In this thread, I'll lay out reasons why the Alt-Right/Zig Forums stands to only benefit for an attack on Iran
Thoughts or anything else that I should add on, it's a solid list so far
In this thread, I'll lay out reasons why the Alt-Right/Zig Forums stands to only benefit for an attack on Iran
Thoughts or anything else that I should add on, it's a solid list so far
Other urls found in this thread:
Cianigger thread
Nigger post
Iran is one of the only anti-Jewish powers on the planet right now. Israel has been gunning for their destruction for decades now. I hope they get a nuke so both America and Israel will be powerless. A war in Iran means the deaths of thousands of innocent white people. The destruction of Iran means only a stronger Zionist grip in the ME.
You scared nigger? Does the image of the U.S. military mowing down shitskins get you scared?
There’s your problem OP, the false left vs right divide. Reality is both sides are pro Jew, just that one is pro Zionist and one is pro Marxist (who happen to be overwhelmingly Jewish). Either way it isn’t the jews shedding blood. Just us.
Oh and now it all makes sense. We are not the Alt-Kike here.
There are no white people in Iran. Only Iranian "people"
It makes me hard.
Also remember that Iranians are literally Aryans. It’s where the world stems from etymologically. They are significantly mixed race, but nevertheless are genetically our cousins and share many of the same Y-DNA haplogroups as us.
This war essentially will boil down to Israel vs Iran. Let’s be real here. And that means it boils down to an Indo-european people vs a purely Semetic people. I’ll sode with the people who are our genetic cousins over the literal slime subversives that are the Israelis
Really user? Who is paying you?
You are walking on thin ice, Agent Schlomo.
Nope. No. Zilch. Nada. Nein. Nyet. You are WRONG
Enjoy your time in the sun, your day is coming soon.
I fuckin hate Muslims
Ruined Canada and the people, brainwashed Leftists cucks
They want to kick me out of Canada
But I'm native, I'm a Jew hater, I also Despise those pedo Muslims
implying a pair of pliers can't destroy an electric grid.
Run now.
Am I?
Educate yourself. Unless you are a zogbot then off yourself
Alright, you guys know the drill. Just stop fucking responding.
Yep. Yes. Yeppero. Si. Oui.
Fuck those commie cucks
They can go die as much as Trudeau can get more autistic
As stated they are our genetic cousins. This is indisputable fact
Why do you think Hitler spent so much resources studying the Indo european peoples?
Ammo wasted on a country on the other side of the planet is ammo not being used to take back Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit. Our brave soldiers should be fighting in those cities, not Tehran.
I completely agree and am on board but only if we bomb Israel into nothingness first. Muslims and jews are bad news. Thanks for agreeing, OP. Gas all kikes first now.
Clearly a Jewish shill, thanks for highlighting a new ID to filter
I should kill some kebabs here in Canada hehehe
There are shitskins invading our borders who need shooting at so why do it halfway around the world? It's closer so the logistics will be easier than the logistical nightmare of fucking Iran.
Another Kushner Crew thread? IDF can handle Iran themselves, right? Or are they pussies that need the US?
Glownigs have been posting this shit all day. You should be fired for your bad shilling
According to your shitty fake news map, Poo in Loos are not only white but WHITER that Nordic people
Do a backflip off a cliff, nigger
Hello glowfriend, make sure to screencap all posts agreeing, hit print page and then scan. Promotion coming your way.
Hows the weather in Ankara?
You reported my previous post about electric grids.
What did I say
Why do you insist on tempting fate?
I told you. Thin ice. Very thin.