The US Air Force has declared war on incels, it seems.
A recent photo posted from Andrews AFB shows the group being targeted as a possible terror threat, going so far ar to misuse memes.
The US Air Force has declared war on incels, it seems.
A recent photo posted from Andrews AFB shows the group being targeted as a possible terror threat, going so far ar to misuse memes.
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Come now rabbi, is this REALLY Zig Forums material or are you just upset that we keep bumping the NVIXM thread?
Gamers are unironically the most oppressed minority in US.
First the White House made a smear campaign against us, now the army.
Whoever made the edit they used in their diagram badly missed the point of the virgin walk meme.
Its almost like government agencies are completely useless. Have you checked out the NVIXM implication thread yet?
No, not yet. I skimmed some of the earlier threads when it first came out that Allison Mack and that stephen king look alike had started a sex cult but I haven't followed the story very closely. Celebrities and Elites are always doing that kind of fucked up stuff in their free time. They exist in a whole different world from regular people because they don't have to work or worry about mundane shit like bills and mowing the lawn so they devote all of their time to degeneracy and you end up with stuff like NVIXM.
Whats the tl;dr of the implications? That law enforcement is so worthless that they didn't learn about the cult until one of its members threw a tantrum and ratted them out? That's about the only way I can guess they got discovered.
Why are they sliding Zig Forums ?
Youre a beautiful person.
Being in the USAF if you aren't getting laid in the dorms then you are a serious failure of epic proportions. I don't think people really understand the level of dorm hoes (which is what they are called) and roaming pussy that is constantly on the base in the dorms. If there truly are incels in the USAF then I am feeling very bad for those assholes.
Not your marketplace faggot. Don't advertise your blog here.
stacy did literally nothing wrong
They dump their slides every weekend before shabbat, regardless of happenings or not. Mods specifically ignore this time of day when the yids are most active before temple. It's 8pm in yid aviv now so they'll have their secular and shabbos goy handle the rest of this evening's shilling.
To be fair, the service STD rates should tell the tale.
How do they tell if you're in incel or not?
Forgot all about that, shit….. yeah that was definitely an issue. If memory serves it was some nasty shit but easily cured like crabs, yeah pretty sure that was a big one.
After the Army's performance in Afghanistan, the proper course of action is to just take the fight right to them. Fucking pop them right when they step off their base to get their veteran discount on mountain dew.
Do the board a favor and go be a nigger somewhere else.
If they really believed that they wouldn't be incels. A sense of entitlement, plus the proper endowment leads to titles.
keep shilling your thread faggot
They check your bank records to see if you bought any video games past the age of 16.
Wow, this actually real. This must Brave New World, you have act like a homosexual and engage in multiple sterile sexual encounters to be considered "normal". In truth, the elite knows the power of seamen retention and wants to keep it from normal anons.
FYI, that picture is by a transformation fetish artist called Sortimid, and those are both the same girl.
What if my wife bought them?
welp you just ruined it for me, yet another redpill I didn't need
I really wonder what they're citing here – what they would consider a "reliable source" in this context
Wow, how many branches of the US government actually post on Zig Forums?
All of them.
You kidding? Military intel is all over Zig Forums as well as active duty members. Trust me when I say that time in the service offers a lot of downtime boredom which leads to net surfing.
Pretty much your main form of entertainment while in the service (depending on base of course) is random dorm pussy, your friends, playing pool, playing Goldeneye or reading Zig Forums.
==GODSPEED AIR FORCE==Time to get some drone strikes on these incels, before they turn the world into a virgin shit hole like Japan. The USAF has a target list here.
That explains a few things.
Can't speak about what is going on with the British service but nothing like that is in the US branches. If you are ever bored just look into the situation in Germany where the local female talent is getting run over two times from Sunday by every American serviceman in the country.
At Ramstein it is at such a level where there are literally flyers handed out on base of how to not get STDs which is very odd for military bases. Yeah Germany is a serious fuck fest, Osan/Kunsan as well.
Most base commanders, actually every base commander that I know of, have a type of "nothing to bother with, they are doing nothing wrong" mentality and only crush someone for making the branch look bad. That shit you just posted there, damn, that really sucks for those British servicemen.
No redpilled Brit servicemen have confirmed if that poster is even legit. Anons keep posting that same pic without even knowing where it came from or who made it.
This poster is a literal nigger.
Oh boy, the mighty chair force is afraid of incels. So this is the modern american military. No wonder Trump cancelled the Iran war.
spot on. These kikes are afraid of us discussing zogbot's war on Iran.
Why would anyone buy video games today? I stopped buying decades ago (pic is one I actually bought). You can get basically everything for free now.
You mean barracks, right?
Nah, chairforce calls them dorms.
Because you have the money and want the dev to make more like the one you played.
The only hard part is finding games that are even worth playing. But there's nothing wrong with buying them if you can, plus it's easier than checking torrents for viruses in a VM like I used to do.
Please try to improve your financial situation user, you'll need it to have kids.
I will. How much are they paying you guys these days?
pls enlighten me
Fat sluts with cucks for men should shut up.
Marxism and the Bible turn nigger sluts White?
jews have light skin but are not white. notice she also acquires black hair. she becomes a jew
Poguephobia is on the rise.
This shit looks fake as fuck to me, just like the supposed Pepe or whatever the fuck 'right wing extremist meme watch's warning poster that was hung at another supposed air force Intel base which was debunked as well
Being this assblasted because of things being said on online imageboards. Creating avatars of their perceived enemies to later launch attacks on them. Looks like an easy marxist spotted for me.
She's not a nigger, it's just a tan.
After a Toronto attack awhile ago I praised the attacker and posted incel memes.
Later on CSIS visited me.
I am an incel but fuck, it's not my main worldview, and I'm not committed enough to incel nonsense.
I knew this cancer was behind this shit meme.
Whoever made that post can't even spell the word fascism correctly.
No, you let normies that cant into piracy pay.
Piracy saved us!
Lol, they don't even get the memes right.
What I don't understand is why is the Air Force over any other branch of government, or glownigger agency, is bothering with groups of people who are unable to get laid? What does this have to do with maintaining an armed flying force?
only losers do this unironically
lmao nigga
are you actually retarded, white boy????
No surprise considering the military allows niggers and women in leadership roles.
Those chaos cultists are not even hiding it anymore. Mfw the world is literally turning into W40k universe.
Western armies are the greatest source and enforcer of poz, so it's normal for their commands not wanting people to question things. Casual sex is a population control tool. Kikes plan to dispose of them anyway as soon as globohomo reaches a phase where national armies are no longer needed in order to maintain an illusion of countries existing. Not chasing STD ridden vaginas (or assholes) all day and educating yourself on places like Zig Forums is the last thing that they want.
NXVIM is so much more than just an idle passtime of the rich. It is rather a desperate attempt by the Bronfmans to regain their lost fortunes and influence. During prohibition they built their core wealth selling booze to criminals like Al Capone from Canada. Obviously bootleg booze is no longer an item. Nor is cocaine frankly. The 70's and 80's are over and a lot of the big profit margins in nose candy are gone. Apparently the big profit item is now child sex slaves. $60k for a pretty child is a normal price and there's endless numbers of there up for grabbing. The Bronfman sisters had to buy an $11 million private jet to transport all the cash they were raking in to South Pacific tax havens that were out of range of smaller more affordable jets.
Online play requires owning a legit copy. And online play is the only way to escape from the boredom of fighting AI bots if the devs were too lazy to include headless clients for your multithreaded CPU.
What are they gonna do? Bomb them from the office?
Makes sense. The jews who control the Air Force need a loved one to threaten or raunchy sex videos to control people with.
Imagine WH40k but where humanity has no emperor. That's what we are.
The Aryan volk includes Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs.
No it doesn't LOL
Yes it does LOL
Not sure a proper version of this meme is possible.
Both of them are vile and I would laugh at their mangled corpses.
Nigger what are you smoking
I think that the true Terra is far away and that this is one of distant, lost worlds that's long overdue for exterminatus.
Oh it’s chair force my mistake plz no bulli
The Becky is fit and does freaky things in bed.
Hispanics, not South Americans.
Thanks, finally there will be hope for the continuity of the white race.
stopped reading
All because of the symptoms caused by kikery at the federal reserve level and beyond.
Actually I know a real Stacey in real life and she's a real blond blond, with blond eyebrows and eyelashes and everything though she's not into tanning…she has the creamiest of creamy white skin. She's far more beautiful than any of the wretched batch of current movie/TV/music biz stars right now. She comes from a very prosperous family but she chose instead to become an ambulance attendant because she loves helping the sick and the injured and the fact that over 80% of the calls she makes in her ambulance are to skid row to revive dying junkies doesn't matter to her. She's a sweet little angel and I adore Stacey with all my heart.