths never cross
Some good points here too, nigfriend. If you can redpill others they become symbols to the black community that help break the stigma against nationalism in general. Just like how the white people who marched with MLK convinced many whites to feel comfortable switching sides during the civil rights movement. We have to break the barriers somehow, and elevate this debate into the public consciousness. We can't be picky about the means when our mission, ironically enough, is the one that will bring about real racial freedom.
Redpill your own race on the benefits of segregation and about the degenerate kikery.
Tell other niggers to kill Jews, not whites. Then go back to africa and build wakanda.
Help your own people and we'll help ourselves. As long as you fight Jewish supremacy and are against racial mixture, you are bro-tier.
read natsoc literature, educate your people.
They can't even recognize themselves in the mirror you think they can pick jews out from white men?
Try to study from the lessons of Liberia and the talented tenth. Leave white territories and take your brethren with you. Start asking these questions to other talented tenthers and not white nationalists. Good luck, user.
WN are idiots , well at least in America .
Im Pro-American "nationalist in its own right" , and has it nothing to do with race.
WN always end up being Nationalist Socialists.. SOCIALISTS!! .
People like you ate a sour redpill, focus on helping to restoring the Constitution and Bill of rights. I do hear you,, fuck isreal and fuck islam.. America First..
rap about it
Baizuo isn't entirely a fair term, given that the most extreme of leftists frequently (if not 90% of the time) end up being racial jews. Open white genocidalists, pedophile advocates, other sexual depravity advocates, etc.
mumble rap about it to encode the message so you dont get deleted for hate speech
To be an American nationalist is to be a white nationalist, you retards, I presume boomers. It was blacks who wrote the Constitution or Bill of Rights; it was whites, through and through, who did and who built America. They are America.
*It wasn't blacks
This one was FAR more damaging and I consider it the worst crime against humanoids that has ever been committed on Earth. Hundreds of millions of blacks fell to the predation of Islam for 1,200 years of Africa's history.
Arab/Jew mafia in Haiti responsible for live organ harvesting, sex trafficking, economic oppression and torture.
Least important but still substantial is the jewish (semitic; NOT EUROPEANS at all; a separate race of people) ownership of ALL the slave ships. The Europeans were the ones who fought a civil war and the Barbary wars, against Islam and jewish interests to stop slavery.
(((Jewish slave trade))) routes
Become the iron fisted, well spoken leader of a black community. Rise to prominence speaking the truth. Don't get killed by nation of Islam. If you're black and you can not be a degenerate and become a recognized community leader then you will be the first nignog in history to do so. Do not try to fix niggers, but herd them toward a constructive goal. Just remember that you're going to have to be an iron-fisted motherfucker because they don't listen to reason. Have fun, talented tenth guy.
They always fall to degeneracy. If they didn't they would get a bullet and not a platform.
I'll be interested to see if OP can exercise some agency and self discipline. But I doubt it. It'd be fun to see him prove me wrong. It'd be really fun to see him on video someday ranting about kikes in front of a sea of chimping niggers.
I'm a white nationalist more or less but I'm sympathetic to mexicans. Not sure where that puts me
Honestly, improve yourself and your local community. I honestly want the black community to get to the point where I don't have to support it. That is honestly it.
This is what 90% of the people here honestly believe, they are just trying to be 2edgy5you and don't want to say it.
Fuck off and go join the taco benders you opted out of your race to support.
I have a significantly darker view than you, user. However if I never see another nigger face I M I G H T forget about my desire to kill them all.
Yes, we are socialists.
Whites have to help Whites but Blacks have to help Blacks. That is the true spirit of National Socialism.
read malcolm x, and tell your other "based black friends" to read it
tell them MLK was a commie that wanted government to control their lives
apparently david bowie is the ultimate draw for whites
An illuminati fag with one eye? I just tried to ignore that he posted that as his OP photo and give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't intentionally being insulting.
Move to Africa, and start a movement for all blacks to move to africa nya~
He needs to start the movement first and then move over there; because if it goes the other way around he will come crawling back on his knees just like all the other niggers who spend time in 'their african homeland' and no one here wants that.
support nationalism for all peoples. start by moving to africa and encouraging others to do the same. promote marcus garvey
gather yourself some of the few smart niggers and do what you can to find a nation for your people that isnt hell
I agree find a few smart blacks, build an army, then establish an oligarchy in africa where the dumb blacks are ruled by the smart ones
Study Louis Farrakhan's work. That guy knows the score.
Kill all niggers who act like monkeys, this is your very first step to end stereotype of niggers. Second go back to africa, build your country there if you believe blacks can make good civilizations. Third, prevent blacks going to africa. Simple but unfortunately we know average IQ of blacks are 70 which is why they only know gibbs and destroy like the rest of africa
this. same goes for whites
identify with your nation and/or religion
Aryan is a state of mind more than a race, but understand that you carry the nigger gene even though you're not a nigger yourself (although here we are all niggers. majik gets btfo'd on Zig Forums) and that is a worry. I'd be cool with tossing you a coal burner and allowing you your own piece of land but the group would probably be opposed. There's no easy answer for guys in your situation and I empathise. maybe sterilization? I'd go for it if it meant the greater good of all peoples, but I'm pretty much the poster child of the Aryan man so I'm constructing ways to breed like a rat since I'm getting close to the age where it's important.
I know I don't stand alone in saying I actually like blacks. Not the nigger-culture the jew created, but the blues and soul blacks from the 50's. the ones who lived under Jim Crow laws segregated to their own communities and creating their own internal economies. They kinda had thier own thing going which was admirable. I could see you wanting that again and someone has to lead that movement. We all have to agree that the experiment didn't work out so well and not let our progeny ever forget how awful things went when we tried. "hey guys, we gave it a shot, but its time we all go our own ways! thanks you and see you across the fence lines!"
Wakanda forever.
No, seriously…make it happen. Make Africa Great!
You’d probably need a hard eugenics program to get on the same level as whites. Just do it In you ancestral home then our peoples can talk about have an alliance or something.
Elevate your race. Or work on building a new one. A race of your sons that are a gens, in the roman sense, the evolian sense. Those people, if you put in the work, won't be niggers like their relatives. They'll be a race unto their own.
People forget that the spartans were related to the jews, yet were the most un-jewish people ever. Why? Because they quit being jews and became Spartans! OP, those from lower races must elevate themselves and their offspring, and form higher races. This is the path forward. This is the path upward. God has not damned us all to the lesser fate.
Thats your job to show them. Add "rich" somewhere.
fuck off capitalist cunt. I'm not going to leave some poor man dying in a ditch because of a couple bad life decisions. What about the kid who didn't have rich parents but has an IQ of 160? You know what happens to him in capitalism? Check the pirsons, faggot. There are plenty of those kids all grown up. Wasted potential. Wasted life.
Socialism is caring about your brother who has fallen on hard times but is willing to work to remedy himself.
Capitalism is telling him he should have never let himself have a bad moment since he didn't have a rich daddy.
You cunts need to realize the white man needs to be an example to humanity, not inhuman. That's the jew way. You want to live with the jews, well… I guess you already are but I don't want to! So fuck off!
You wont have that when they are back in Africa. Thats the problem, they live here.
That motherfucker gets it!
Gotdayum! It's good to see National Socialism spreading the globe. A flicker now will be a blaze soon!
go form Wakanda OP, our hopes are with you. Keep to a small area and we are fine sharing the world with you. We love blacks here. Pol Tower makes the best gumbo.
Tell your fellow blacks that jews ran the slave trade and owned most of the slaves. Demand reparations from them because they're the richest group in the entire country.
Bowie didn't say that, The Thin White Duke, his last tulpa said that. Bowie was an epic Tulpamancer, and it was disagreements with The Thin White Duke that caused him to commit self-harm and more or less kill his entire system.
Show your people the truth, blacks are way easier to redpill