Librarians protest the CIA at American Library Association Conference

"Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of librarianship, so we protested."

In a statement handed out during the protest, the organizers explain that "The Central Intelligence Agency stands in direct opposition to our core values…. That is why today, we join those librarians who came before us as we stand up to oppose CIA recruitment at the ALA Annual Conference….The CIA has participated for decades in the violent overthrow of governments while propping up dictators all over the world. The CIA believes in absolute secrecy for itself, but total surveillance for all others. The CIA makes use of ultra-secretive 'black sites' to conduct torture and extrajudicial detention. We need not list their entire history to show that library workers should not be associated with them, that the CIA's actions are incompatible with the values of librarianship. In an era where democracy is in jeopardy, where the government and its agencies are under the control of a dangerous white supremacist regime, library workers must take a stand against undemocratic forces — particularly those as powerful as the CIA."

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these librarians have larger stones than 99% of this limpwristed degenerate country.
shoulda been a librarian.

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truly great times when you can laugh at (((current year)))
this is now a whitepill thread

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There are librarians who work at the CIA, how insensitive.

Dont these dykes realize the spooks work for them?

they don't realize anything anonymous. At all

The problem with the modernization of libraries is that any old cat lady can run them now. Back in the day a liberal arts degree wouldn't qualify you to read a kid's book during story hour. Now all the librarians are crazy cat lesbos.

It's just plausible deniability. All librarians are spooks. They have Tor nodes in libraries for a reason.

and gitmo pilled

When did the government become white supremacist? Trump fired early on the one guy that might have fit the bill.

>"In an era where democracy is in jeopardy, where the government and its agencies are under the control of a dangerous (((white))) supremacist regime, library workers must take a stand against undemocratic forces — particularly those as powerful as the CIA."

The radical Marxists that the (((CIA))) helped to create is turning on its masters

maybe the penny is just starting to drop that the extreme left will soon be hunted down and harassed just like the extreme right is currently.

Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!
Everything they stand for is a violation of the values of friendship!

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They recruit through habitat for humanity for fucks sake. They will recruit anywhere they can.


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based landwhales

How in the fuckitty fuck fuckersons do they actually believe the government and its agencies are a white supremacist regime?

Fucking librarians are so disconnected from reality. My mother was a librarian before she married and then turned into fat piece of shit that does nothing.

I am a librarian and yes a lot of them are kooky. People say, those who can, do, and those who can't, teach. Well those who can't even teach go into libraries.

Nice. They're protesting to have no CIA glowniggers in their library.


I have a cousin who supposedly works for the CIA. If legit, it's all nu-male faggotry, trannies, and a bunch of feminist sluts who're upset at the FBI for constantly crashing their super secret parties and arresting their people for trying to buy and sell shit on the supposed dark web. These protestors are probably paid shills or CIA assets trying to sway political shit by saying CIA = Republicans.

Even crazy cat ladies hate the CIA.

Jews told them. They probably listen to (((NPR))) constantly as well.

But how the CIA managed to work when Obama was in charge? These people are literally retarded. Their IQ should be measured and deported in case of

I don't really consider anything brave about this at all. There is 0% risk of anything happening to them, and if anything they would probably drive up CIA recruitment by guys who dislike trashy women and figure anything they dislike must be worth a shot.

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That's cringy, if I would have been there, I would have stood against them… then ask if they are hiring.