I am of celtic and anglo stock will my children be lower on the ethnic hierarchy if I marry an ethnic pole?

I am of celtic and anglo stock will my children be lower on the ethnic hierarchy if I marry an ethnic pole?

Evidence would be good such as art, history, culture and such with evidence that the person bringing about such high culture is an ethnic pole.

Attached: bq-5c28d8e400b9c.jpeg (500x500, 41.85K)

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Just have the White Children first.

there is no "anglo" stock.
The Angli and the Saxons are different than the Bretonic people (Bretons, Welsh, Cornish) and each other. If blonde/blue you can be a Saxon or Welsh. If bald and blue you are Breton. If brown and brown you are Cornish. If black and blue you are Angli. You would need to post more info. Haplogroups and features please.

Chances are, if the polak is blonde/blue then you are matching fine, since most North Sea People are Norse as are the Northern and Central Slavic peoples. Check family lineage for jews tho since before USA and Israel Polllland was the largest home of the jews.

Read about this man:

Im of recent irish heritage with a greek nose, brown eyes and hair and pale white skin

Attached: maxresdefault (1)

Careful mate. The same people pushing the "Slavs are not White" want you to think that Irish aren't White either. Or Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Hungarians, and maybe even the French.
And then there are the puritanical ones who maintain that the Germans, Swedes, Danes, Norse, and Balts are not White either.

Based on the shitty Reddit-tier meme, and your awful op, I'd say that you couldn't get any lower.

you mean russia

If they aren't white they aren't white I have insecurities about irish heritage sometimes,

If Celts and Slavs aren't White, no one is White.

no they'll be white, have as many kids as you want

What is important IMO is not 'White' because even the Ashkenazim could make some sort of claim about their 'whiteness', but are they European or not.

why are the
that will be 5+ hopefully

in addition to sperm donating too the feminist liberal lgbt types to water down there lefty genes bias to the left.

There is no genetic bias towards left or right.
It isn't even clear what left or right is.
You could call the left right and the right left and you'd be entirely correct.

and don't donate sperm. You're bound to contribute to bad parenthood.


Khazars are neither White or European. They're glorified turks.

once upon a time each white nation had an distinct identity and was fierce and proud to be their particular type of white. and yes, just like niggers abos, indians, chinks, japs, whites, and mexicans can be ordered in term of intelligence and humanity, so could the white nations be ordered. poles are on average dumber than english.
they are all white. but some groups of whites are better than others.

the top white groups are
1. pure bred germans ( the few who've still got the pre 1945 blood lines )
2. english
3. french
4. italians

Sound like a Scot to me mate. Maybe Scots-Irish/Ulster-Scot.
King Geytholos
Your kids will be courageous warriors. Go forth and make babies. 300 babies.

Nice judaic album cover

poland was the jew sanctuary in Europe for 800 years, when the rest of the continent tried their best to kick them out.
it is the reason for ww2 ever happening.

the only sensible answer.
in answer to op's question, if the pole is an above average pole, then there is no harm in it.

For 300 years, and before Hitler finally removed them jews increased and reached TEN PERECENT of the polish population, or 3 million jews in 1939, that number increased when they were raped by communist slvakians, ukranians and russians. Poles are literally the source of all ashkenazi jews in the world today and are sub human and need to die, do not marry them.

meant to say roman nose

btw here's some deusvult jews in ireland

Same thing tbh.

Donate sperm guys

Any of you guys donating sperm to water down the left-liberal lgbt feminist types I am doing it, because politics is according to pew large part genetic, remember if its not you it will be some antifa member or male feminist, do it user please, make an user facebook, join a group and tell them why they should pick you and where you live and are willing to travel if a few guys decide to do it thats maybe a 100 soldier in total in addition to massively meeting your biological function.

souf west front

Part Slav, Part Germanic, and part Celtic (especially in the south). Oh and the Prussians were in large part Baltic.
Part German, part Celtic, some Norse, and even some pre-Celtic Briton.
Part Celtic, part Germanic, and Part Italic
Part Germanic, part Greek, part pre-Indo-European,… um… I hate to say this Italian bros… but there's a smidge of Arab in there.

There's your pure groups.

Anyway, I do not dispute your obvious statement that not all White groups are the same. But the idea that Germans are pure in any way is preposterous. All you'd need to do is to look up an abridged version of European history and you can figure this out.

just follow your inner desire .
your dna will attract you to the corresponding counterpart.


Any of you guys donating sperm to water down the left-liberal lgbt feminist types I am doing it, because politics is according to pew large part genetic, remember if its not you it will be some antifa member or male feminist, do it user please, make an user facebook, join a group and tell them why they should pick you and where you live and are willing to travel if a few guys decide to do it thats maybe a 100 soldier in total in addition to massively meeting your biological function. captain

I said a smidge.
Though I see that Italians are also part Celtic in the north. Celts. They got around, damnit.

Honestly, preserving your specific ethnic stock may not be viable at this stage. As long as she's white, shoot many loads in her.
According to recent studies Poland has an average IQ of 106 so they have pretty good genes. They also saved Europe from mudslimes. Sounds like you got a good deal OP.

u forgot part cabbage. all living creatures have genetic similarity to each other. its not the similarities that make us distinct, its the distinct combos of genes.

this is such a simple concept i don't see how u can miss it. i think u've got a wrong conviction, the preservation of, u are willing to discard reason.

lol we got one of them

Attached: Haplogroups_europe.png (743x764, 752.16K)

Any of you guys donating sperm to water down the left-liberal lgbt feminist types I am doing it, because politics is according to pew large part genetic, remember if its not you it will be some antifa member or male feminist, do it user please, make an user facebook, join a group and tell them why they should pick you and where you live and are willing to travel if a few guys decide to do it thats maybe a 100 soldier in total in addition to massively meeting your biological function. captain

these haplogroup maps should be seen as the territories of empires of certain tribes, even though they ignore national boundaries.

from what i was saying b4
the best white genes on the map
1. red-orange ( german )
2. red-purple ( anglo-french-spanish )
3. light blue

but this just one haplogroup.
irish are well known to be a backward ancient people, good at talking crap, but crap at reasoning.

so what others are saying is true : an intelligent white is the best white, regardless of origin


Tall, blonde, green-eyed slav here.

I'm I2a then. I think.

it's not "one haplogroup", neither are these "genes"
this board is like time travelling to 2005 or something, it's like the last ~15 years of population genetics never happened and all you can see are old ass maps of Y-DNA haplogroupS
for your information, the haplogroup I1 is closer in terms of philogeny to semitic-related J1 than to R1 derived lineages

Attached: PCAWE.png (2560x1440, 224.02K)

Maybe so. But that is irrelevant when you come along pretending that Germanics are in any way pure and perfect.

Also, you know what's really funny? Your red area of Germany is the most liberal, most passionately loyal to the jews.

Poles are whiter than Celts, faggot


Polish kike spawn

Attached: PA-12029583-390x285.jpg (390x285, 28.9K)

yes, because of the anglo (read: white jew) admixture

Attached: anglos are the missing link jews white people.png (377x61, 5.38K)

nice D&C thread schlomo. saged faggot

Attached: Polish athletes World Championships.jpg (264x191, 11.28K)

Yes there are jews in every white nation. They are in Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Sweden, Norway. They are in Japan, China and Korea. They are in North America and South America.
Thats kind of why we hate them here. If they stayed in one country they wouldn't be an issue


I cant tell what your thumbnail is supposed to mean


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take your meds schizo

muh aryans
So many Love me i am Polish threads lately. You are not fucking wanted , nor you will never be white.

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Villinovan Italians are the most white point on your chart tbh.
Iranid/Assyrid/Levantine is the least white.


yes, slavs are untermensch compared to western europeans (Germanic/Romance). they're still white and a hell of a lot better than non-whites, but they're a step down on the race latter

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