One refused and was escorted out by police, according to a twitter user who filmed the event.
The event was geared for teens, and included a raffle for giving away chest binders. They also had a display about gender, transgender, lube, condoms, and so on.
Trying to survive via virtue signalling, accidentally choke on blue pills. They think they're alone, and our side is demonized by the TV. They don't have the strength to join us.
Dominic Brown
Could it be possible that the (((usual suspects))) are targeting libraries because they want the public sentiment to effectively defund and shut them down? We all know what's contained in a library. Knowledge. And just (((who))) wouldn't mind knowledge disappearing?
Joshua Ortiz
Clearly mentally ill and people are encouraging this delusion and self destruction.
Libraries are willing sheep walking to the slaughter. A library is a home of academics and academics are entirely owned by left-wing virtue signalers.
Cameron Nguyen
Libraries nowadays are homeless shelters and free daycare for niglets after school, with a meager selection of dated books for decoration. They do this shit at libraries because it gives an air of educational legitimacy. If you hosted this anywhere else, the creepiness would be more apparent.
Aaron Gomez
Just a quick reminder that every single one of us supports and approves of this because NO ONE, NONE OF US, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE, ANYWHERE, HAS EVER KILLED A SINGLE ONE OF THESE SUBHUMANS.
groundbreaking stuff right there truly the peak of civilization and high culture
Benjamin Robinson
Yes, I know it for a fact. Fuck off.
Kevin Reed
You're only yelling at yourself friendo
Isaiah Diaz
Evangelical christians in the 80's and 90's were 100% right about what would happen to society if we allowed for homosexuality to be considered normal. They warned us. Everyone laughed at them, and here we are in 2019: they were proven right.
This. I work at a library and there's an Anne Frank book discussion event every year. Libraries in the west are run by catladies and propped up by IT soyboys. Luckily, I'm an archivist/historian, and therefore work alone except for when someone needs me to lift something.
Elijah Nguyen
Drag queen dances sexually in a hardware store Drag queen dances sexually at a funeral Drag queen dances sexually in the elevator
Isaiah Moore
And now I can't unsee it. Spoiler shit like that next time, user. I mean, god dammit!