Yet another child turned into a tranny by faggots
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See, this is why I support women in the draft, so these bitches can't escape reality of their own choices, and the Trannies get a chance to stop being trannies.
What are we going to do about this? Are we actually going to do anything or just sit here and get mad at yet another story about kikes destroying our children?
spread it among normalfags, like with everything else
city motto is “keep austin weird”
AKA keep austin queer
Sadly, that's not so simple. Women in the military are allowed to be freeloaders, and absolutely nothing is expected of them.
Conceal thy nose.
As stated, you spread it everywhere. Normies hate trannies more than Zig Forums does because of the child abuse. It's why the push for accepting pedophilia backfired and is waking them up quicker.
This is what happens when the only people breeding from your group are degerate single Mother households or broken homes created by people who have no business raising a child.
If you're going to shitpost at least put some fucking effort in
Is that actually going to redpill people or just normalize this degeneracy? Normlfags aren't seeing the link between trannies and pedophilia.
The tide doesn't seem to be turning against the globohomo.
I think the battle lines are effectively drawn at this point in terms of who supports this type of shit and who do not. The vast majority of normies do not support it and yet it continues to happen because people in leadership positions in major cities are pretty much all degenerate libtards.
So what's the solution here? Children keep getting abused like this and normalfags keep voting for the same degenerate libtards that enable it.
Yeah, sure he did. Very thick fake news accent in that style of writing (because that is how fiction sounds rather than the language of reporting). If true, his parents are so Kool-Aid'd they can't identify how depraved this behavior is. Or they are jewish.
Play mentally-ill games, win mentally-ill prizes.
Ah, there it is. Dog-whistle meaning relatively White town.
Propaganda piece, not news. Not Zig Forums.
I really don't know. I personally support a wide ranging removal of the poisoning of society in such situations but in this modern age I know that will never happen so I truly do not know how this story will end at this point.
They have infiltrated the education, medical, and decision making systems too far and wide and without removal there is just no way to get a handle on it. The glows will attempt to push people into action through violence but such a situation would be like a pin drop in the overall issue and wouldn't make a single difference given how deeply embedded they have become in every system.
I just don't know, I really don't.
user, women ruin everything they touch. The military is no exception. This is why we've gotten our asses handed to us by shitty small brown people armies, lately. Also why the military cries when people "don't play fair".
We haven't gotten our asses handed to us at all but I do agree that their presence in the branches does cause a lot of issues. If you guys think that these false claims of assault are common in the civilian world you should see a normal week in the service.
rope for the entire family including the child
If you're not going to help make it happen, you're just huffing your own farts.
imma get right on that
Post dox of the parents and Minecraft will visit them with gasoline at 3am.
Mark my words: We'll see a MASSIVE rise in suicides in about 10 years because all of these brainwashed kids will reach adulthood and finally realize what the trannies did to them.
that's the standard defence about BPs but even (((Wikipedia))) acknowledge it's bullshit:
How to weimar
There are lots of good women out there opposed to this degeneracy. Some of them are TERFs, some are trad christian mommies.
Call CPS like people did with Desmond is Amazing. I'm sure they'll be doxxed at some point too.
they'll just merge with the cybernetic horde which gave birth to them
Based Mommy
What the fuck is this bullshit? Why are you egging this idiot on?
What child hasn't been brainwashed by learning maths and history and fucking To Kill Muh Mockingbird?
t. burger
The parents are fucking their own kids over, just like parents who don't put them in pageants. We are forced into schooling are we not?
Who's evil?
Peak projection. But what would you expect from a deviant pedokike?
Elizabeth Johnston is acting all passive aggressive there because she's incompetent
Un-Tor your ID and then we can talk
Cite 1, just 1, example of when educamucation isn't brainwashing
Do you have any kids around you during a normal work week?
Every time a little boy in 2019 wants to become the opposite sex the urge strangely manifests itself as a need to dress up as a nymphomaniac whore from a 1960's Fellini movie. I wonder why that is?
This is such a strange phenomenon. Really it needs to be investigated by scientists…
That looks like an interesting movie
he certainly is.
well. being spread.
Why do you care if some unimportant child is being buttraped by his teacher? Don't you have anything better to do? I plan on going to sleep soon, got my music ready and everything.
Buttraped is a little harsh, but whenever I come onto this God-forsaken website I find myself looking at so many people like you who are too incompetent to realise the gravity of your choices on here. It inevitably ends with me trying to single-handedly change the culture of this entire board. It's a fools errand but I am indeed a fool.
"Be yourself" is the best way of degeneracy.
It supposes that you're not yourself yet and you gotta "find out" who you really are.
If you get a child in otiose it's the beginning of all sorts of vicious and deviances that destroys society.
That's like saying "we fight for freedom" when everybody is free already and you only put the Jew in charge of sovereign lands.
Those are not the words of a 9 year old. These ideas were fed to this poor kid and you can bet your bottom dollar that there's abuse involved behind the scenes… There always is.
Only a fool or a pedo would have you believe otherwise.
Poor kid won't last past the age of 20.
I guess you don't "believe" in math or physics then?
Javohl. The only good tranny is a tranny on the front line.
How old were you when you figured out that being jewish meant hating everything true?
Thank Trump and the Pope for that one
It is, as are almost all of Fellini's movies. Well, not Fred and Ginger but you must see;
Il Bidone
La Dolce Vita
Toby Dammit
Juliet of the Spirits
8 1/2
His butt cheeks and being raped by sociopaths.
Please see Mr. Brock after your shift, as the "closeted gay is outward homophobe" trope has been thorouoghly debunked and Zig Forums is immune to these juvenile 'no u' isms. Also, you left a handkerchief at Podestas' last weekend.
Every fag hag I knew was molested by the mother's boyfriend.
The clock starts when gay adoption is legalized in your juridisdiction. At 10 you will see a rise in vandalism and anger from having been raped, these are your famous "at-risk" youth pedophiles like to mentor. At 16 many will have an older boyfriend, like 30's older. Some of these may be sympathic lawyers (see Glenn Greenwald - he went for the favela boys and one stole his heart). At 25 you see your classic Ted Bundys and Paul Bernardos.
When will we have enough, Zig Forums? The actuaries say DOTR in less then ten years.
Go back to reddit.
Oh man, so good.
I'm not, I'm calling out unproductive faggotry. Kikes keep abusing our children and Zig Forums niggers do nothing but shitpost.
This is a low IQ nigger LARPing as a Zig Forumsack
His parents deserve to hang.
In related news, you're not allowed to post about trannies on half chan, mods are trying to purge anti-tranny threads.
Remember when pederasty was normalized in the Greek and Roman empires? Well now it's happening to the American empire. Kiddy diddling will be legalized in 20 - 40 years, mark my fucking words.
I must admit its darkly amusing to see one example of mental illness (a Christ insane low IQ woman) effectively combatting another mentally ill individual (man that thinks its a woman ie a tranny) on the ideological battlefield.
Can't help but think about your perversions can you?
Don't worry when I find you I will sodomize your severed head and piss on your lifeless corpse after I'm done ripping your intestines out, kike
Back to your containment board, pedokike
>>>Zig Forums
That's a very interesting hypothesis. I've never heard that before. I wonder how that works out in the faghag's head.
nice michigan at&t wifi 4cuck faggot
u forgot to blur out your ip address in your post, faggot.
yeah, (((inclusiveness)))
what a gay faggot
Being around Christians that have a sense of morality and traditionalism is 600000000000x better than degenerate filth and moloch worship.
What does MI stand for again? I'm new.
I bless you all racists. You're living proof that people can die, but racism never.
I hope you are all very pleased and happy about it.
racism does not stop.
That all racists will unite and racism will be great again.
Honestly it's really not "racism" but people, all people, tend to live their lives and form their opinions based on life experience and direct/indirect knowledge. Point being, there is a reason that smart people are cautious around this group/that group and, in this particular case here, there is a reason many people have serious issues with what they see as there is a long track record of these issues coming from people who have a thing for kids, pass on the abuse, and the cycle continues.
So I ask myself (truly), is it racism, homophobia or whatever they want to call it or is it merely intelligent conclusions based on common sense, experience and track records. Long story short I do not believe many people on Zig Forums are "racists" or whatever the media or fuckhats want to call the users but I think they are merely seeing what they see and reacting based on that rather than having some preconceived opinion.
Without discrimination (classically related to racism) the human race would die almost instantly. Discrimination is the only thing that allows people to survive in a material environment.
Yeah it's very true, it really is. It legitimately is a survival instinct if you break it down. Ironic you bring this up because people with political right narratives tend to have a (much) larger friend/foe spotting in their brain. Good point user.
Big surprise.
What action have you taken?
Wouldn't you like to know, nigger?
Yeah what's wrong with that? You brought it up so it's a simple question. I am not asking for specifics but you brought up action and are claiming we need to do something so don't you think an example of what you did/the result is in order?
Christians are the ones that allow for degeneracy to thrive because they are a pacified populace and they worship those pushing for degeneracy.
most pagans want nothing more than to do drugs and have sex all day long. you fags have no room to talk shit about this.
I love how none of the answers for being who you want to be are normal it's all some faggot tranny memesexual response and don't forget to be a vegan too.
Nice try. What you're doing is plain to see, and it's simply making excuses for not doing anything. I will not divulge details for the federal agents to latch onto simply because you're too much of a coward to even think of doing anything.
Really lazy false dichotomy shilling, i.e. "attribute criticism to christian as pagan opposition." You're the one claiming that nothing can be said about that because naming christian pacificism as the issue struck at the heart of the issue, and your only recourse is misdirection.
(good post in a weak thread, user)
Don't forget Roma.
Polite sage
I got banned for posting Zig Forums on Zig Forums because a jannie got offended over a "tranny hate thread" someone made. One mod, Abib was a raging faggot over it. The other mod I spoke with was less of a faggot and basically saying there are different selectively enforced rules for Zig Forums, admitting that you could be banned for racism on Zig Forums, since it violates the global rules. He state my post would have been ok, if it were just for medical purposes, but because someone could get grossed out, then it could qualify as guro.
Reposted with the deleted content.