In the western world, under a (((certain))) influence, the atheism started to spread. (((Carl Sagan))) never wrote a book where he didn't lied about the Inquisition, or said the Church persecuted free of thought and scientists and knowledge. Most of the popular knowledge of science in the West derive from his influence. There are even fb pages titled “I wish Inquisition has done what people says”.
Atheists (in some countries surpassing the number of theists) and 'smarties' ,the ones who had a poor religious upbringing, are the ones who are here defending a LARP. Christianity (or any religion, for that matter) should not be treated as a social event. You're not there to meet that girl, you're not there to show how rich and pious you are, or how needy you are, or to have a good time. It must be moving, spiritually speaking. If you NEVER had any spiritual experience, you don't have a dog in this fight. You are there to worship something higher, and that must mean something to you. If you had that, you will stick to your Church, because you have found truth there. If you didn't, you'll defend a LARP under the 'worshipping jews' banner, because it doesn't matter for you. You don't know what you're talking about. It becomes a political argument for you and it’s not what it is. And I highly doubt that any LARPer here have had a truly transcendental experience worshipping Odin or Apollo or Zeus or whatever. And if your LARP of choice contains ANY component of occultism, it’s been jewed as we already know.
I, personally, only got off the marxist cancer because I had a strong religious upbringing. I realized one day that for being Christian I'm against drug legalization. I'm against feminism. I'm against abortion. I can't support those things as it goes against my basic world views. So I can't be leftist. This path took me to the protocols. This path made me realize the (((hand))) on politics, media, entertainment, everywhere. If I was an atheist, I would probably just went with the flow, without the backbone of The Truth to support me.
You won't find here a person from Poland or Croatia, places where the Christianity had the battles we're about the face, who disagree with the idea of uniting all Europeans of the World under Christendom. Only kiked whites defend paganism.
If you're a Catholic or Protestant, doesn't matter. We can settle every theological debate and schism after the war is won. Under mudslime rule or under (((marxist))) rule, there's no debate to be held. There's no white culture remaining. We must unite.