Jesus born in Israel? Where is the lake he walked on… Josef a carpenter? Where the fuck do you see trees in Israel… Solomon templer in between the snake. See the inscription in Pela a city at the see at the time of 300 before christ… the sun of vergina . Other picture shows ra giving alexander the great the ankh cross. He is a half god. The solomon templer were in current "north macedonia"
IS*RA*EL , A reminder that jews are washing our history
please continue op
jesus was born in palestine you kike
lots of trees in lebanon dude
so we wuz kangz or wat!?
No wuz aces.
I would not advise anyone to visit the area in macedonia I pictured. Enclosed in a military polygon this is where solomons templar where and left behind some structure. U can depict it by the sun, the 2 snakes resebling the river which was much bigger at that time. In the middle there is the god tanit(atlantis) on the inscription, also on Alexanders chestplate.
Just ignore the D&C shit from any fat fucks and niggers writing kangz.
They were cut down long ago, idiot. Cyprus, Crete, and Greece were also once forested but they've been largely deforested after millennia of deforestation. Indeed, there was this one city in ancient Hellas called Gla built on an island in the middle of a placid and beautiful lake. Later the Greeks drained the lake producing one of the most fertile valleys in all of Greece.
Obviously the kikes are lying (I mean, have you read the Torah? It's insane) but Palestine (or Canaan as it was called before) was once a very forested land.
It is the UN who is behind this, but only officially of course
shit thanks for greening up that thread m8
Just had a thought. IS RA El is an interesting arrangement of words. Isnt it that El is from whence moloch came? My memory is a bit foggy on the subject but iirc it was something about El and Enlil being related.
So then IS RA El is actual the question: is God the devil?
Can`t pleadge allegiance to a country if you dont have a country. Of course, jews are sons of the devil…
Since God made everything including any angels that challenged and fell, indeed God being all seeing and knowing must have designed it that exact way.
Jesus was likely a stone mason, not an actual carpenter.
The word translated into English as "carpenter" is derived from the Greek word "tekton" which can mean either a carpenter, stone mason, or metalurgist or any other type of craftsman.
Jesus was a craftsman by trade.
Moloch is a jewish perversion of a righteous deity who came before. Remember that.
El is not where moloch came from
El is the El in "Elohim", El is the two sides of En
En is the En in Energy, Engine, Engineer
En is the En in Enki and Enlil, the Elohim of invention and persuasion, the male and the female
Maybe an alchemist then..if we're splitting hairs here.
My waifu would beat Hekate any day, she manipulates boundaries between the worlds and doesn't afraid of anything
Sage for slide thread
get out of here with your fancy bullshit, he was an engineer who built buildings and that's how he received divine revelation. He came to know the rod and the rope, and through them came to know everything (Dharma)
interesting… ki as in creation? en ki? lillith being the hyper deceptive harpy.. lil? What does lil trace back to etymologically?
i don't feel like anything that happened in the Middle East 2000 years ago is "my" history.
I'm pretty sure that's Libertas.
Btw the >>>/fringe/ girl mascot is the same entity.
You forgot to note that the (((accepted))) start of civilization happened in… guessed it …. The Middle East.
I know you spell Christian the same as Traitor, With a capital T
you should, science is the *result* of christianity
Tacitus wrote of Christians and Jesus, Josephus mentions Jesus. Early rabbis never suggested he didn't exist, and they weren't adherents. Corroborating evidence exists (not born of Christians alone). Unless you would believe non-Christians to be conspiring, in order to bolster a new religion that would threaten their own status, then you could regard them in the same manner and perspective as any modern atheist or pagan who wants Christianity to go away. Why would they corroborate his existence?
No. But Jesus was born in a place that jews covetously consider theirs; "greater israel" (as they see it) is much larger than that small but steadily increasing* little place you see on a map.
*at everyone else's expense
The average IQ on Zig Forums must be nigger tier by now. Kikey's influence is still felt.
It doesn't matter. There is literally nothing the kikes can do. God is alive. It is the truth that God exists. He hates (((them))).
They think they can push him off the table… Nigga he Is the table.
It's funny because He loves actual retards more than he loves jews… And there's NOTHING they can do about it.
This is why I chose to be retarded
Is Ra El
Isis Rah Elohim.
Link to Tacitus writings? I want to know if the miracles were true or if more objective non-Christians just note the whole thing as a kind of farce.
Schizo thread
blavatasky came up with that 200 years ago, and its been parroted by people trying to sound smart for the last 50 years. michael tsarion, and those types
kike. Your people always hated the Galileans
The Bible itself, the old testament, is largely Jews borrowing from Egyptian ideas. The Bible is a book of Egyptian magick.
Metallurgy and making smelting was one of the original secret memes, and those who possessed the knowledge of it we're as wizards. Just think of how powerful the wizard who could make your tribe sticks of bronze when your neighbors had sticks of copper or wood. What would you give to capture the wizards who can make iron or case hardened steel sticks? The groups that pioneered or scaled these techniques dominated their times and the mystery making rocks bleed fiery blood persisted long after christ
Also the old testament wandering, holy of holies, the tent design and feiry column brings this to mind, I'll have to read deutoronomy again
What supports your theory is the idea in folklore that dwarfs were magical beings and they were known to work with metals making swords etc.
Obeahmen and many other nigger witches were all basically just niggers that knew how to make poisons and used them to kill whom they wish. That's why Obeah was outlawed in the Carribean by the French and other authorities because some Obeahmen killed several hundred nigger slaves with their poisons.
Welp. I believe everything in the Bible that matters (ethics, metaphysics, etc.) but the characters, settings, and little details seem to be a story to me not to be taken seriously/literal.
I've been trying to brainwash myself into accepting Jesus the Christ / The Son but I can't manage it and this further sinks any nails into my hope of doing so.
Ah well. I know in my heart of hearts my motivation for trying to accept Jesus is purely to be accepted into the Christian fellowship/community because I hate being alone.
Didn't a tribe of Celts claim Priam of Troy as their ancestor? Isn't Thor suspected of having originated in Thrace? Or what about Summerian sounding almost identical to Gaelic, the legend of Scota… I must have massacred some history there, but long story short, people have running around between the middle-east and Europe for a long time.
All religions are trash shit. They are all trash used to control people. This goes for the dead jew on a stick religion called "Christianity" and the Pagan religions. ITS ALL FUCKING TRASH.
The only thing you should worship IS YOUR HERITAGE AND YOUR FAMILY LINE. THAT IS ALL.
YES. You are correct. Though most people arent ready for the ultimate blackpill. These entities essentially use the Jews as a cover. They work together. It is the covenant spoken about in the Bible.
how do you explain the perfect eclipse?
Religions are trash only when and because people end up taking them as literal historical accounts of things and also believing that the details and trivia are sacred commands instead of mere noise that is "beside the point".
Philosophy is where real intellectual heavyweights go to when they are done with religion.
The stoics and epicureans are trashed in the Bible but the fact is the ancient greek philosophers were superior to the Christians.
Religion is trash designed to fuel energy from humans to entities that work with the Jews.
Im gonna repeat this…the only thing you should worship is your heritage and your family line. THAT IS ALL.
Can't I also worship The All though? Like my heritage and my lineage are all that matter to me in this world but I care about Nature too. (Nature is god to me, t. panentheist).
Christcucks are trying really hard to cope with the fact that they are the Jew's plaything.
Jesus real father was a roman Legionnaire called Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.
Hur durrr I tried christianity, reading the scripturrs its bollocks u are cucks!!!!!!
Against Apion by the jew Josephus is probably the most important book to read about how jews view Europeans. Sadly Apion's work, "A work against the Jews" didn't survive though coincidently the jewish rebuttal did.
Apion: "A Greek grammarian and sophist of Alexandria, noted for his bitter hatred of the Jews; born in the Great Oasis of Egypt between 20 and 30 B.C., died probably at Rome between 45 and 48."
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaany Europeans, mostly kings and shit, made such a claim too. Because of classics and the strong impression Troy gave. Yet the historical Troy is not that impressive tbh. It is ridiculously small.
What perfect eclipse?
Why is this thread absolutely so pointless?
OP means nothing.
not to read the bible and understand the truth through jesus christ.
Here's the EU AJC's long term plan to end antisemitism. There's even an internet section.
I'm pretty sure slowly scrubbing stuff from history is in there. Check it yourself.
I know they want 1 or 2 percent of most countries budget allocated to fighting antisemitism.
Talmudist spotted.
Reminder that Kikemonkey made a religion containment thread not to help the board but to help contain dissent against (((christianity))).
Sage for double post.
Josephus is a fraud who was on the payroll of the early christians. It's like if the (((ADL))) had an in-house historian to correct history. He is such a fraud that historians have determined that he was personally instructed by a jew who was in collaboration with the early christians - who were all jewish.
Fun fact: Read ACTS again and see that the pharisees and early christians collaborated. The pharisee hype is nothing more than a myth. Early christians were okay with them.
Tacitus wrote about jesus and christians not as a way of covering them but in the same tense as, "So I heard about these kooky christians who worship some jew named jesus." But since it sounds better to say, "Tacitus wrote about jesus and christians," christians don't elaborate on it more.
Jesus was born in what we today call Edinburgh.
t. Britain The Key To World History
check my 1812 get you yank cucks
Quit LARPing as a Brit, we all know they can't post opinions on the internet