Iran executes Ministry of Defence official on charges of spying for US

Why is this relevant to recent events, if this is such an 'old' case?
Seems as though a message is being sent given the timeline.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Based Iran caught another mole.

Iranians are on a roll. They also made a cartoon about Trump recently.

Iranian Cartoon Depicts President Trump as Zionist-Controlled Bumbling Fool Who Aspires to Be on $100 Bill

Seems like they know Trump is a zionist puppet. Ouch. Iran the only based country left on this earth? Unreal.

It's why they are so hated.

Kek! It could be more explicitly about him being a Zionist puppet though. Still, brownie points for our Persian mutts.

You will never be white.



There must be retaliation ie, tit for tit.
pic related - will she be found necked ?

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Oh shit, Trump responded.

Attached: Best Wishes.png (700x400, 360.71K)

Space nigger. Fuck off kike.

Get the fuck out.





Earl start to the shilling there kikey.

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Telling the truth about IRAN and its kike infestation (the same one we have in the USA where they are traitors from within as well) is not ‘shilling’ you MOSSAD FAGGOT.

Wtf I love Iran now

Is moving to Iran a viable option for a Zig Forums - minded individual?

How stupid must you be?
The timing of the execution is significant. This guy must have been a very high ranking CIA asset - their own (((Majid Javadi))).

If the US is a jewish controlled puppet why is a Iran actively antagonizing them? Wouldn't that just give them an excuse to get rid of them and build greater Israel? Something smells fishy in all of this and its kikery but where does it start and where does it end. Iran doesn't have the strength to fight directly with Israel or the US so why start a war

Always satisfying to see ZOG take another dirt nap.


Dunno. try halfchan for answers to your remarkable and astute thought process. Thanks.

So is drawing conclusions based on similarities far fetched?

they told me to come here


hebrew had no vowels

iranian regime;s "80,000" fighters didn't materialize.
israel the fucking roth manufactured kike fake state is 1/10th the population of iran, not even 80% of it jew.
it has nukes but realistically samson option isn't really an option due to ABM.
what purpose does it serve for the iranian REGIME to continue its attitudes and continued open hostility (beyond what is necessary or even effective in keeping israel on a leash) serve?
iranian regime serves itself and itself only, just like how roths serve themselves and israel is artificial. the regime has been "installed" after carefully cultivating the situation needed for it to happen (through centuries of purposefully incompetent rulers). The lynch pin of the rabbit hole is that people were asleep the whole time and unaware of the true dynamic.
(((who))) financed khomeini's rise?
iranian people have been "sheparded" into playing a foil role to fucking kikes because you NEED two sides to initiate regional conflict.
Ironically the path to destroying israeli and jewish leverage (we are da good sandniggers kvetch) lies with iranian public willing to stretch their thinking about how the world actually runs and how they have been corralled into a situation and regime that is against their benefit.

American supremacy is on its last legs. Good riddance.

thats what im trying to get at
what i think has happened is that
jews have given Iranian leadership some sort of deal to play the bad guy. John Kerry and his trip over there was probably when all this was penned out. get trump into a war and we have something to go after trump. once he loses the 2020 election we will give you more benefits. if trump still wins then Iran is Freedomed and Israel gets what it always wanted anyways its a giant kike ploy

Iran knows that the US is in no shape to strike back.

maybe he is the one who shot down the drone for israel?

So why did Drumph pull back the planes ( if this was the case) from mid flight?
Did they kill HIS mole?

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All these fucks are semites user.
The only purpose of this war is killing europeans.

Remember when using Daily Mail as a source on Zig Forums would get your thread laughed at and saged into oblivion?

I am sure there are other sources. But got the gist.

Why don't we execute traitors spying for Israel?


our guns are just for show

might have some relevance really.
the key is that iranian regime holds hostage the "sentiments" of iranian people that only it, and ONLY it, can "stand up for iranian people's identity/pride" etc. when in fact all of its actions are mainly directed towards keeping power domestically and keeping iranians under a certain "mentality".
They use what WORKS aka "jews are deceptive liars and evil enemies (true)" "mossad continues its activities and subversive sabotages (true)" and presents itself as a solution.
Why then, is iranian state media housed in the same building in NYC as (((jew york times)))?
Why then, would they not do everything they claim they can/want to do in order to wipe out israel (they can)?
khomeini and its regime doesn't work or serve the iranian people, no matter how much they "allow" MEK attacks on its irgc cadets to go ahead, or take open hostile stances against US to induce reasons for it to remain in power. US obviously cannot allow kidnappings, captures, continued hostility to go unanswered, so we take an aggressive posture. By making the war PERSONAL (kidnapping and so forth) by the iranian regime, it creates necessary reasons (resulting hostilty) for iranian public to HAVE to support the regime.
israeli mossad actions further goad the iranian public into this mind set.
Reality is if you want to WIN or resolve a situation you need to be aware of the entire dynamic and commit to course of actions and cooperation with potential allies that WORKS.
Instead, iranian regime continues actions and "forces" its people into a situation where they "feel" they have no other choice than to side with the regime.
As soon as REAL MIGA (make iran great again) got going in 2018, what happened?
Meaningless censures in the government to placate the public, some money here and there perhaps, and finally the attack on young IRGC cadets that was allowed to proceed so that people will forget about dissent.
who benefited from the attack ultimately? Does US military somehow gain great advantage by bombing young cadets with no fucking experience or battle front value just at the time when iranians were ready to wake up?
Logic and reason wins everytime.
mossad complicity in keeping iranian regime in a mode of reactiveness, their PURPOSEFUL actions in this regard while somehow housing iranian state media in their media arm (office location), as well as doing business indirectly with top iranian regime figures (organ, drug, human trafficking) is the key to resolving this mystery.
At the "top" of these intelligence organs, they really care nothing for the public or nations. More than few mullahs and plenty of israelis keep bolt holes in the west or other parts of the world for this purpose.
Corruption is the enemy.

doing this should definitely be on the agenda.

I think its that trump may have realized that he was in a catch 22 and i think trump is first motivated by his self that getting into a war would not help with his reelection chances. Trump likes to gift the kikes but he also likes stroking his ego and the election is more important in this case.

Nigger, the mullahs are loved because they took the oil revenues and built schools and hospitals. If anything like that were ever to happen in the US we would have free healthcare and education. The US regime is likely to fall before the Iranian one.

nothing better than having 'good kikes' rule over you and rape your kids while performing human sacrifice rituals, right user

Do you know how many people the US has executed for espionage? Look it up. The answer will shock you.

"tongue boy, give me some good tongue like it was my asshole."

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none? look at how many dual citizen kikes we have in the white house and in congress right now

bill gates and (((soros))) are (((philanthropists))) and builders of schools and hospitals to lol
the key is that it's so easy to mislead and placate those who are "feeling desperate".
how hard would it be to indulge in that kind of show in front of 1970s iranians who suffered decades of mismanagement and interferences from mossad and see aye a/ other regional powers?
deception isn't a deception because it's obvious. It's worth LYING because it is.
regime and in similar fashion, DEMS and other such similar corrupt actors all cultivate their "loyal demographic" just the same way.
create problems, present solution.

Close. 2. The Rosenburgs. We just don't execute spies.

The jews will never let us forget.

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There is also a major department of BAE systems in Saudi Arabia and they seem to be the biggest purchaser of hardware outside the US whilst never fired a shot in any major conflict, why the stockpiling, why is that. Why all countries in the middle east going to pot majority shia (barring former main Sunni rival Iraq?)
Why the sudden cosying up?
Turkey can openly shout at Trump without a hint of the US navy advancing via new Zealand (because they get lost, satnav says no!!!)
Now get off my laptop which isn't even connected to WiFi let alone the Ethernet C**ts!!

and yet, we should

nothing to forget user.
do you really think that The Crasher, crashed for no reason? They will never 'have the moon under their feet' because they are fucking imposters. the universe is against them completely

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it should have happened lol

As an American, I would love to pay 7 cents for a gallon of gas like the Iranians do. Rather then funding their government through tax farming and usury (the Jewish way), they nationalize the mineral wealth and fund their government that way.
I don't see the Whiteness of capitalism. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't believe that the nation's wealth should be privatized because Ayn Rand thinks so. Also, I don't believe the Q-tard (and mainstream) propaganda that Iranians are just aching to be "liberated."
Pro-war Jew shills should lead from the front. As a veteran, I see the humor when the generals named the Israel/US joint exercises the "lead from the rear" exercise. They were smart enough to know that the media Jew and the government Jew and the Jew shill that operates here would never pick up on it.
Let's face it. Despite the best efforts of the synagogue, the Iranians will fire at the US military without any fear of a response. Watching the quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) White revolt is something that I never expected to see in my lifetime. Nothing could dampen my spirits.

you would like to have 'financial security' over the intact assholes of your sons, user? You will probably live to see that day, then since all you really care about it money over family and letting foreign fucks rule over you.

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Looks as though that recent events were designed to further strangle Iran into submission.

"He said economic pressure would be maintained unless the leadership in Tehran changed course."

"We're putting additional sanctions on," he told reporters. "In [some] cases we are moving rapidly."

Kek. They're all khazars and edomites. The only antisemitism that takes place is israeli murder of the Palestinians

Foreign fucks already rule over me, and they have their whole lives. I'm watching the Jew scream "CHARGE" at the top of his lungs and the White man not budging. I'm happy if a lifetime of small efforts on my part have contributed to this epic victory. Like I said, nothing will dampen my spirits, friend.
Don't let me stop you, though, LOL.

^this is an example of a (((shill))) playing both sides, just using small events and one particular topic to get you to focus ONLY on that (more real the better) while ignoring the whole picture (purposeful). emotional manipulation injection.
The fucking mouth lol

guaranteed (((schumer))) and pelosi aren't up to doing any more jigs lol
fucking idiots.

notice some responses to your posts. (((responses))).
at least two of em are genuine one liner (((shill))) "smears".
off topic, irrelevant, all just denigration or distraction.
Keep this line of thinking alive, anons.

they are still going to genocide you user. you not fighting them off and saving your own people isn't going to decrease that possibility. but I can see where you are coming from. Eat some more pizza and watch some more niggerball (I can feel your arteries hardening from here while you kick back on your barcalounger).

Reminder that Iran is the good guy in all this.
Reminder that the bad guys won WW2.

reminder that they are all fucking SEMITES and not our people. they are foreign fucks who are none of our business and we shouldn't give either semitic 'side' the time of fucking day since they are both globohomo subhuman trash people who are part nigger rather than European.

They can't genocide me, man. The people are safe. The only people who are sweating bricks right now are named Chaim and Moshe. Iranian Hassan and Mohammed don't seem to be worried. I'm not worried. Day of the rope is closer than ever.


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when will you 'Q' tards go back to your containment board. Why are you fucks here???

Look at codemonkey's twitter and look at the majority of the people of reply to his posts, there is a reason he keeps the pro-Trump banners up.

When the President orders Whites to their deaths and they say no, it's only a matter of time.
All I'm saying is that, if you're a kike, don't be the last to leave, LOL.

Good. Every last one of them are Mossad assets. And wasn't he the one who ordered the drone be shot down?

Pic related is you nigger.

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i thought the iranies were okay. i don't get what israel's problems is. when i look out over the calm and boring lake i realize how much i took it all for granted when i was a kid. i'll never look at it the same way again. this is a paradise compared to all the death and war.

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Press S to spit on the dead CIAnigger.

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It's telling that whenever anyone says ANYTHING even remotely levelheaded or not just knee jerking in regards to being positive about what POTUS is doing, (((you))) shill niggers IMMEDIATELY start "smearing" calling people (((names))) likes "ziodon" "kushnerbot" "Qtard" "muh trust the plan".
if boy wonder kushner was really a near and dear mossad asset, regardless of the idiotic jewy shit that may or may not influence DJT as much as (((msm))) tries to insinuate in every article they put out about kushner (pictures carefully selected for grima wormtongue imagery), then (((you))) kike and glowie shill fucks wouldn't be advertising it as much.
Fucking STUPID these obvious cunts.


>It's telling that whenever anyone says ANYTHING even remotely levelheaded or not just knee jerking in regards to being positive about what POTUS is doing, (((you))) shill niggers IMMEDIATELY start "smearing" calling people (((names))) likes "ziodon" "kushnerbot" "Qtard" "muh trust the plan".

The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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wow, so going to let them leave and how many cryptos and others are you going to leave here to 'rule over us'? This sounds like you all are working up to 110…fucking beauty of a plan user. Just let them leave and they will never come back, like never came back before.

live and let live, right user?

Goddamn it. THEY NEVER FACE FUCKING JUSTICE, NEVER…and we are left holding the dicks of the fucking trash POS that they imported into our nation.

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Get the fuck out faggot.

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(((their))) attempts to keep distracting, confusing, demoralizing the people to take over the discoures on and offline will FAIL.
It already failed, and no matter what events they attempt to engineer, what they try to do in order to harm or confuse the people, they will realize that either they BOW to the will of the people (who are much smarter than they and probably know the game better too), and/or they will just be made to disappear.

>tfw the entire invasion was initiated by (((shills))) like this one and they still think people can't figure out we are at war.
You will fucking pay in blood for what you did, bitch.

Fuck Weimerica, long live Iran.


you both are kikes looking out for your own interests.

>>>Zig Forums
No war for (jew).

Attached: Smug Trump.gif (480x256, 1.32M)

Fuck you semitic trash! You need EXTERMINATION FROM THIS PLANET.

He gave over 2 million spics citizenship in the last two years. He's displacing whites like every other politician, you are a blue-pilled faggot who does not belong here.

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One would think everyone would be on board with spies being eliminated. Who could possibly feel bad about it?

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You will never be white. Oink oink faggot.

there would have been us casualties possibly pilots killed not good optics for reelection

You misunderstood my sentiments.
Trump is a treacherous bastard with Jews all around him by his choice. Anyone being 'levelheaded' in 'being positive' about what he's doing is ignoring everything that came before it.
Iran is not my enemy.
Israel is my enemy.
And posts like yours remind that the election season has started. Gods willing, it shall be one of the last.

The kikes must be destroyed.

Attached: Beautiful Ass, Slow Jam.webm (1080x1080, 5.29M)

I'm not the one supporting a guy who doesn't care if we're replaced or not.

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Israeli jews in the US government.

Attached: u wot.png (483x314, 229.66K)

In short…
There are no good Jews, and no Jew who is not my mortal enemy by blood and faith.

No, not all Jews.
But it doesn't matter. There are no good Jews.

Death to America.

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To clarify, the answer the old Houthi man gives in the first panel is in response to the question:
"Is America your enemy?"

His response:
"Undoubtedly. They started the war, not us. Because they fight as agents for the agendas of another power."

How long with the sons of my people shed blood for the agendas of another power?
This I wonder each night, as sleep greets me.

And then, as I drift into a troubled sleep, I get a feeling. A good feeling. A feeling that I've never ever had before, in the waking world.

Attached: A Good Feeling, Yeah.mp4 (480x272, 3.1M)