The Jewish problem was ALWAYS known but women were ALWAYS recognized as the worst evil

Hitler wanted TRUE EQUALITY of women, who are freeloaders in a Nazi society that have the rights to divorce you, take your kids, use alimony and child support etc. Men get nothing in return for their hard work, while women just sit back, relax and enjoy relative EQUALITY/RIGHTS as long as they pop out kids. Women can take men to court, come into the workplace&schools&social settings to spread their evil, vote/make decisions of their own free will, own property, tell the man what to do/scream/shout/cry threateningly, run back to their family of origin instead of serving their master etc. Another major problem is dating, relationships and marriages for love which are THE way in a Nazi (feminazi) society.

Beware of feminazi men who put you down when women are around. Women are not just evil, they encourage men to be evil. Alpha male, loser, nice guy/bad boy, grow a pair etc. and THIS.. is the cause of most, if not all the evil in nightlife, workplaces, neighborhoods, schools & families

Now let's look at Hitler's feminism:
Women in high schools and even university? CHECK
Women voting? CHECK
Women's property rights? CHECK
Hitler did not bring back arranged (and abduction) marriages? Females have a choice? CHECK
Women can divorce? CHECK
Wife beating illegal? CHECK
Said he wanted true equality? CHECK
Women exposing their bodies? CHECK
Women eligible to hold some jobs and get promoted? CHECK
Women receive alimony? CHECK
Women believed in court? CHECK
More first-wave feminist social practices? CHECK

Attached: tagged-woman-walters-art-museum.jpg (262x192 54.43 KB, 13.32K)

Yes, they are Jew-hating "feminists" who are trying to sell the idea that feminism is a Jewish ploy and hide the fact that Hitler himself was a "feminist"

A Jew-hating feminist is still a "feminist". And all "feminists" are "feminazis"

Germany was fucked

"Women" is a pretty vague group to pin blame on. Do you have more specific terms about the ones who do the most damage and should be stripped of influence first?


And Hitler planned to have elections after WW2 when women would vote again. Hitler was created by women's vote, and was hence their slave. Of course, he was a mama's boy who rebelled against his father as well. He kissed their feet so much that women were rewarded for "choosing" to have children.

You're getting paid, right? Can't you come up with something more original?

Feminism is almost as bad as jews. ALMOST.

((( )))

Feminism is one of the most political topics of our age, and there really isn't another feminism thread in the catalog at the moment. Why didn't you make a better feminism thread before OP made this one?

The real question to ask would be how exactly do you propose we bring back witch burnings, wife slaying, and removing women's rights to even have a bank account?
That's a pretty tough sell for virtually all White people.
Maybe if OP keeps spamming this thread he can make the Handmaid's tale a reality

OH DEAR GOD! The same IP hopping woman (female mod?) is back

Women is not a vague group, their nature has always been known to be the exact same ALL OVER THE WORLD, since the beginning of history. All you women are guilty

Let's hear your 4-step plan then

What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean? Every single thing… even the crumbs of bread on the table are his. If she were to give them to a stranger, she would be stealing from her husband

In fact, a woman is supposed to be seen and not heard! Women should not even be allowed to have a voice, let alone a choice and least of all ownership of anything.

Women should not be educated but can be trained to withdraw money from banks, however, this would only be for emergency purposes when they are compelled to leave the house.

Women are not by nature evil, but mentally they're closer to children than they are to men. They're not as mentally mature and capable of being moral unless guided by a strong male.

Patriarchy is natural and righteous. Christianity teaches us that the man is to act as the head of the woman like the Christ is head of his church or a king is head of his subjects.

There is no need for us to emulate Islam with this "white sharia" meme. Christianity teaches submission of the wife to her husband.

Attached: 1b4f4005763ec7e88031ff28ddf72f4ff949334dc9d737fb982caac88a708857.jpg (660x381, 46.33K)

Women are not by nature evil, but mentally they're closer to children than they are to men. They're not as mentally mature and capable of being moral unless guided by a strong male.

Patriarchy is natural and righteous. Christianity teaches us that the man is to act as the head of the woman like the Christ is head of his church or a king is head of his subjects.

There is no need for us to emulate Islam with this "white sharia" meme. Christianity teaches submission of the wife to her husband.

Attached: 1b4f4005763ec7e88031ff28ddf72f4ff949334dc9d737fb982caac88a708857.jpg (660x381, 46.33K)

sorry for the repeating post

And let me remind you that the banking system is man-made just like every other social system, economic system, medication and scientific invention ever.

The truth is that women have produced nothing but children and their liberation leads to the oppression of men followed by the destruction of civilization

Dump all your money into overseas CRISPR research. The manufacture of mindless female baby machines without any thinking or perceptive capacity will come centuries before whites will accept the Handmaid's Tale.

Whites? Only men! Men are waking up faster than you can imagine, whore. It's coming sooner rather than later.
What the fuck even is that

Handmaiden's tale is a shit tier show about an evil fascist universe that's mean to muh women. It's actually garbage, don't watch it.

When western governments collapse soon it will pretty much look like the Middle Ages. Plague, disaster, looting. There will come a hard patriarchy. The American experiment is not the end of history, that's impossible the way it's going.

Sounds similar to "the future is female" but with the difference that "the handmaid's tale" is fiction.
The former part believes in said reality the latter part knows it is fiction.
Says a lot about the beta males.

Whatever, jew. Once you're gone we'll see who is right or wrong. You or Hitler.

More white-knight bullshit.

Morality does not require maturity, it is an inherent trait found in male children and male animals as well. Have you ever seen how little girls try to manipulate their family by lying/arguing and change their "best friends" every week at school. Evil is ingrained in females just as good is ingrained in males of any age

Don't be this thread has been made many a Times and deleted even more

Don't you ever give it a rest?
Women are the accessories of society, good society= good women, jew society =evil women.
not really that hard

WRONG! The fact is that women were always known to be a separate race from mankind. And all of femalekind was known to be part of that race.

Women started getting lumped with men as part of the same race mostly in the late-19th century during first-wave feminism. Before them even black & jew men had got the right to vote because they were always considered very separate.

There were never any good women. Women were always known to be the worst evil in the world, if not the root of all evil everywhere in the world

Attached: download (2).jpg (225x225, 9.59K)

Your nigger level logic will never convince anyone of value.

You know whos to blame right fellow incels?















Thats right, its WOMEN

Attached: you know whos to blame right women.jpeg (470x586, 90.24K)

My not my personal opinion, it's just how it's ALWAYS BEEN!!

Of course, this has always been known. Your shitty memes can't save feminism or feminists like you from certain death

Also the OP clearly mentions Jews as a problem and here you are calling people Jews? OP also states that the the Jewish problem was always known which is also a fact. That doesn't mean women aren't inherently evil and that this wasn't known.

That's why men will never be on your side. You feminists are evil and make false allegations against people because you are in league with the worst evil (women)

You white-knights are much worse than Jews for this reason and you must be sent straight to hell!

That would be really awesome.

But reddit tier white knighting is actually cancer.

I totally agree with this meme, the Jews is trying the turn the Aryans against their own brainwashed people, when someone is acting strange in their sleep, you don't kill them, you wake them up.

Typical feminist.

You're probably the same faggot who used that meme in the first place with a new IP. That feminist meme goes against what men have done for thousands of years and is aimed at continuing feminism.

"agreeing" with it in this context only makes it clear that you're either a woman or a woman-worshiper.

Either way you are much worse than any patriarchal Jew or nigger. You are a serious danger for us all

Go back to reddit, neocuck.

You are cancer, considering a White Knight means he defends his people.

"You are a serious danger for us all"
And what are you ? you are a fucking beta cuck who hates his own people. THAT is pathetic.

Worse he is a flaming homosexual who wants to kill 50% of his own people.

That isnt defense but submission. Also females arent retarded. Good riddance you mongoloid.


Attached: smug2 (3).jpg (704x1000, 236.37K)

Fuck off kike cunt shill.

The use of this word again goes back to female choice which further proves what a dangerous feminist you truly are.
I'm being loyal to all my forefathers. It's you who's the traitor and are going to lead to the oppression of mankind/special treatment of women. And you horrifically abuse those who are loyal. You should be thrown to hungry gators
Patriarchy supporters are a Godsend to all people. Women's rights leads to the destruction of civilizations and the oppression of men

Gays were not accepted in pre-feminist times, especially not gay marriages. Another false accusation by another feminazi. You're just demonstrating how deeply evil you are and why you must be purged faster than the Jews

Attached video - TWRA (Take women's rights away) by a Christian pastor



OP mentions
Fucking woman… Don't worry we'll get our hands on you in your lifetime hahaha. And then you'll pay for your sins

Men are waking up and carefully watching you highly evil feminazis. You are being studied. And this is exactly how patriarchy/god/good/morality will return

Also you're just proving how oppressive feminist society as it practices censoring all opposition. This is a feminist version of Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

The three semitic amigos. You kike fucks will be dead long before men 'get rid of women'.


Sounds based

You realize that baseless callouts like this only degrade this board further, right? This kind of shit is why people left for the better chans.

Where are you getting that quote from? Oh that's right, you pulled it out of your ass
No kike is as abusive as this. Even the ones that promote goyim slavery are nowhere near as bad as this. That's why you need to be eliminated much faster than them.

This board has been a feminist shithole since its very inception

This is either parody or one of those BDSM role-play things. It sounds like pic related wrote this.

Your definition of female "liberation" is ridiculous. According to you, allowing a woman to go outside without her collar is "Women's lib"

Attached: pic related lol.jpg (720x576, 60.79K)

How come this thread hasn't been censored by the "good women existed" crowd yet? lol


nice double post retard

This isn't really a thread about 'feminism' either. If you have had to endure years of this fucking faggot you know that his real goal is a homosexual only world where infant, chaild and gang rape is par for the course and women are exterminated.

Is that 'dealing with feminism' to you?

OP is a faggot, literally, and he spends all his time masterbating to the idea of a male only world of endless buttsex.

Attached: sam hyde homosexual.jpg (255x159, 8.48K)

That he may be, he goes through more IPs than a faggot goes through partners. That pisses me off far more than his eccentric opinions about women.

The thread mentions the Jewish problem. Calm your tits. Hitler wasn't in on some big secret. The Jewish problem was common knowledge

I'm assuming by collar you mean headcovering and you're not just making a false accusation saying that collars are being promoted here like a feminazi.

Yes, women should ideally not leave the house with their heads uncovered. Also BDSM is sexual perversion while patriarchy is normal. Stop acting as if we're promoting BDSM perversions here you sick feminist pawn.

Christian – "Sit not in the midst of women, for from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness………. Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman………. Tis you women, with your tricks and artifices, that lead men into error."

Islam – "A woman advances in the form of a devil and retires in the form of the devil…. Evil omen is in the women"

Confucianism – "Disorder is not sent down by Heaven, it is produced by women…. They beat men down, hurtful, deceitful."

Taoism – "Yin (feminine) represents inactivity, negativity, darkness, evil and decay"

Hindus – "Women are the root of all evil, you must know that…. Women have no sense of morality…. Women live their lives in falsehood"

Jain – "Women are the lamps that burn on the road that leads to the gates of hell”

Buddhism – "Having been born a woman is a result of bad karma…. the danger of the shark is a characteristic of woman"

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