> Conflict first arose on Thursday when 11 GOP senators went into hiding to block the vote on a landmark climate plan aimed at significantly lowering the state's greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While Democrats already have a majority in the chamber, 20 members must be present for a quorum.
> Following the walk-out, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown deployed state police to recoup lawmakers. Republican lawmakers and militia members weren't too happy with that order. "We will not stand by and be bullied by the majority party any longer," said Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr. in a Thursday statement, while Republican state Senator Brian Boquist suggested he would resort to violence if Brown dispatched state troopers.
> "This is what I told the superintendent," Boquist told local media, referring to Oregon State Police superintendent Travis Hampton. "Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I'm not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It's just that simple."
Hail Boquist!
> Militia groups are now allegedly threatening violence to protect the Republican senators, prompting the closure of the capitol's Saturday floor session.
Up to 600 members of alleged militia groups expected to mobilize to Oregon-Idaho border in effort to
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When spics start dying, let me know.
read the op nigger
if da Po Po had any balls they'd arrest the Communist Governor.
The cops intentionally weed out anyone whose IQ is too high to do anything other than mindlessly follow orders and sacrifice race and country for a momentary paycheck.
Daily reminder that 3%ers and Oathkeepers are multicult civnat trash in cheap camo who's most energetic activity has come in defense of a wealthy zionist cattle rancher and carbon taxes.
Oh great, more paid LARPers, what could be better than that?
The final solution is to execute all politicians and anyone who tries to hold office. All civilians who remain loyal to the federal government or state will be executed as well. Bankers and ZOG bloodlines should be executed at all costs, women and children as well. You will never be free until you napalm the swamp. You can't just remove it. It's like cancer, you need to completely severe it from you and let it die.
found the liberal faggot who doesn't know shit about anything.
It's not a antifa rally with 15 homeless people and 7 college kids who havn't showered in weeks getting paid in 20s. It's cuckservatives making weak threats and playing defensive, as usual. No blood = no gain.
Nigger. I know exactly what's happening. Let me say it one more fucking time: when spics start dying, fill me in. Now die in an aids fire.
You caught me! And I almost got away with voting for Obama for a third term.
True but atleast something might happen here.
Meh, maybe we will atleast get some entertainment out of this.
All we can hope for these days.
Would be cool if they clash with Antifa or invade Portland. Unlikely but chaos is ratcheting up across America.
It is almost as if you enjoy the current direction and want to maintain it. The fact isn't that you need to support their ideals, because they are far from perfect, but their willingness to do this is beneficial to anyone tired of the status quo.
At the very least it means that enough people are tired of the bullshit.
At the most it means shit could very well kick off sooner than later.
Only those that like the direction we are heading can't see value in this.
Stop lying
Am I missing something here? Why the fuck is there such an escalation over something as stupid as CO2 levels? This has to be LARPing or false-flagging.
Because your rank and file normalfag cannot fathom such things as large scale demographic pollution, but know full well when energy costs are getting too high. Also when one group (cities) get away with putting the burden on another (rural folks).
It is over the effects the proposal would have on Oregon's rural population. Which, if it is any consolation, are mostly white. And actually, that was the reason the Senators walked out. The militias are due to the fact the Governor ordered state police to arrest the Senators for not being present for the vote, effectively using state police for a political and civil matter.
It's also over the Dems use of their supermajority to tack on emergency clauses to circumvent a public referendum on any legislation they know would fail when put to the people. Dems used the emergency clause with their pending legislation to give illegals driver's licenses, which overwhelmingly failed public referendum in 2014. Incidentally, emergency clauses can't be used for anything that would raise state revenues, but their cap and trade bill would do just that. They're basically daring someone to stop them.
Go ahead and remind the group of when you took up arms and stood against something you believed to be unjust.
I'll hold my breath.
Hey jewboy, there are 7 armed men on my street waiting for shit to go down. 1 street in one town in one city in one county in one state and we have more ammunition than most platoons with guns to spare for every neighbor.
Protip: You are absolutely fucked if you fuck with the US.
Carbon taxes (and eco-cultism in general) are meant to remove what little freedoms people have left. It will make the economy tank, people poorer, and the parasitic state apparatus more bloated leading to even more oppressive Soviet-style laws being passed until you are a literal slave of the state and get to live in your overcrowded hive city surrounded with subhumans, getting your daily soy rations and apologizing 3 times a day at the globohomo altar for breathing air while working all day in ecologically friendly gulag to support niggers and their 10 children.
You faggots need to stop waking me up at 3am
I was asleep peacefully, quit fucking with me when I am asleep
Because its tax aimed at land owning whites.
According to Agenda 21 UN plans for US relocation of citizens. The sheeple are meant to be pushed into the cities not the other way around. Since they say they must help nature so pushing goyim into the cities they figure would help. Look up Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
Agenda 21 UN Future plans for USA
3hour and 30 min long video detailed explaining what its about and the plans.
They will increase taxes to force goyim from the rural areas. Either they increase taxes or use military force. I figure they prefer to use taxes instead.
Oregon rednecks trying to go against UN and actual Jew world order directives. Red necks need some luck on their side for that one.
Noticed the youtube link has been removed.
Here's bitchute link instead:
3hour and 30 min long video detailed explaining what its about and the plans.
So, if you only have 18 present when a quorum is 20, the 18 just declare that they are 20. That’s the way communists did it when I was growing up.
the rips put the democrats into a pretty unsavory situation. if they cave and make the vote public they'll lose the referendum and basically have to face more walkouts + militia backup every time they try to pull the same crap.
if this continues past June 30th and brown calls a special session, all of the pending legislation has to start over in the house. so that's the carbon tax, IDs for illegals, mandatory maternal leave, and some other sjw shit like that. keep in mind most of this crap barely passed the house the first time around before stalling in the senate, and almost none of it would pass being put to a citizen vote. And if the carbon tax passes, its legality is really questionable because of the emergency clause usage for what amounts to a new revenue stream for the state, so its ultimately going to die in the courts anyway.
either way, the rips will have a lot of campaign material for 2020, which is all this dog and pony show is about at this point
They've done this type of thing before in 2016. Based.
You seem to describe antifa more than us.
Wouldn't be better to fund the tree projects like Australians did to turn brown land into forest land? Are the Democrats retards or what?
Remember: The priority is to protect the white race.
Protect the white race at all costs. Don't let the subhumans scare you.
What do you think?
Their idea of racial loyalty is mixing everybody and then pretending it's the same thing.
leftists dont actually care about any of the things they claim to care about. all their pissing and moaning about the climate has nothing to do with actually improving anything, but rather giving them more control. all their whining about "children" in border detention facilities is about leveraging for amnesty so they can fast-track millions of democrat voters to give them supermajorities in state legislatures, with total control of the federal govt as the ultimate goal
everything, literally everything they bitch about is a way to get more power
It's FBI psy ops intended to keep people from joining.
If you tax emissions, you tax every industry that doesn't employ people to sit at desks. I.e. everything outside of cities. I.e. whites. The whites are rightfully pissed as this pushes all their jobs to china where they don't give a rat's ass about "carbon" or "emissions".
If BoomerWaffen doesn't kill shitskins we can write them off as a complete failure.
Agreed, fuck those guys. What we need is a 100% pure movement of fully redpilled white nationalists who won't work with civnat groups on the grounds of ideological purity. That will make our revolution a pure one!
In the meantime, do nothing except vote every two to four years. The system will magically fall apart after another decade or two at the most with no effort required from any of us.
Absolutely this. Checked with enthusiasm. We really need to amplify this point everywhere we go – Progressives don't give a shit about their pet niggers and other animals. Shit, the white nationalists probably like blacks more than the average liberal. They just use whatever issue works as a fracture point to gain more control and fuck up our lives on behalf of Moloch, but that's a deeper red pill than we need at the moment.
Nothing's gonna happen, the US Army could mow down right wingers that the population would quietly accept it.
I’ve done the math and I’m basically a PhD of math
They’d be fucked. Armed white males would wipe the floor with them and then have all the fun heavy toys we would ever need. Army is pozzed and multiculti fag proud
they won't, if they are ordered to under a democrat president 75% of the armed forces would immediately defect and begin a civil war
you know nothing
lel. You wont do anything nigger. Now bend over while more beaners invade and take it up the ass like the good goy you are.
Make a happening thread if beaners start drinking juice from a lead hose as they cross the Rio Grande not before.
Wouldn’t the terminology be drink lead juice from a steel hose? Semantics I know and I also completely agree with you
this is something that isnt getting covered by the jewstream media. it isnt just this one cap and trade bill the republicans are protesting, even though the meme is "they walked out over climate change lol stupid trumptard climate deniers."
It's the deliberate and in some cases illegal circumvention of the option for a public referendum when democrats know full well it wouldn't win a people's vote. and they do this kind of thing in every state where they have either 3/5ths or 2/3rds of both chambers and the governorship. note that oregon just won their supermajority in 2018. Depending on how this shit show goes they are probably going to lose it
The republic is slowly dying. I hope before Trump's presidency ends he declares himself dictator for life and sends the Democrats to internment camps.
The republic died in 1913. Kill yourself for supporting Trump. Kill yourself for spreading the jewish false dichotomy. Don’t post again.
Boomer militia larpers are starting WW3?
Trump is our last hope, user.
Fuck these kikes so hard. None of the militia threatened violence that I've seen. They said they would use violence in defense, which is legally not a threat.
It's about not siding with people who will stab you in the back at the first opportunity. Oathcucks sided with one of their illegal immigrant spics members when he assaulted a White Nationalist unprovoked. 3% boomers made public statements that if they saw a White Nationalist at an event they were at they would shoot them before the antifa get to them. These boomers are not on our side, and openly chose to be our enemies.
Although I could 100% see this as a controlled psy-op to taint the "militia" half of the 2nd.
>billionaire (((brooklynite)))
your hope is misplaced, he’s (((them)))
Zig Forums is done with national elections though. Political solutions have proven to not be viable.
Trump's platform is that of a Democraft from 10-20 years ago. Keep up, lad.
Send bachelors and come heavily armed
Our only hope is more and more immigration
Why are (((you))) so scared?
Oathcucks get worked into a seethe when they get exposed for what they really are.
Nice. The local militia here got the notification apparently the local militia currently stands at 10k members with 500 active every day and 3k active on weekends, ready to take on the tyrannical government in the surrounding county, only about 5k are explicitly pro-white though but that number grows every day They were thinking of sending a unit to help out but looks like the turn out is greater than expected. It's way more than 600 btw I've seen pictures of 1.5k+ operators mobilizing. Treasonous feds are shitting themselves.
You know what I don't even care just as long as they start shooting Feds.
They do, the military - even if there are 0 defections, and 0 people spying against the military; would lose. Even versus these oathnigger boomers.
leftists are the heaviest polluters of any split by ideology.
Fuck off fednigger , you did this to yourselves
when you see what a fucking mess that a few untrained sandniggers can make, you do kind of wonder about how well the US Army and Marines would fare in a large scale domestic insurgency
And only this.
Gonna take more than that.
They should hold an impromptu gun show just to piss them off.
I like how they are making it as if the militias were declaring war
Notice how nobody is talking about the fact they're all doing this to block the carbon tax oregon is trying to shove onto the people. Of course this could all be on of two things
1. The world and it's politics are professional wrestling again
2. The people are starting to figure out all this climage change bullshit is just overhyped by the media and realize it's all a scam to force a carbon tax on all of us
I'm going to assume 1 but who knows? 2 could be possible. Most likely it's just "the world is professional wrestling" again
Well that's the whole purpose of stirring up all this drama, to light up how the Oregon Dems abused emergency procedures to keep carbon taxes from a public vote
You jest, but they've clearly chosen their side as history shows, along with previous statements from them at Charlottesville and deciding to unite with antifa after the Portland Proud Boys rally. Fuck them.
That said, this is a happening with equivalence to the Yellow Vests in origin. And just like with that event, once things get going it is imperative to control the conversation, co-opt, and not let things go media silent as they are in France
You mean the demigod of Climate Change?
Are you a heretic?
Taste purity of my spiral.
Shouldn't militias be shooting at these people and not protecting them
sounds cucked to me
Wow, birds are fucking retarded.
They only get stirred into action when saint hydrocarbon is blasphemed.
When you say "here" you mean Oregon I am guessing? How do I sign up?
Germans are cucking in the same way. It's completely absurd clown tier shit. They care more about a fucking coal power plant than they do about their country being flooded with shitskins.
That nigger stole a ring too.
Rollin' for prayers.
It’s a good show. Hard to judge the priorities.
i expect nothing to happen as oathcucks are pozzed zogbot worshippers and assume this is posturing to feel important
armed white males support the zog retard
Yes. Yes I did. I had filtered myself like a retard.
The more and more I read articles and discourse here, the more I believe that this place has been co-opted to favor inaction. Have we not come to the point where enough is enough? For anyone that was here for it, the shilling for Trump during the election and the subsequent presidency should have left a bitter taste in every persons mouth. People shit on the Oathkeepers and Threepers (which I haven't yet formulated an opinion on), yet have not seen any movement of any sort of mobilization for OUR cause. So what is a red-blooded American supposed to do? Sit around and wait and vote every 2-4 years in hopes that one Zogbot won't rape us as much as another Zogbot? At least these boomers can organize and mobilize. A page or two can be taken from their books, but I don't see any sort of movement or want to do such a thing. People are too comfortable.
So I ask, what will it take?
from bundy ranch to this in no time
why on earth does anyone defend the terrorist slavers that are the federal government? why the fuck cant people recognize the obvious evil in the room? these same fucking retards voted trump to build the wall and deport them all and then flip flop just like trump when he calls foe even more immigration.
blue pilled and cringe
3pers. oh lol, i thought you meant real militia. these oathcucks dont do anything useful and always comply with all orders. i watched them get gun cucked at a rally once. state law said open carry was legal, but the cops told them to disarm, so like the cuck faggot goyim they are, they did and then just walked around all day with empty chest rigs and holsters
fucking faggots.