So, You want to form your own separatist paramilitary group.
Unlike other posters larping and honey'pottin on this here board, you're the real deal. You've had (some) inside access to ZOG and various levels of government. You understand how the system works from the inside, and You have a plan to defeat it- without getting anyone who joins you put in jail or worse. Nah.
The problem is that most of y'all are just larping ZOGposters and informants and Moshe posters each trying to out-troll the next and getting big eyed over anything serious on this board before your next toke and your next email to cyber command. There aint nobody from atomwaffen posting here.
Few of you understand power dynamics. Few of you understand or can achieve good strategic planning.Hardly any of you who legitimately want to start an insurrection really do- you're either larping to sniff out those who do, or an idiot who doesn't realize that the first rule of an uprising is to wait until shit hits the fan.
Shit doesnt hit the fan for quite some time from now. There needs to be bombs hitting the ground from a foreign power that we can't overwhelm or a complete and total collapse of our financial system for that to happen. Ain't either going to happen as long as the US military and ZOG banking systems control most of the world.
Literally nearly every paramilitary group that is currently or has previously risen is fully staffed with unqualified idiots.
But we can talk about it, right? We can talk about what it takes, right?
What do you think it takes? Lots of guns? bio weapons? a secret cult of followers living underground?
I personally think all you need to really carry out an insurrection is a dedicated team of people with half a brain in their heads and a few tons of high explosives. You use the people to achieve an underground logistics and supply network, and then you conduct training missions and evasion missions until you're sure you can outwit ZOG, and then you wait.You wait for shit to hit the fan. Then you blow the goddamned bridges, all of them, seal off an area, if you can, a large area with plenty of homes and land, and then you expand. You blow every goddamned bridge but one and you bulldoze and backfill and dig out all the barriers you can,
and you make it impossible for ZOG forces to push inland rapidly unless they use actual troops from the air, and if they use air, well, maybe shit hasnt hit the fan as hard as you thought it had. You enlist, blackmail, bribe or intimidate every authority within your range to silence them, and you just keep pushing outwards.
You build enormous walls all over the fucking place and shut down all air traffic and erase all air runways and straight stretches of road, and you just keep goin.
Sure, maybe little timmy wont get his amazon goods on time, but the surest way to kick out the entity that is the SYSTEM is to paralyze his economic capability. You'll wind up living like the amish for a while, but eventually, some goods will get tooled locally, the currency will stabilize, and people will learn to barter instead of going off to some supermarket for their chinese-made garbage plastic toys.
What do you think? If there ever was a real civil war, and you had to choose which side of a river to live on, would you live on the one with access to the internet, Zig Forums, etc, or would you live on the side of the river that was free?
ZOG people- if you're here please post what you really personally feel. There may come a time when you drop all notion of civic duty and all notion of paid employment and actually start thinking about this sort of thing. What would you do? How would you unify the people? Where would you draw lines of alliance, what would you choose to be your unifying belief to keep people together?
If an foreign power nuked DC and major economic/industrial hubs only, crippled our electrical grid and comms grid with a few EMP blasts in designated spots + graphite dust,
and somehow the secret bases and planes intended to house our leaders got wiped out, how fucked do you feel you would be?
What would you do? how long would your resources last?
the ZOG dependence on imported goods, like Rome, only lasts as long as ZOG has power over them. The moment that's gone, Rome is toast.
Do you think mexican exporters will continue to send shipments to ports that can't honor a debt?