I was fired because I don't speak spanish

I work construction and have for most of my life. I'm good at what I do, hardly ever late much less miss a day. I was late to work 1 time last year.
On the new job I was given a role as crew-chief and often asked to assemble my own crew as everyone the boss was hiring either didn't speak English or hardly spoke it. Most days I was the odd man out while 5 other guys in my truck all spoke mexican among themselves.. Due to the fact that I had a work truck, worked an average of 70hrs a week and don't have family, I got rid of my personal vehicle. The most I'd ever do is stop for a beer on the way home, hell I mostly ordered groceries off Amazon.
I was told I wasn't needed, that the job we were on was small and wouldn't require a second crew, so not to come the next day. Well, that day turned into 3 weeks (you can often go a week or two in construction with no work) I started calling after a week and then on the 3rd week another employee (mexican kid) shows up to get the truck from me. All he could say was "sorry man." he didn't ever even tell me I'd been fired, but I figured it out. Called the boss and never got a word back from him.

Couple points of interest. The boss (white man) is married to a mexican and I made my objection to that known but never pressed the issue. I just said Whites need to start worrying about preserving our culture as it's a culture I don't want the world to lose.
next I was asked to break the law and drive an overloaded stakebed to the dump. I refused telling the boss I don't want police inolvement in my life. He said he would drive the truck, then ended up making me drive it in the end. The truck weighed 1.5 tons over the max load limit and I had to drive it 35mph on the freeways to the dump. This was about 2 weeks before I was fired. This is a crime on his behalf and I have a wrongful termination suit should I press the issue. A witness to the occurrence was an airforce civ-contractor who was supervising the job we were doing. It was also supposed to be prevailing wage as it was a gov job but I did not get anything near that. I worked 118hrs in the first week on that job.

I really don't want to go through the trouble of suing him as I don't even have a vehicle right now and getting to court would be a motherfucker. I do want him to pay for hiring only illegals and firing his best working employee because he wsan't mexican.

What would Zig Forums do?

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Sue and fuck his shit up.

Sue and fuck this racemixing mongrel's life. Either you speak english or you fuck off to learn - putting that on its head is a disgrace.

Sounds to me like you have grounds to immediately reap unemployment and also sue, shame its a gov job for the unemployment part or you would be sticking it to your racetraitor more.


Absolute state of burgerland employment. Imagine being fired for any reason at any time without even being notified.

Attached: 2V9TMP3fuFczEAk2MDC5ecE7aFogxw5wcqLmkPwJ2.jpg (513x500, 179.34K)

See, he also informed me that he carries no debt, which means he's asset heavy.

Mexicans are lazy as fuck anymore. When they were the minority around here, they worked hard to prove themselves, now that they are the majority getting them to work hard is like pulling teeth.

just the one job was a gov job. This is an independent company I worked for for about 9 months.

Ok, that's 4 in a row I guess I'll have to take good advice. Being an user, I obviously have issues so I have detailed notes of every day of my life. Times, locations, people, events, I'm OCD and keep maticulous track of everything so I'm pretty much the worst person to fire without cause or, in this case, because I refused to break the law for him.

Sue the shit out of him. Accumulate all the evidence that you have and make him regret on marrying to a goblin. And make your story also to the news to put more pressure on him.

Become qualified!

I actually had fun learning Spanish after I got married. My wife was from Honduras and we lived together, I knew enough Spanish to get married but I learnt more afterwards.

Good luck kiddo.

It's not the norm. I think this guy was afraid of me. A friend of mine relayed that he is a big pussy and once actually ran the other direction when a fight broke out at a baseball game he was at.