So now that it has been confirmed that the feds post here, even though we knew this 3 years ago...

So now that it has been confirmed that the feds post here, even though we knew this 3 years ago, is there any chance that we can redpill them or is their brain to high on ZOG propaganda to be receptive

Attached: 1560230799976.png (800x500, 654.75K)

their brain to high on ZOG propaganda to be receptive

I dunno, what do you think?

Attached: NSA mossad.png (693x1407, 704.88K)

Attached: us-israeli.png (1948x1256, 1.71M)

Attached: sayanim.png (678x3648, 313.22K)

Attached: NSA ISRAELUSA.png (432x4060, 2.41M)

Attached: mossad.png (2975x2710, 2.21M)

Attached: MAX.png (2000x1467, 1.73M)

There's zero chance. This is the group responsible for Cointelpro (including the assassination of Fred Hampton), orchestrated the green scare and considered Occupy Wall Street to be a major threat and is openly pro-kike.
The government already has the right to detain you indefinitely under the NDAA 2012 and is already engaged in constant data -mining. Zogbots arent going to be swayed by le redpill.

they're in spooked mode atm, all posting has been paused indefinetly until further orders.