German article:
Summarized translation:
German article:
Summarized translation:
Trump needs to cut all funds and military personnel to Germany pronto, and let Russia roll into Germany and destroy the anti-European liberals there
Trump is an anti-European liberal.
Fake news
Go fuck yourself, kike. Or are you a sandnigger instead? Which one
He should send the people of Europe guns, they will need them soon!
So jews are going to round up nazis and put them in summer camp?
Democratically elected leaders are not known for their ability understand the ramifications of their actions.
Not yet, but taking away the…
So, basically removing a lot of basic rights if you are a nuisance for the gov, or non conforming to left wing agenda. That's some Soviet level of shit coming to Germany.
Well that is equal to deeming the "proud boys" a terrorist organization.
And you tell me that not looking at the circus in murica is a good idea.
Are you legitimately retarded?
It's been going on for a long time, and this move will just make the policy legal.
Hopefully the move will end up with more dead politicians and journalists, since scum that genocide their own people and use the state monopoly on violence to keep the genocided from organizing resistance, deserve to die in the most horrible ways imaginable.
It's still under Marxist occupation, the only reason Germans have been allowed some freedom at all was so that they could be productive cattle. Now that the cattle is being unruly they are getting the pen and the rod. Jews think and act as though we are all cattle, and that is why they will always be universally despised.
I hope God protects our DACApedes
Oy vey not for the muslims however, we all know the tune they play by now.
Take away our rights and we'll take your life, they never learn do they?
Coming to Germany….
Germans have been oppressed politically since the Reich, through Weimar and Hitler. Then both Stasi and the western counterpart continued the tradition, so that it was alive and well when Germany was unified.
With this move it will become more explicit, but it's nothing new or some radical change.
In the past it was mainly the surrounding environment (media, companies, and joe "ebil nazees"average) and not the government itself. If this shit get's through, it will get… interesting. Basically they try to extinguish a fire with gasoline.
Go away.
Fuck off jew.
What can the multikult realistically do, outside try to oppress the pro-white problem away?
I think as you do, that this would be to pour gasoline on the fire, but direct oppression is the only method that show short term effects, and then it's screw the long term, sine that will be somebody else's problem.
Hitler was oppressive and used the Gestapo against his enemies,, but I can agree that was it against the right groups. .
In Augsburg there was recently a case where a teenager was gang raped by Afghanis. One got 2 years and 3 months in prison, another got 1 year and 8 months on probation. So, people started a protest against migrant violence. This was deemed by the court as hate speech and has already lead to police breaking into the home of a 19 year old girl to arrest her. This could lead to up to 5 years in prison for anything the court determines as hate speech.
They already have such a wide definition for what counts as "right wing extremism" and such a low respect for the human rights of their citizens that the point is moot.
This lel
Wenn du unfähig bist einfachstes Englisch fehlerfrei zu schreiben, solltest du lieber aufhören Threads zu erstellen. Du blamierst nicht nur dich selbst, sondern alle Deutsche hier auf Zig Forums.
Grammar nazis are real?
Most English speakers will rather have posters with ESL post incorrectly, than not post at all.
Fuck off back to Zig Forums you disgusting nigger. Kys.
Trump will soon say US will attack Germany since too many alt right extremists there. These times.. Oh boy.
Dear God Germany/Europeans…. have some pride in yourselves. How could you let all these things happens to the legacy left to you by your ancestors.
Neither German nor English are my primary language. If you can't live with a small typo, my suggestion is… FUCK OFF!
Sounds like the bureaucratic pigs are scared.
Also you know commies are ineffective pussies, because the elite don’t fear them as much as they do nationalists.
Good. If they are cucked beyond repair then shit like this will potentially start a revolution. If not, well they deserve their cucked existence.
aren't cucked beyond*
Germans had American soldiers pointing guns at their heads. What's your excuse?
I can't wait for more politicians to end up with a bullet in the back of the head.
But only in a video game of course, I do not advocate violence, alphabet agents pls no bully.
America and Britain forced all of this indoctrination and self hatred on Europe after WWII.
honk honk
Just like that.
This will most certainly have kosher results.
What do you do to a population fighting back?
However small the population of resistance.
Well, you don't tighten the vice. All that does is send those not with that small fighting population to their side.
Man Germany right now is going to be where the real civil war gets started. This is serious shit.
another bullet another head
The rights they are specifically targeting are those that allow the right-wing or any group for that matter to argue and peacefully protest, the times when violence breaks out is when peaceful protest is not allowed. The whole purpose of argument is to resolve dispute without violence, but these liberals cannot win an argument because all the facts and evidence is on the side of the right wing. As a wise man once said "When civil recourse becomes impossible, violent revolt becomes inevitable.">>13424012
Pretty much. The only difference is he goes the speed limit, while his "opponents" step on the gas.
Be nice to see some BfV glowniggers getting killed in Minecraft, since they're the ones preventing true Germans from rising up.
Very much this.