Can the west be saved?

Hello Zig Forums I want to know can the west be saved and what are some good ideas and books to go about doing this?

I'm trying to put together a simple doctrine that we can follow in our daily lives to try and save civilization before it's too late. I won't give up I will die for the cause.

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We need a new doctrine removed from all religion. I give freely to you…

The 12 degrees of humanity

Men should fear wrongdoing, remembering that all pride of life leads to death and misery. Those that do true evil must be destroyed, they must fear wrongdoing on penalty of death. We as humanity must remember, celebrate and raise up the few virtuous men. We must guard ourselves against the vices of our thoughts, our words, our deeds and our will. We must remember well to fight off our desires of flesh for that is contrary to our spirit.

When we love not our own wills, are not pleased by ourselves nor our own desires, then when our good deeds are carried out we invigorate the human spirit! Our wills are not ours and ours alone, we are part of a whole known as the human race. Our self-will leads us down the path of destruction, but by our collective goodwill we can seize the day.

The love of our fellow man must not be cast aside for hatred, for was a wise teaching not taught to love your enemies? We would do well to imitate the saints of old who paved the way for progress of mankind. We should obey grace, humility, compassion, servitude, gratitude and above all love. We should obey these precepts until pain of death.

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The West can not be saved if you're not willing to live for the cause.

I will live of course but I'm willing to lay down my life as a sacrificial lamb if need be.

Even if it is distasteful or hard, even if injuries are sustained, we must accept them with patience and not lose our temper. Do not be tried, do not give up, for if you persevere until the end you will be victorious. Take heart and courage to always stand up for goodness and morality.

Remember that we are flawed beings, for the idea of evil lives within us. We should be faithful to confess our wrongs to one another and be quick to truly forgive one another. Unforgiveness leads to wickedness and evil in the heart. We must be merciful to one another, we must forgive, if we don’t then we lack love in our hearts, and if we have not love we have nothing.

We must acknowledge our own shortcomings, when we do we acknowledge our humility.

We must declare with our own tongues and believe in our innermost soul that “I’m the lowest and most flawed being, vile and that nothing good truly comes of me, but I will on this day not follow my own will.” We realign ourselves with the principle virtue of humility.

We should be led by our common goals of love, production, family, homogeneity, perseverance, morality, humility and grace.

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A wise man thinks before he speaks, so be slow to open your mouth for lofty words are used to lead others astray and can become evil. Do not be seduced my a man full of his own tongue, judge his character and actions on the earth.

Do not be quick to laugh at others, for you may be taken as a fool.

Speak softly, without laughter or mockery, humbly and with weight, use few sensible words, do not shout for then we shall all be wiser.

When you’re not only humble of heart, but also let all who see you appear in all manners practicing principles of virtue be it a good work, on your travels, or wherever you may be, sitting, walking or standing let your pride always be small. Hold yourself accountable to your duties, let others see that you have fear of abandoning these ideas. Let your humility shine before others as an example, let your deeds and actions be done thanklessly and in secret. Need not lofty praise of others for one good man is worth more than all the fools of the earth.

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Yes it can but that would mean extreme action on a consistent basis.
If you want to stop a disease from spreading you must exterminate it.

In my personal opinion it can be saved but only if the following are handled:

1) People need to step up and begin to flood elections for decision making positions, Grand Jury slots and begin to create a system of democracy again by placing actually qualified people into decision making roles rather than allowing these horrible people to (basically) have free rides to positions that make decisions that effect us all. As it stands, especially in local elections, very few people step up and that has opened the door for these issues to spread from community to community.

2) There must be a massive oversight change to the tech industry. As it stands they are puppeting foreign actor narratives and pushing them which is harming western citizens and nothing is being done about this because of their donations to controlled representatives. This is a major issue needing oversight.

3) The education system must be scoured of bad actors, unqualified types and so on. In this regard I would personally like to see a wage raise (significant) which could then attract the qualified and best person available who has been highly vetted for said positions. Education is more of an indoctrination zone at this point and for the future to be reversed this is essential.

4) There must be a systematic and overlapping removal of non elected regulators under the guise of non profits. These groups regularly cause issues within local communities and must be reigned in. Especially given their foreign connections much of the time.

5) There must be enacted some type of internet communication control whereas the user can effectively shut off communication from any/all countries that they wish. While it is true that this will not fully handle the issue it will definitely remove a massive amount of poisoning of the well coming from foreign groups or actors and leave only people who are either knowledgeable about how to get around such a block or are working for foreign state groups and would be easy to spot.

6) The prison system must be cleansed of any/every individual being held and of foreign descent. Currently our prison system is something like 65% non American and yet the American taxpayer is sporting this bill. This cannot go on.

7) All welfare and social service benefits to non Americans must end, period. The only caveat to this is if the person has been accepted and certified as a refugee (we know very few are). Outside of that caveat there should not be a single penny going to any person/group who is not of that country.

8) Sedition and remarks to destroy the country must be taken seriously and prosecuted accordingly, immediately and without mercy. No exceptions.

9) Remove the troubles currently in the machine to fire both teachers or government workers.

10) There must be enacted a new law which would hold the media responsible for both pushing fake news and/or their fake news resulting in the harming of a citizen. They must be held accountable.

11) False claims of rape and sexual assault must be held accountable.

There are more but I do not want to turn this into a novel unless anyone is interested.

As the days go by more aliens from the third world will cross our borders, more that already reside in our nation will give birth, and more will mix with the native stock of the host nation. The white birth rate in every European nation I can think of is below the replacement rate necessary for survival.

The Jew has elevated the colored races and has weaponized them against Whites via the media and the entertainment industry that they control. A cultural and racial war is being waged against us by international Jewry and their hordes of Mordor. White Europeans in every western nation are being ethnically cleansed albeit in a very slow and controlled fashion as to not make us aware that we are marching straight into the slaughterhouse. Things will get progressively worse and the White race will either unite and wage a total war against the Jewish world order, or they will go out with a whimper and get absorbed by the colored races of the earth.

"Those who want to fight let them fight, and those who don't want to fight do not deserve to live in a world of eternal struggle."

- Adolf Hitler

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Brother we can't give into violence, if we are the victims of violence it rallies more to our cause! We are seen as persecuted and blameless. No matter what the media says we can win if we stay the course. Right now the left wing are eating each other alive and we are growing stronger, how much stronger would we be with even more in our ranks? We can't give into hating the African or the Jew. If we do we will fall into a place there can be no recovery from and the left will inevitably defeat us. We should however hate immorality and injustice anywhere we see it but not blame entire groups for it.

I'm very interested so please if you may, I'm taking this very seriously.

1. I agree we need to step up into local office and start helping our communities. I might run for council.

2. Agreed the tech monopolies must be reigned in.

3. We have fallen behind on education and it must be addressed.

4. True, foreign actors need to go.

5. Agreed we need to have the internet ban on countries not friendly to the USA and control what traffic comes in and where they can post.

6. I'll look into this. well all of it but this too.

7. This might be hard to get the public behind, it would have to be framed very carefully as people can turn against this very easy.

8. Agreed could use the fake news as a good way to get this done.

9. Agreed we need a way to show their job performance as to not be unfair.

10. This goes against freedom of the press and might be very hard to get the public behind.

11. I agree on that there should not be a double standard but women are prosecuted for this its just not widely reported.

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No. We have been past the point of no return since the 60s. Now it's blatantly in our faces post- this new social revolution. What needs to happen is another breakaway country or region if a piece of the West is to survive. An extreme vetting system to allow people in.

That's a pipe dream, it will never happen. Your dream of a ethnostate has never happened in human history nor will it. We need another idea not meme dreams.

Tell me more about this "doctrine" you are working on, where it will be and what the purpose is before I explain anything else.

The answer is no.

Race is real. 3rd and 4th cousins are optimal biological partners, breeding outside your race is dangerous as fucking your 1st cousin or sibling.

Where there is a will there's a way.

We can do this. We start with the expel the Jew push, blame the women for defending them, end women's suffrage, and expel the Jew, by '22.

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We need a coalition of ethnostates racially aware of biological breeding optimums and intent on not ruining their lineage, like the Federation of Families. We need truth in racial relations through realization that the median IQ must be increased while maintaining racial integrity so that we don't all follow the mistakes of the Jew in an attempt to survive their permanent F1 hybrid NOS boost and excessive inbreeding thereafter making rapid advances in peculiar spheres of intelligence, like verbal acuity, while leaving them regressive or genetically diseased from rampant inbreeding followed by rapid outbreeding. That is what causes them to conquer and kill empires and disappear mostly from the face of the earth from time to time. We need to realize we are more stable than them and that we can breed slowly among the European races and let genes flow and yet advance our IQ levels through conscience acknowledgement of the need to beware the fungi parasitical race of the Jew.

If you read Spengler then the answer is most likely 'no'.

depends what you mean by west
we're not just dealing with the subversive attacks on the west for the last century, we're dealing with a version of the west that allowed it to happen and has been hopeless at solving this for as long
a failed system must not be saved, lest we want a repeat of this again
it must be shaken at its foundations, shed of the monkeys and snakes and parasites, pruned and burned and gassed, and built again with clearer vision, better hands, healthier growths and learned protectors

reminded me of something

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I'm working on a doctrine to push back against the left biased off of long lost traditions, ideas, morals, values and secure our seats for years to come. In hopes we can usher in a new American golden age, like the golden age we had in the 50's. The divide keeps growing and if we let it continue it will doom us to the evils of national socialism or communism. We made the black community what it is today due to the evils of racism, and if you don't believe me you haven't red enough history. Yes I'm white and I can acknowledge the past and we are repeating it all over again.

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I'll read more about him. Thanks for the recommendation.

As if that is a bad thing.

kill yourself

Yes! #MAGAwithDACA

Define, 'saved' OP. Demographics, debt and unfunded liabilities say no.

Here we go:
Strengthen our aryan forces on ALL LEVELS possible and weaken then enemy forces on ALL LEVELS possible

This means removing enemy propaganda and spreading own redpills.
This means making white children and saying no to pornography and junk food.

It is really this simple. Further reading which can help the white race:

Read and spread this, it is full of inspiring ideas on how to achieve the survival of the white race


Each of us must strive to become an Ubermensch. A soldier of Odin for the white race.
An Einherjar
putting all his might and brain power into doing whatever is necessary to ensure the 14 words

Strategy and Tactics/ PsyOp
(troll Antifa and other hate groups with these tactics):

Belief in the aryan blood (you have more power if you are a believer):

The Knowledge of the Waffen SS:

Personal Wisdom:

Security OpSec, InfoSec, Hiding and so on:

Unusual Communication, Hidden Communication and Encyption (Always try to communicate without the enemy knowing):
Indian Sign language
Whistled Language
Decrypted Secrets

Computer skills/ Hacking

If things get messy like in South Africa:

Know your enemy (strategy and tactics of jews):

Know the true history of the aryan race and share it:



Security tools:

If you read this and grasp some of the knowledge conained in it (make sure to save the books at a safe place/hidden memory card), the survival of the white race is secured!

Teach other the skills

one might add:

Strategy and Tactics/ PsyOp
Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures:

I'm sure there is some wisdom in these ideas but Americans dont like Nazism. I'll read these and find a way to bring the races together, to better themselves and strive towards the goal of prosperity and self-sufficiency. People should be taught that people can love who they want but there should be value placed on your ancestry. I think that that would bring more people together if we valued Our Heritage and desired with a common goal to keep it. These are complex issues that won't be solved without the help of all the races. If we can come up with a doctrine that every race can get behind then we can win.

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i knew america was fucked as long back as 2005. That's why i eventually left and moved to Asia.

Asia is heaven on earth if you are a white male

posting a Mystery PUA book? Fuck off faggot.

The most important aspect as I see it is the preservation of western value system. In assuring this is preserved there will be losses to both want in some individuals (their utopia) and will require losses of other sorts as well.

I have been a lifelong Republican but I do not even know if I am that any longer considering I do not agree with the weakness within the party from leadership and their allowances which set the table and gave a chance for these things to weasel into our systems. The party is (often) called the "Conservative" wing of politics but what have they truly conserved? Nothing at all. Piece by piece they have allowed what once was to be broken so they cannot be trusted.

On the flip side the left is completely out of control to such a level that they aren't even a pro western party any longer and every single thing they do is aimed at harming or weakening the west. They must be reigned in if things are to improve.

But how? Well you have two options.

1) Old school methods - This won't happen in this modern age

2) Use the same tactics they used against them which will then create a piece by piece situation. However to do this things would have to be given up to achieve it (for the time being at least).

What I am getting at is some things must be ignored for the time being to allow the greater group to focus on the essential issues needing course correction and those include education, taking control back from those who wish to destroy the west, and a reorganizing of the pro west parties in general. In many ways Trump opened the door for this to become possible and people just need to walk through the door he opened and begin to take control in their local areas and, from there, it will expand.

nazi germany was heaven on earth if you are a white male, and chinkland is nowhere near as great.
enjoy your pisseggs and dogmeat faggot

FOrbidden Parapsychology by Jose M Herrou Aragon is a book needed to save the west.

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can you post the pdf

Possibly but almost certainly it will require violence. Some things indicate it can be, whites appear more and more racially conscious as time goes on. Yet I think too many are married to the idea that there is a political solution.

Best question though is SHOULD the West be saved. Western civilization brought itself to its current state. It set up power structures then voluntarily let kikes and women into positions of power. I’m of the opinion the only way yo fix it is to burn the west down, purge the undesirables then build it back up under tribal and environmental conscious political directives

Just fucking go away.

The New Awakening has a pretty good plan for saving western civilization.

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Fuck off kike

Protect our borders

Delay instant gratification

Whites need to become tribalistic and need solid (((uncompromised))) leadership

Our mission is To change the human condition by means of a cultural revolution through self improvement

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The 1950s or the 1850s?

Sure sure just turn to Islam and then wail about how ruined the west is because of the shared alliance of Islam and the left, lol.

(((Racetraitor))) confirmed. Go away kike with your low IQ bait!
The aryan men does not want yellow chink waifus.
Jews are a mutt race, you will never be white!

Literally searching for some (potentially) weak position in a solid NatSoc post. (((Kike))) confirmed again.
You just sow hate and discord. But it does not work if the people know your jewish tactics! You only attacked the post because it is pure gold!

Good resources. Will take the time to read it!
Maybe you will like this book aswell. It is about the origin of the aryan/indogermanic race in Atlantis. Atlantis was located in the germanic sea!

The people who live in terror of infiltration are criminals, as are those who fear disloyalty so much they rape privacy to find it.

If an evil intelligence service used bribery as a quicksort, I wonder if there are people who would take bribes from agencies but not their civilian leaders, and I wonder if there are people who would take bribes from civilian leaders but not from agencies.

Just wondering aloud here. Not that y’all have ANY experience with thinking your own thoughts, lol. Left got skittlesy for a while and this place went hardcore obedient.

YOU will never be white, racenigger. It’s not the color of your skin that matters, but the color of your character.

We need a revolution of thought before we can save the West. That revolution of thought is happening here on these very forums, right now. And others.

The problem is that this revolution of thought is a slow process. The other problem is that there are alot of hidden truths that most people are not aware of, and people need to know whole truth.

People know that people in a certain tribe are directing things, but they dont know the magnitude of the situation, and that this manipulation and control has been going on for a long, long time - way before WW2.

They also dont realize that ultimately it is off-world entities that are controlling the situation. Non-humans. Which is why they are so effective in controlling society.

In order to Save the West - Whites have to embrace their FULL DESTINY. They need to embrace the fact that they are God's Chosen, and are destined to lead all of humanity into a better future. They need to bask in the power of the creator, realize their capacity for Good, and overcome the challenge with full force.

Until this awakening happens, then the West and the world is screwed. If White people go, so does the rest of the world. The stakes are that high.

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What is there to save? West as it is now, I don't care about it at all, it can burn and degenerate more.

West like it was prior 1960s? It is long gone. Want to rebuild it? Must have land where to do it. No land = no future. Everything else is BS

The only way to save The west is to get ready for race wars. Train for DOTR.

(DACA check em)

I agree if whites go the rest of the system collapses.

Hopefully i can shoot people from berlin.

You can't say it like that though if you plan to write something on it while looking to reach a lot of people. You have to present it in a way of a neutral obsevor based even if that isn't the case. Biggest advice I can give you user, even if not asked for, is learn how to be subtle in your approach to such things.

Can the West be saved? From what? Western ideals helped cement ZOG global domination. The only escape is death.

I agree 100% how subtle is this meme?

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Anymore ideas Zig Forums? Would having Christianity as the state religion help?

It cannot be saved nor should we desire to save it. Capitalism, Liberalism and Christianity are the West and all those things should be annihilated.

Your rebranded christian cuckoldry needs to go. We have over 2,000 years of documented christian works against the White race. It's time to try something else.

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Why would paganism be any better?

because it's against universal order

No. Only those martyred by the West's failure can be saved. "The West" is nothing but a remnant of a war that was basically finished over the last two centuries, such that all that remains are traitors or prisoners of war. It can, however, be punished. And that is precisely the role of Justice to administer.

Whew. Objection overfuckingruled, kike!

I suggest you go to Tulsa if you are researching the race riot. They have the actual shop locations embedded in the sidewalk

Move to a supermajority white area and wait for the eventual Balkanization.

Unless Operation Wetback 2.0 on steroids is put into effect (minimum 30MM deported), and the Q op is actually real and tens of thousands of ZOGbot gov't traitors are going to gitmo, Balkanization is inevitable. So, it's inevitable.

Europe will burn, coin flip if NATO will drive them out. In many ways, they are more likely to survive w/culture intact than the USA.

See above related

Good the revolution of thought needs to come to fruition. What are some of the hidden truths? Ok, you lost me at off world entities? Are you saying ayy lamos are controlling us? I agree about our destiny, we need not advocate for supremacy though I fear that if we do then we will lose. What kind of awakening has to take place in your eyes?

How can we start to take control? What are some of the old values?

I will check it out.

Can't we do it without killing?

I'll read it and see if there is anything of use.

I'm liking the sound of this.


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Yes it can.

People just need to spend less time talking shit, and more on doing shit.

Start shooting.

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Agreed what steps would you have us take?