So now 2 entire threads about 5G have been deleted. Are we not allowed to mention these weapons at all? None of you are concerned about this?
(OP must be at least 200 characters… um… it was before it was deleted)
What is the point of erasing our conversations? Why would anyone come here if they are going to delete what you say.
Pointless. There am I at 200 characters yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off back to high school
Because you keep making ZERO-effort threads. Put some effort into it next time. This isn't /liberalpol/
Freedom nya~
any in depth discussion of dew is prohibited on Zig Forums
how bizarre.
You guys spend all that time looking for feds on this site but come on its clearly owned by them
shits classified for a reason no?
make it an RF General thread
and then some 5g discussion can happen but the focus would be going off-grid/innawoods with a comptech focus
A lotta potential side effects, govs don't care because they are in a race to build the new spy network. Many people may suffer, we don't know yet. Invest in antenna real-estate if you want dosh. Invest in Faraday cage clothing for health and sanity.
WTF is it with you and trash images that have no relation to the topic?
So sad, you really are sheep that consider others as superior to you. Those you serve do not have your best interests in mind.
You are allowing them to remove your individual power so fully that we have all become rabid dogs in cages snapping and biting at each other while they silently and calmly roll out the next thing that you have absolutely no say in.
I'm watching a video of kids with cancer laying in hospital beds with the mysterious next gen celltower right outside and they're talking about how they are 'not allowed' to make the connection between the two.
What level of personal cost will it take before people collectively break out of that cage and reclaim their voice.
You know our choices for the things that directly affect us in our lives should be as simple as us making a choice. Instead here since we have no choice at all we have been left to yell as loud as we can with absolutely no affect at all.
Fuck off kike.
humor the shills don't chuck too many pills in the beginning, make sure they feel they can still turn shit around. The thing is public opinion on 5G is shifting, even your average run of the mill normies are getting legitimately suspicious, so there is a team reserved just for these kind of threads, their scripts are mostly normie oriented so the kinda stick out here.
as soon as someone uploads a datasheet or the schematics under the dome compared to actual pics of the hardware everything will be over anyway. good luck!
Call me crazy, but invest in a some Orgonite pyramids. Place them near the recently AEP smart meters if you have one, near your own wifi router, and all around your house. This is of course if you're not planning on moving off grid to get away from any potential exposure to 5G, or any toxic EMF waves in general.
Bro I don't give a fuck. why do I have to include a fucking pic to begin with. This wasn't my original thread to begin with. I commented on a thread that was doing just fine about this topic to begin with.
When that thread was started I mentioned it in the OG thread which was then deleted.
This is now OG2, why don't you restore the original thread so that we can continue our conversation. what is this baby ass bullshit. let us speak!
I don't usually come to this site and no wonder you chase people away with this bullshit and why in the fuck are you deleting peoples conversations? What is the point of that? FEAR?
What are you so afraid of? for fuck sake. where do we go for true freedom of speech then, I actually thought it was here but not even close
Who knows where you want the fucking thread to go or how you want it to go? don't care just trying to talk
good luck with your control drama as you try to perfectly point the shit hose as it spews out perfectly with your proper regulation.
Daily reminder that the kikes are super pissed that eurochina registered thousands of patents for 5G while israel partnered with pajeets and failed miserably.
Ok, let me ask the 1-million dollar question about 5G here. How do I know my region has active 5G wireless connections? If I have something against 5G, the first thing I want to do is if there are active signals around me.
the effect is that your thread gets shut down.
military training and civilian training regarding radar is very different, because they are allowed to teach you what can be achieved militarily with radar (it is not just about acquisition and tracking let me tell you)
Your ability to remove the platform for others to speak just because you don't like what you hear will at some point be removed from you.
You would probably have to check local projects from your city council. But 5g needs more antenna space by design. Find out largest antenna real estate companies. Find out land ownership, if it is within 5g distance spec and theres a lot of them. Then it is proposed site for expansion within the century.
Could you elaborate? How is it dangerous? Any evidence? Anything? Make an actual thread with at least remotely meaningful OP next time.
So local, home 5G routers are relatively harmless, its the huge antennas that are the problem? I cancelled my internet provider last year because they wanted to give me a fucking 5G router, and didn't offer any other type of wireless services.
Literally every single leftist corporate platform already does this.
The 5G routers you can get aren't 5 Gigabyte, but 5 Gigahertz. Still not good to be around routers in general tho.
And you can also go in to the router settings and disable the 5 G/Hz there, most come with 2 and 5 G/Hz that you can connect to.
Ok, just want to be sure. Gonna lead my neighbourhood in an anti-5G tirade and remove them all from the apartments. I got landlords ready to give a compensation for renters willing to remove 5G if they have it in their homes.
Didn't know about that, thanks.
i don't think 5G wifi is topic of this discussion. OP is desperately trying to get the thread nuked so topic must be worldwide stealth rollout of phased array 5G cellular.
legal is a good angle, no insurance company will ever insure 5G hardware.
Leave for reddit and never come back. Its very obvious that you are not from here.