It's time we got another meme going, accelerate this whole thing.
Let's start another poster campaign, similar to what happened with "It's okay to be white."
I'm thinking of this slogan, same format as the "It's okay to be white" poster, except with small accompanying images after each sentence. I'll put the description of the images in parentheses below, after each sentence.
The Slogan:
Feminism is FREEDOM. (Feminist fist)
Motherhood is SLAVERY. (Chains)
Abortion is a RIGHT. (Child emoji with red X over it)
Pro-life is OPPRESSION. (Giant palm pressing down on people)
Progressivism is JUSTICE. (Justice balance)
Conservatism is FACISM. (Swastika)
Spread posters like these all around your area. Don't be a glownigga and add blatant catchphrases ("1488", "Multiculturalism is White Genocide"). True though they may be, you won't convince the normies by sperging out and revealing your power level all at once. The best redpills are subtle, slow, and insidious. These slogans work best because they seem innocuous to the average indoctrinated liberals, but seem kind of extreme to normies, which will slowly redpill them.
Spread these online, too, especially on twitter. Use hashtags like #FeminismIsFreedom, #MotherhoodIsSlavery, #Truth
to spread it. Just don't make it obvious it came from Zig Forums, or it'll never catch it. You have to make it seem like it genuinely came from crazy liberals (but don't make any fake accounts too crazy, or it'll seem like a parody account). This might be too much to ask from you autists, but if you can really spead this and keep your powerlevel hidden all the while, you'll really get the pot shaking again.