What are your guys thoughts on marijuana?

All that talk you heard of weed being degenerate and Jewish, toss that aside because it's not true. Think of marijuana as like a sort of tea that you can eat, vape, and smoke. It's only degenerate if a degenerate uses it.

Anyway, you can buy marijuana seeds online and grow them and sell the buds for alot of money.

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You're a degenerate and should fuck off to cuckchan.

Like all forms of intoxication, moderation or sobriety is key. For those who can't handle moderation, sobriety is their only option

Eat shit moshe.

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threads about mj are made by moshe and his buttbuddy itzhak
israel forces mj because they own patents on processing and extraction of thc

mods delet this spam

Causes psychosis. Not good for productivity.

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Don't know if it's me, but you sound like an uninformed faggot.

Enjoy your dead brain cells, addiction and turning into a total degenerate

It's one of population control tools

Well that depends, i wouldnt smoke it on a daily basis. More like good wine, let's say once or twice a month.

Weed is conspiracy to further obesity

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