In the western world, under a (((certain))) influence, the atheism started to spread. (((Carl Sagan))) never wrote a book where he didn't lied about the Inquisition, or said the Church persecuted free of thought and scientists and knowledge. Most of the popular knowledge of science in the West derive from his influence. There are even fb pages titled “I wish Inquisition has done what people says”.

Atheists (in some countries surpassing the number of theists) and 'smarties' ,the ones who had a poor religious upbringing, are the ones who are here defending a LARP. Christianity (or any religion, for that matter) should not be treated as a social event. You're not there to meet that girl, you're not there to show how rich and pious you are, or how needy you are, or to have a good time. It must be moving, spiritually speaking. If you NEVER had any spiritual experience, you don't have a dog in this fight. You are there to worship something higher, and that must mean something to you. If you had that, you will stick to your Church, because you have found truth there. If you didn't, you'll defend a LARP under the 'worshipping jews' banner, because it doesn't matter for you. You don't know what you're talking about. It becomes a political argument for you and it’s not what it is. And I highly doubt that any LARPer here have had a truly transcendental experience worshipping Odin or Apollo or Zeus or whatever. And if your LARP of choice contains ANY component of occultism, it’s been jewed as we already know.

I, personally, only got off the marxist cancer because I had a strong religious upbringing. I realized one day that for being Christian I'm against drug legalization. I'm against feminism. I'm against abortion. I can't support those things as it goes against my basic world views. So I can't be leftist. This path took me to the protocols. This path made me realize the (((hand))) on politics, media, entertainment, everywhere. If I was an atheist, I would probably just went with the flow, without the backbone of The Truth to support me.

You won't find here a person from Poland or Croatia, places where the Christianity had the battles we're about the face, who disagree with the idea of uniting all Europeans of the World under Christendom. Only kiked whites defend paganism.

If you're a Catholic or Protestant, doesn't matter. We can settle every theological debate and schism after the war is won. Under mudslime rule or under (((marxist))) rule, there's no debate to be held. There's no white culture remaining. We must unite.

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Other urls found in this thread:


(post too long, didn't fit)

Jesus himself spend the whole 3 years of his documented life speaking against the jews. What pharisees did is exactly what every jew is doing today (and for the past millenia). Why jews would make one jew God just to condemn themselves? As we all know, if they had the opportunity they'd make the Messiah as flattering to them as possible. And that's not the case. And jews ABHORR Jesus Christ. Just ask 'innocently' any jew what if he converted to Christianism. You'll see him want to choke you right there, rage and hate boiling in his eyes. They hate Christianity with all they have.

St. Paul, the dude who defined what is to be Christian, who stablished the whole theological foundation of what the religion is (or should be), was a jew, yes. An elite jew, according to himself. Durkheim said that there's a kind of suicide that's motivated by loss of status and property, and yet that was what St. Paul did on his own will. To preach about a universal Saviour to Goyim, to make a life selling tends, living with gentiles, working with them, calling them brothers. He denounced the jew. He wrote to people against LARPs, against the degeneracy that LARPers practiced, against gender equality, against jews trying to convert them to judaism. And was heavily persecuted by jews for it.

Both Paul and Jesus are good Aryans by anyone's standards (unless you're nigger dumb and biased af). And if you are a stubborn white brother, let me remind you of something: genocide works. When we wipe jews, mudslimes and mongrels out of this world, we can rewrite history at will. We can erase them as if they never were to plague our race's existence. Jesus was always depicted as a blonde, tall, blue-eyed guy anyway, and jews try to say desperately He was brown. We can make every Bible personality a white guy, from whatever we want to be the origin of all white people. We can put Odin in the role of God and Thor in the role of Jesus, mixing paganism and Christianity. We can throw the remaining Bibles in the trash can and follow Mars, or Zeus, or Seth. United, together, in the upcoming world of justice and glory of our mighty Race. Now we unite, now we fight. Now we give our own lives to our brothers, our sisters, our children and our legacy. ==IT IS A MUST==.

If you’re an atheist with a poor religious upbringing, with a disgruntled family (religiously speaking), no problem, no shame. Go to a church, every sunday. If that's infested by niggers, or by a theology of 'let's accept those poor gays, trannies, immigrant trash under God's love', go to somewhere else. Find your white brothers, that live close to your house and have pure European families like us. Train with them. Shoot with them. Borrow each others guns. Go hunt together. Pray together. Those are the cores of jacked and armed white dudes we'll need in this upcoming war. Those are the squads who'll hunt niggers, kikes, commies and mudslimes like rats. This is the base of the army that'll make istambul Constantinople again. We need unity or we'll be easily defeated. If you feel like this is all bullshit, there’s no god whatsoever, go for a social event. Act respectful and socialize. If you let yourself, you’ll find some relevance there.

Well, most very relevant guys in the NSDAP were elite Bavarians (and with the expansion of the party, most elite guys of the other parts of the country got in as well). Most of these guys were certified occultists and/or masons. And as we already know, all occultism in the West is derived from (((folklore, culture and hermetism))). So, the LARPers in the NSDAP and government were jewed guys.

We know. I know. That's why I'm doing this. My people worth it. You guys worth it. The more (((you))) hate it, the more it benefits my people and I'll be even more sure that this is the right track. (((you))) lost.

Religion has always been a glue in racial wars. It has always been a mean of unity, of brotherhood, it has always given our people another identity to get closer and stronger. We need something like this for this war. We can’t use any sort of ancient paganism to this extent soon and deep enough. It’s not feasible. If we unite 200M Christian guys in a single mentality and purpose, decently armed and trained, we’re unstoppable. Jews and their devices will be dust in weeks.

To the Christians: the time has come to die for our faith, for our people, that’s why we were put here in this time, that’s why we came to know what we do. This is our purpose, this is our mission. Embrace it.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Deus Vult

P.S.: give it have a thought after replying shit. Have some common sense. I know you'll get there.

shows muslim church…wahhhhh 'christianity'

What part of the Bible says "Do not suffer a jew to live anywhere in Europe."
Also, at what point did Jesus go to the homeland of European Peoples to minister to our ancestors?

you know there's no such this as a muslim church, right?

Is it circular in plan or not, big faggot?
church = circle

lol you silly pagan

never, but He didn't had to do that. There's where the "go into all the world and preach the gospel" comes in. That's where St. Paul got in. Preching to greeks.

of course, every church is circular!
come on man. That's plain dumb. Don't embarass yourself.

The Inquisition was started by a Jew.


I am mostly just fucking around in your thread until it is deleted for not being in the 'religion' OP

I do commend you for shopping out the spires.

Then Christianity is not a White religion.
If Jesus wasn't European, then his spawn belongs in Africa.

So was the catholic church.

if the premise is so weak, refute it. Oh wait, you can't.

apparently you failed to read what I've written. Think about it, my man.

and it's so previsible that I've adressed this in the post already.

I've clearly asked you guys to think about it for a minute. We're high IQ people. It's not that hard. You're not doing it.

Christians don't murder jews in the modern day, so we actually need much less Christianity.

I don't want anything to do with jews user. Anything but they or their teaching. I am interested in becoming someone who wins the race, not someone who falls to Babylon (religious institutions).

I agree with you that we must unite against the world-enemy. However I disagree that only kiked-Whites defend Paganism. I'm reasonably certain that I'm not kiked and yet I defend European Religions because I like them. I find them more wholesome and organic than Christianity.

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'Fine', another Christian thread. Try not to D&C white people or slide too hard, faggots.

He was not a kike (out of Africa nigger user).

keep it in the religion thread you stupid fucks

fuck off, fedfag

This is just so vague I don't really know what you are talking about.
but what means by 'christianity'? Catholicism? Prots?

why that's what jews strive for then? Why they hate Christianity so much?

They are cursed to die for it user.
The blood of one man = national survival?
It works the same way in reverse as well.

Well, me neither. I think anyone here want. And that's why I adressed it in the post.

Well, me too. I think most of us here are. That's my point.

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fed tier "meme "

Which one of the Real Christianities do we need?


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It could be simpler than we are making it out to be.
It could be that if we just hold out and hold onto our faith the kikes are obligated to die for the blood of one man.

Christianity has been measured and has found itself wanting. Corrupted and co-opted, all forms of Christianity from Roman Catholicism to Evangelicalism have been made useless. If you say
Then I say
And to that you have no response.

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That isn't a meme at all, and feds push D&C threads.

I like the festivals and I think some symbols and meanings have a huge importance. I tend to disagree with the rest; in my point of view (somewhat Jungian) monotheistic religions have a strength that paganism can't have. And I like Christian morality.

Obviously the kikes and humanity cannot co-exist. So since they are cursed with the blood of the murdered maybe they are doomed to death. That might be the key to salvation, holding onto the blood of the Lamb while the kikes get btfo and ass rekt by God. Kinda like Egypt.

Sure he did user, sure he did.

That's why he said stuff like this:

Matthew 15:24
4He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

and told his followers to avoid the gentiles.

Matthew chapter 10 verse 5

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

But whatever.

Jesus can be whatever we want him to be. If you and I say he's a kick ass aryan warrior, then he's a kick ass aryan warrior.

He's just a puppet to speak to the masses with.

Attached: Jesus puppet 00.jpg (225x225, 4.33K)

Easy to filter fedfags

which means foreigner in Greek, like you kike fedfags. Filtered

I think you lack some background info. Jews believe that some saviour will be sent for them. But for them alone. And he wouldn't condemn them as much as Christ did. All the fundamental aspects of Christianity are against judaism.

How about we just focus on race and leave the wedge issues to the shills?

I mean technically user…maybe they know that what is happening in the Earth right now is the beginning of the plagues of Egypt but on a global scale.

He already came for them. You might need to update your timeline there user.

no its the cognate of goyim

The only good thing about kikestianity is patriarchy. You are probably a jew or an american 56% taco goblin.

We are focused on 'race' user. Christianity is a bloodline religion. It is not meant for anyone who is not part of that bloodline.

no it means foreign tribes like you.

Christian morality is hit and miss. I like some parts but I strongly dislike their universalism and servile attitude.

another day a guy here posted about how many priests think that jews are the evil, and it's something like 15%.

These are pics of jewed christians, and as I've stated in the post, get away from them. Go to another place. These people will die/we'll be killing them together with marxists, vegans, feminists and such. These must be expelled. Jews infected every good aspect of our society, every place of strength of white people. I've news for ya: (((they))) try to destroy, EVERY SINGLE DAY, what means to be white.

Yes it is a jewish religion of and for jews.

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No, it does not just mean foreign tribes, gentile is cognate with goyim, meaning not just any foreign tribes but non jewish foreigners. No non jew would ever refer to others as gentile, its loaded with kike supremacy.

the Zig Forums version. The one who loves the axe of battle and the one bizantines fought bravely to defend against mudslimes. The one who was in the Reconquista. That version.

Don't hope to see a priest calling for jewish genocide anywhere yet though. That's not what I'm talking about. And it's even a crime in some 2nd amendment-less places.

First off it is FUCKING GREEK not jewish so it is a GREEK FUCKING WORD.

Probably from etho; a race (as of the same habit), i.e. A tribe; specially, a foreign one (usually, by implication, pagan)

yup, that's right. The thing is you missed the rest of the story. They did, and were repelled by the jews. If it was going so good and well, (((they))) wouldn't allow Christ to be crucified in the first place. And as we all expect (((them))) to do, they chose a criminal instead.

Read what St. Paul have written.

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I knew a priest who called for jewish genocide. They erased him completely from the web in one day in less than one hour.

Paul is a kike.

Oh this one?

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Did you found in History any white empire, any huge force after Christ that were not Christian? Because I tried, and I really haven't.

Yeah, 'NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMANY, they werent christian.

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not really. Every jew is Christian? Because if He came for (((them, they))) should be. I'm not the one needing and update here. And it was already stated in the post.

Its funny how the jewish parasite only became a serious problem after christians managed to subvert Rome and give them special privilege

Jesus was pretty specific about when the kike messiah would show up. You have been following him all this time if you follow anything that kike Paul wrote. He was the founder of the Catholic Church.
The (((Catholic Church))) murdered 100 million+ (probably double this) Europeans in their 2000 year occupation and destruction of our nations user.

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Not really, no. But if you think it is, it's our bloodline religion then. Since the Roman Empire stablished it as the official religion, so did every white state in the world. I was born in a majority Christian country, with Christian parents and ancestrals, hbu?

how many jews do you know that are Christians?

Doing God's work OP.

So many kikes and pagan larp soyboys think that it wasn't White Christian Men that made this world great. They think that Christianity and White Nationalism cannot work together–they work inherently best together. White Christians have been kicking every brown, nigger, and yellow fag around for the ages.

Pagans assblasted because they can't worship Odin and have people take them seriously.

Deus Vult

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Ethnic German, born in a white nation (that has been invaded by subhuman trash). It should pique you interest that only Western Europe is being targeted and that there are 12 nations in Western Europe who share our bloodline. This is the great tribulation user…but it is going to get a lot worse until the kikes finally LET US THE FUCK GO…and not until then.

None. You can't be jewish and christian anymore than you can be nigger and a christian.

preaching against homossexualism, against the jews, against jewish practices towards early Chrstians, preaching for patriarchy and female submission? I really don't think so.

Zig Forums never actually talks about spirituality. It just gets onto racial/organized religion D&C lines and goes nowhere. You can see entire threads where the topic is never mentioned. What do you even think people mean by a "religion experience"? What's accomplished by meditation? Are you even capable of wondering? It's not just metaphors for how to live a good life. The morality shit is just stuff you do so nobody is trying to stab you in the head while you figure out which spiritual pursuits are fruitful. I'm not exaggerating when I say the process unfolds for every person in the same general way, for every religion. I see them as cultural scaffolding that supports those who want to do the real work. They only differ in who they want to succeed spiritually: those who want it, (((themselves))) (and denying it to others purposefully), everyone (even those who don't want it), or just those who want it. I used to be an "atheist", then I was mildly annoyed by them, now I'm positive they have no idea what it's about.

Chrisrcucks are the ultimate cuckolds

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this pope was put there to further a SJW agenda. I'm Protestant, but I know a lot of Catholics that say he should be excomungated. Who put him there? I bet you can guess. He's just a puppet.

You have a cyclical you jew cunt.

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did you know that the NatSoc state absorbed all the churches, and every church had a Mein Kampf copy? Did you know ethic Germans are Christians since Charlemagne? Hitler was raised Christian. And I already adressed the pagan members of the NSDAP in the post.

Go look at the western European nations that share our bloodlines and then look at this chart of scientific advancements. The whole entire world and all its culture and all its inventions are all our and they all belong to us. Which is why they are putting the full court press on men and women to marry outside their race and destroy our nations. Because they are going to die due to the wrath of God if we can hold onto our faith. Their survival relies on us losing our faith and not holding them accountable.

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Saying that some modern Christians are cucked means all Christians are cucked is like you–retarded. Go cherry pick some more stories of whores and thots and ignore history.

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and if I dig and twist enough I can find stuff that say Jesus wanted white people to rule the world.

You're just proving my point that all this religion stuff is plastic to be molded into whatever we need for the occasion.

I can't disagree with that. They were useful for weath thristy kings, that's how (((Rotschilds))) made their cash. They put mudslims in Iberic Peninsula. Just like our forefathers made the mistake of opening the door to female political power (a number of times in history, actually), they trusted the wrong people. That's the mistake we're about to fix. Genocide works.

Paul, real name Saul, and Jesus were Semites, not Aryans. Sage, reported, filtered.

Acts 21
38“Aren’t you the Egyptian who incited a rebellion some time ago and led four thousand members of the ‘Assassins’ into the wilderness?” 39 But Paul answered, “I am a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Now I beg you to allow me to speak to the people.”

Acts 23
Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead."

If anyone else thinks he has grounds for confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin; a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;

What did Jesus tell you about the Pharisees that YOU HAVE IGNORED, user?

The fact is that Paganism got absolutely fucked by Christianity. No one is going to follow a religion that was basically killed off for hundreds of years. So what are our realistic options?

1) Christianity

2) Islam

3) Buddist

4) Hinduism

Clearly option 1) is the best we got. The main problem is that Christians currently believe the bible is pro jew, if we can take back Christianity from it's pro jew outlook it's actually based.

Good fuck off finally, fedfag
Return filtered.

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Good luck teaching people about things like the Jeffersonian Bible. There is really no way to get your post/thread deleted faster than to mention that there is a Bible that removes all the Pharisee/kike teachings out of it already and that it was compiled by a BRILLIANT polymath who was a European and part of our people.

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Just give up the 100% free thought available to you as a non-brainwashed cultist! Why are you being so stubborn about it?! Please join our cult and add a bunch of arbitrary garbage into your mind.

actually, Catholic Chruch murdered nobody. Inquisition was something like police/jury. The states executed the penalty.
And one of your pics even say 'semitic torture'. It's a jewed part of church. And like I've said in the post, most of it is not true. "I wish the inquisition had done what people say". It's in the OP.

It's not pretty jewish infiltrate, do horrible shit, blame in some else and exaggerate afterwards?

Not only was he a BRILLIANT polymath but he stopped the kikes Barbary slave trade that murdered and slaughtered millions of Europeans (something their kike masters would not do for the European people because they got a kickback and enjoyed seeing us slaughtered)

A Message To White Christians - Dr. William L. Pierce
youtube.com/watch?v=l_deiiaZC8I [Open]

On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook | National Vanguard

On Christianity | National Vanguard

Communism’s Christian Roots

Jesus: The Jewish Archetype

YHVH: Taking the mask off Christianity

The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy Hoax

The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

His own people aka Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.

I read their letters user. I have no 'illusions' about what happened there. Almost all of them were faithful and good catholics that had no idea why they were being tortured. None of them 'were guilty' and fuck you very much to pretend that you can fucking save someone soul by torturing their child and wife in front of them to gain a 'confession'.

user pre-Chrisitan sweden could barely even read/write and were only allowed to exist because no one else wanted their subpar land. Their only note worthy event was invading England and then proceeding to get completely fucked right back to sweden.

Why? Because priests need to ejaculate into young boys.

The Jeffersonian Bible has all the magic parts edited out. Turn out,, people like the magic parts and ignore the morals and stuff.

Buddhism can exist within any other religion, as it isn't really a religion and has no doctrine that must be followed. It's not even accurate to call it a religion, except by convention. I've seen it called "Hinduism stripped for export".

Morality really doesn't come into it. It's entirely orthogonal to the purpose of buddhism, but it definitely makes it easier. Say you're a drug dealer, people are going to make your life difficult and if someone dies and you know it's your fault, you're going to worry about it. Say you steal something, you're going to be worried about someone trying to imprison or kill you and it would make it hard to meditate. That's the kind of morality buddhism is concerned with.
Absolutely the opposite; you couldn't possibly be more wrong on this point. It's all about looking directly at reality, all the time, with the fewest filters possible.
True, somewhat. On the one hand they can literally burn themselves alive or sit unmoving while being murdered by an invading army, but this is considered their fault for living close to a border. Do you complain about the heat or cold, or do you move somewhere to your liking? It can exist within the warrior classes; see samurais. In present day, check out the kebab removal they are doing in some places.