Support acceleration for Israel

Israel is doomed. No matter how much foreign aid money they suck up from the United States they are still doomed.

It's a matter of demographics. They just cannot maintain the Jewish Majority they need for a Zionist government.

Jews are the minority in Jerusalem. Annexing the West Bank will give them millions more Palestinians.

There government just fell apart again,, and Netanyahu is forced to court extreme religious zionists to build a ruling coalition.

and that's where the fun starts.

The extreme religious zionists want to knock down the 700 years old dome of the rock, build a jewish temple and start ritually sacrificing animals in it. (Seriously,, look up Red Heifer and Third Temple)

We need to encourage this insanity by any means necessary. It will hasten the collapse of Israel and discredit jews around the globe.

Attached: Third temple.jpg (1000x750, 250.97K)

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Because chaos is the highest order, and in order to establish that there should be rare coincidences that unleash all the demons from their cages.

and what better chaos is there then the Jews killing Cattle left and right as their world crumbles.

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why do jews hate gingers and red heads so much?

They don't hate them.. It's just the smell of them being burned makes god happy.

Leviticus 3:16

and the only place in the whole wide world this can be done is the temple rock in Jerusalem.

God.. I really want to see the Israelis go full retard and start doing this.

Attached: High_Priest_Offering_Sacrifice_of_a_Goat.jpg (640x551, 117.87K)

We should build the Third Temple for peak accelerationism. Daily reminder that Rothschild's Israel actually wants to prevent that and that it's the globohomo's worst nightmare.

that verse talks about grain and fruit, not about redheads like i asked. not even about burning goys

its always the batshit insane kikes that are the downfall of the yids. No joke. This will be fun

Because Israelites were originally all Gingers.

Interesting use of terminology….

The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the Lord’s.

So you think grains and fruit have fat?

I like to quote Malcolm X. sometimes.

But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.”

― Malcolm X

where are you reading this? biblegateway doesn't use the word fat. is there a non kiked translation that does?

14 “‘If you bring a grain offering of firstfruits to the Lord, offer crushed heads of new grain roasted in the fire. 15 Put oil and incense on it; it is a grain offering. 16 The priest shall burn the memorial portion of the crushed grain and the oil, together with all the incense, as a food offering presented to the Lord.

trump will let them do it

All plants do you retarded nigger.

We need to stop calling the world majorities minorities.

and if you took the fucking time to put that verse in context by looking at the rest of the chapter, you'd know it was about animal sacrifice.

Here's the entire chapter and verse.

Leviticus 3 New International Version (NIV)
The Fellowship Offering
3 “‘If your offering is a fellowship offering, and you offer an animal from the herd, whether male or female, you are to present before the Lord an animal without defect. 2 You are to lay your hand on the head of your offering and slaughter it at the entrance to the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons the priests shall splash the blood against the sides of the altar. 3 From the fellowship offering you are to bring a food offering to the Lord: the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them, 4 both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys. 5 Then Aaron’s sons are to burn it on the altar on top of the burnt offering that is lying on the burning wood; it is a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.

6 “‘If you offer an animal from the flock as a fellowship offering to the Lord, you are to offer a male or female without defect. 7 If you offer a lamb, you are to present it before the Lord, 8 lay your hand on its head and slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar. 9 From the fellowship offering you are to bring a food offering to the Lord: its fat, the entire fat tail cut off close to the backbone, the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them, 10 both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys. 11 The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering presented to the Lord.

12 “‘If your offering is a goat, you are to present it before the Lord, 13 lay your hand on its head and slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar. 14 From what you offer you are to present this food offering to the Lord: the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them, 15 both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys. 16 The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the Lord’s.

17 “‘This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.’”

New International Version (NIV)

all this fucking text because you have to argue for no good reason at all.

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Found the zionist agent.

We know you want blood soaked altars for your desert demon god.

Wouldn't we want all our enemies in one convenient location instead of spreading back out into our countries. Unless of course this results in the Palestinians genociding them all.

Oh that just ain't going to happen.

Why the fuck would a Jew go to Israel? They'd have to serve in the military and shit.

Sure the hardcore zealots are there, but most Jews aren't putting themselves out like that.

But we can encourage those hardcore zealots to go out in blaze of insanity, and those regular jews will send them the money (well actually you're tax dollars) to buy all the toys necessary for the final show.


Wait.. What?

You don't want to see Religious Zionism reach it's full potential for insanity?

You don't want to see them knock down the Dome of the Rock and incite at least a hundred years of Islamic Jihad?

You don't want to Israel go full retard and become a world pariah?

You don't want to see the Jewish Faith reach to fulfill a prophecy and not have the messiah show up?

Who is the kike here?

I asked you nicely for proof. stop being autistic and correct me

It's their country. If they want to replace a mosque with a synagogue so they can more properly perform their blood sacrifices, why not let them? I only care that they are fucking up my country. I don't care what they do with their own.


Because they are Russian half nigger khazARYAN not jews and the want to holocaust the gingers to build their NWO on. There is a holocaust but it is supposed to be the ‘real jews’ holocausted by the fake Turkish’s Russian jews

The bible verse describing animal sacrifice is already in this thread. Complete fucking instructions. Just look for it.

You want to see them offer up a ritual human sacrifice?

This is the end of Zionism, dumba sss.

Watching it fall apart choking on it's own filth is better than just exposing it.

Israel's death throes will discredit and humiliate the Jews for at least a century.

encourage the insane.


Look how much globohomo shills are seething to the idea. Building the temple would put a stop to the clown world one way or another. We should start memeing for the dome of the rock to be destroyed.

I support our Israel brothers and sisters of ALL colors!

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How does the complete and utter destruction of Israel further empower Israel?

Do you know what the word "Zionism" means?

Learn to pronounce
a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

Getting these faggots to build the Third Temple will end them.

and break their stupid religion at the same time. Because the messiah won't show.

I like you.. you're funny.

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you're not even a good shill. reported.

We should go to Temple Mount dressed like this to make mad all

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Henry Kissinger predicted this. He said Israel would go tits up by 2024 because of increasingly extreme zionists gaining power and moderates living the country.

What am I shilling?

The Third Temple?

Are you afraid of Jew Magic?

If there is a god, he ain't on their side, and them building their temple and setting fire to barnyard animals will prove it.

and it will be funny as fuck to watch!

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Their messiah has already been picked out, you low IQ shill. Their "prophesy" doesn't rely on supernatural fulfillment because it's self-fulfilling. Their "prophesy" is nothing more than predictive programming.


common sense statement


isn't that cute?

This guy is afraid of Jew Voodoo.

Do is scare when black people stick pins in dolls too?

Don't you want to see them set the stage for their big magic trick and have it fizzle?

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Nice try Satan. Reported for Zionist shilling.

Satan is on their side


Fuck off back to Zig Forums with that noise.

To be a White Man is embrace reason and reject superstition.

In ten to fifteen years time, you'll see. They'll build their gay little temple,, spatter blood all over the altar and burn animal carcasses to ashes and it won't save them from Palestinian Zerg Rush.

It's going to be awesome!

All the zionist christfags expecting Jesus are going to have some explaining to do too,

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stay defeated (((anglin)))

Magical thinking is beneath a white man, user.

This shit is going to happen. netanyahu can't hold together a government without the religious loonies.

So are you going to stand out in your yard and wait to rapture when it starts?

Do you have to be naked for it work?

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Get lost kikes.


Satan is the Jews enemy, not Christ's.

Stay defeated?

You're the one looking underneath the bed for monsters.

You've defeated yourself before you'e even left your room .

Look at yourself.. Would the white man have cross oceans and conquered continents if he was afraid of ghosts?

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If they do things by the book (and they have to in order to claim legitimacy), it will include many additional things, some of which may lead to events that would either destroy them or reset the world for another round. Our goal would be forcing them to play their hand, possibly sooner than they are ready. That's the whole point of accelerationism.

If Israelis (and kikes in general) actually wanted to build the temple, do you think anything would stop them from trying so far? No, globalist gigakikes like Rothschilds (which control Israel) are doing everything in their power to prevent it because they are terrified of it happening. Rightfully so, as it would put an end to their centuries old agenda once and for all.

You are really afraid of the Third Temple aren't you?

Those melting Germans in Raiders of the Arc weren't real.

Attached: melting nazis.gif (480x360, 3.69M)

Yes, which is why they haven't built it so far. Jews need mass public acceptance to protect them from consequences. They rely on deception to acquire that acceptance. Accelerationism is about exposing their deception, turning the masses against them. Please don't try and co-opt words you don't understand.

mmmm your buttery jew tears are soooo delicious

This isn't accelerationism. This is the opposite of accelerationism. Accelerationism means losing and pretending your winning. What your talking about his helping Jews get more stuff. Even if that makes the global community complain, nothing will come of that because America shields Israel.

I honestly don't care if Israel has a temple, I just don't want them sacrificing animals in it because I find that to be cruel in a very awful way.

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Go by the book? Not even remotely possible. They need descendents of Arron to serve as priests.. Who can trace their linage with any kind of accuracy back 2,000 freaking years?

The whole things is a LARP. Even if there was a Hebrew God it wouldn't work because it is impossible to get all the pieces together for the magic trick to work.

That's what's going to make this so much fun to watch.

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Oh you mean a Jew told his enemies that zionists being powerful weakens Israel? If a Jew tells his enemies something is bad for Jews there is a chance it is good for Jews.

Extreme zionists in power are obviously good for Jews.

You raise a good point but they would likely just make up random bullshit to find someone to do the job.

Honestly OP you sound like a Jew trying to trick the alt right into helping zionists, and your strategy may end up working who knows.

Hey mossad, what are the tricks and understanding required to spend your entire life still in servitude to subversion? As the "chosen" folks, you should be more than certain of how you'd be able to inform the "unchosen" as to why that's the case. How can I too deny my entire conscious life's preoccupation in my God blessed awareness to ignore what I have and do as something to be attained from outside myself? If my ideal is that another's ideal cannot be without me destroying that ideal to fulfill my ideal, how do I cross that schism without the loss of my ideal into material? Wtf did Jesus mean, "the kingdom of heaven is within"?

WRONG. Our clowns and Israel's clowns are the same clowns. We need our feds to expose the corruption that we know about and nuke the Labour Party for its trade deals with the PLO that have been undermining Israeli security and funding their enemies in the West. Once it's out in the open that Labour is committing treason, no one to the left of them is getting elected either.

Do you know why "open borders for Israel" hasn't been effective? The open borders kikes already hate Israel and want it destroyed. They only pretend to be pro-Israel from time to time to hold onto their positions as Jewish leaders and keep the average Jews from revolting.

Go to the Website. They're serious about this shit.

They spent millions of dollars on golden dodads for the temple.

Silly user, American Zionist wackos have been helping them for decades.

Who do you think bred them their magic red heifer?

Not those people. What if their God shows up and it is pissed as fuck that some fucking turk khazarian is parading around like a faggot in front of it. Remember what it did last time? Would it even stop destroying at the border of Israel or would it just spread across the Earth looking for what it wanted?

How is sinking into utter madness and practicing animal sacrifice good for the Jew?

It's just going to be funny to watch. Esp after knocking down the dome of the rock turns the majority muslim city of Jerusalem into the worst riot in history.

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Globohomo is achieving the opposite of that acceptance, even most Jews (secular ones) are against it. Nothing would turn the masses more against them than actually helping them achieve their self-fulfilling prophecy. But that's not the only thing, their god is expected to punish the degenerates. There are so many elements of this that we could use for our advantage. Think of a scenario where ultra-religious kikes go around killing whores, faggots, trannies, niggers, mudslimes etc. and the rest of jewry being forced to support them, making their entire nation a global pariah. It's a win-win scenario.

Triggering faggots like this one makes it that much more delicious.

Why do you think they have invested so much in DNA gathering all over the world? It's not impossible, they could be sufficiently accurate to make the larp viable.

You will never win this war with linear thinking, they got that fully covered. Helping them build the temple and trigger their messianic event might seem like the last thing we were supposed to do, but doing it might actually be crazy enough to work. It would cause enough chaos to break the ruling matrix.

If their god is real (I highly doubt it), it would just make the whole thing much more interesting. I don't think khazarian rats would be too happy about it.

Fuck off with your retarded ideology. Refuse to play along with this preplanned show of the reptilians, which are the masters of (((them))). The white race is above reptilian deception and we will carve our own path.

Fuck eschatology. We, white males, will decide what happens on our planet, not some shadowy aliens.

It would literally be the best thing ever if they released the angel of Death, not kidding user…death ghost pouring out of the sky and the panic of the kike faggots all trampling each other to death to try and get away. The breath of life being jerked right out of their bodies while they tried to run. Seriously, we should hope the Angel of Death is real and that they release it.


It is sad that they make animals suffer when killing them, I do agree. However, you can't convince them of that. They believe that Kosher ritual animal murder is most humane, user. The animals spirit is given up to serve Jahweh's higher purpose. To me, all life is precious, excepting those insane people who threaten the continued existence of life on this planet , but Jews don't hold themselves to that standard.

What to do? Should we, for the sake of the animals, impose our morality upon the Jewish religion/state? It's what they are doing to us, after all.
I think not. Two wrongs don't make a right. Eventually, the Jew will evolve, indeed some already are, beyond their Jewishness. Give them the space in their own country to be Jews. Just don't let them be Jews in our country, lest you end up with what we've got now: threatening to go to war again for Israel, even at the cost of everything that makes our country special.

Hey, at least they aren't raping animals efore they sacrifice them. Right?

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I regret I probably won't live to see 2070, which I think is the year they will start burning pigs, or whatever it was they worship, on alters in a gay temple.

t. zionist shill

No, just trying to find a balanced way out of this mess. Insane people need their own place to be insane in order to grow out of their insanity.

Not all religious Jews are hardcore Zionists. Their just crazy people.

Insane people belong in mental institutions.
Criminals belong in jail cells.
Prove me wrong.

making their entire nation a global pariah How is a this a win for a country dependent on Aid to defend itself?

Why do you think they have invested so much in DNA gathering all over the world? It's not impossible, they could be sufficiently accurate to make the larp viable.

So you think you can fool a god?

You make a good point, damn you.

Don't fall for the Zionist shilling, man. There are other alternatives to

I have always liked the Madagascar solution. It was fitting, and when they reincarnate, it would probably be in Africa.

The jews literally WORSHIP satan/lucifer. Nice try rabbi.

Like what you fucking kike? 110 times?

Jews have been deported 110 times. I guess we should make it 111. It will surely work this time, right? Or…. OR… we can stop treating Jews as if they're above the common law. We can stop acting as though Jews are Chosen, and instead of imprisoning and/or executing them for crimes we would imprison/execute other people for, such as genocide…. OR… we can let them off the hook once again.

Execution is the only solution.

OP here.

It doesn't matter who or what they worship because no one is going to show up when they build their fucking temple.

They'll have destroyed an Islamic historical monument and pissed off half a billion jihadists for nothing.

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Yea, let them.

When kike defeated the National Socialists, they didn't send the surviving NatSocs to their own ethnostate. They trialed them, imprisoned them, executed them, and the survivors led a quiet life on powerless obscurity. It should be no different with today's Jews.

nonwhites hate jews so much that they can only have their own country if we continually pour billions of dollars into it. The second we lift our protection israel would be nuked by like 20 different countries simultaneously

Except there should be no survivors.

In a perfect world, not one. But that will be up to the People to decide. We have many steps to take before we're even close to that reality, and the first is the destruction of Israel, otherwise those rats will flee to sanctuary. This is why anyone who promotes deporting Jews or strengthening Israel is an enemy.


so his point is invalid. Nothing more

It sounds like 'problem solved' to me.

he said:

there is no path for that to happen, they can't have their own country ever

That is when we send in the nukes. When they are all gathered there together.

Unless you are going to advocate that we being their mass murder here…they can't fucking stay in our nations.

Implying there's a difference. Zionism, like so many other "isms", is just another front for JUDAISM. And judaism is nothing but PHARISAISM, rehashed, all over again.

Go read Matthew 23:13.

You want to know why the West is in shambles? Because you [gentile idiots] decided to lie down with the pharisees. Thus you are an accursed people. Modern-day gentiles have got to be some of the dumbest creatures to have ever inhabited the Earth. All of you clowns have completely FORGOTTEN who you were/are.

And you jews? Sorry, but you are just as dumb. I would have thought you would have learned your lesson by now. But, alas, almost SIX MILLENNIA later, you're still as dumb as a bag of hammers.

You all deserve each other. You really do.Carry on… As sickening as it all is, on some level it is actually becoming amusing, at this juncture.

Wouldn't it be nice if they just killed themselves?

They did at Masada.

Israel also has nukes. Plus, Israel controls most of the nuclear armed Nations. Do you think the West will just nuke Israel without Russia, China, Saudi, and the other puppet states - not to mention Israel itself - without the West also being destroyed?

hey, don't talk shit about the Masada jews. They were the holiest of jews, and the most noble. They died ridding the world of the greatest plague it has ever known

(((Parasites))) in the U.S. lose their influence. Funds stop flowing to Pissrael. Either the Jewish state quickly learns to friends with its neighbors, or… nature takes its course.

neat i didnt know about masada thanks

Are you literally fucking proposing that they stay in our nations?