The man tried to kill the Rabbi to stop him from brainwashing his kids:
The guy gets a tattoo on his arm reminding him to kill his rabbi, LMAO!
Can someone please clown up his photo?
The man tried to kill the Rabbi to stop him from brainwashing his kids:
The guy gets a tattoo on his arm reminding him to kill his rabbi, LMAO!
Can someone please clown up his photo?
I'd say jews are nuts but given the actions of my own kinsmen, I'd be somewhat hypocritical.
Here's to hoping for more batshit kikes.
jews hate jews. yay!
seriously though, the only jew i feel comfortable with is the original sand nigger jews. that way i can at least identify him and not like these white skinned chameleons.
imagine being such a piece of shit that other piles of human garbage dedicate their lives to murdering you.
No jew burial for him now.
b-but i thought ashes were spread not buried…
nu/pol/ tier thread.
If they ever get rid of the gentiles, they are going to be at eachother's throat right away. Parasites need to feed on something, they can't live without an host.
I bet This guy had some deep issues, Hek Id oof a Shlomo if I found out a yid Jump sucked my baby blood sausage Clean cut, spit and turned into anti wrinkle cream.
tat looks quite fresh. kinda waste of ink if he's gonna do it in a couple of days
Off topic, would this be a Zig Forums approved tattoo to have? Besides having no tattoos at all.
Every board is filled with kikes and commie rats now
Drop redpills to show you aren't one of them, and it also redpills them over time. Just because they don't acknowledge it or they reject it, doesn't mean their subconcious mind doesn't pick up all the truth messaging.
Ermmm what was the brainwashing issue in particular?
hat scrawl, reading “Never let go of the HATRED – KILL Rabbi Max,” was plainly visible during an exclusive interview at Brooklyn Detention Complex, where Karelefsky, 41, repeated his claim that the cleric sexually abused him as a teen.
Karelefsky said that that unsubstantiated allegation — which Max has dismissed as “nonsense” — led him to order the rabbi to steer clear of his kids.
“I warned him that I was going to kill him if he didn’t stay away from my kids,” said Karelefsky, charged with arson and attempted murder.
Karelefsky claimed that on June 12 — the day before Max’s Midwood home and two adjoining houses went up in flames, injuring 13 people — the rabbi had reached out to his son to try to get him back in school, and he flew into a rage.
Though Karelefsky repeatedly admitted in the interview to setting the fire, he refused to comment on the considerable collateral damage.
In flatly denying Karelefsky’s sexual-abuse claims, Max said that the real reason for the grudge was his siding with Karelefsky’s now ex-wife when she sought a divorce in 2010.
tl;dr actually reading the article it appears he attempted to kill the rabbi for being a pedophile that would attempt to molest his own children
Just get a swastika tattoo if you absolutely must have a tattoo. It says everything in one symbol and you claim to be a Tibetan.
Also, a better tattoo would simply be your killcount, in the form of lines. You can add more lines for each kill you get.
tally your kill count using swastikas or would that be seen as the opposite desired effect? like how ally’s painted swastikas on their fighter planes to show how many German aircraft they shot down?
Either way I just thought that kikes tattoo was hilarious for some reason and just wanted to shitpost. Good talk though.
Probably some kind of war paint idea would be better anyways. Just draw things on temporarily and redraw them again later if necessary.
Fucking knew it. This shit is apparently an epidemic in Jew communities, but of course it goes grossly underreported.
I wonder what the rabbi has to say about all this?
nice penmanship, tho
I've heard that too, but goyim remember it's the evul Catholics who abuse children.
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
>Memento 2: made you look
Oh shut the fuck up kike.
Something about that tat does not look right.
Am I reading too much into it?
It looks simultaneously amateurish and too neat to be an amateur. It's like the dude tattooed himself, but had a stencil or some equivalent to help him.
It looks like a shitty photoshop.
Maybe that's what you wanted to say but you were to shy right?
I take that back, I was looking at the thumbnail. That absolutely looks like photoshop.
very Memento.
I bet rabbi fuckface fiddled him. If so, good for him. More people need to revenge the wrongs done to them as children.
newfag fed makes another thread
Any of the above outs you fed.
and there we have the confirmation.
Not enough bait caught in your other slide:
If a jew kills another jew, he automatically become honorary aryan, yes?
of our government was designed to prevent that from ever happening. It we had done our jobs as Citizens we would never have reached this point Most of us are completely ignorant as to even the most basic functions of our government. We have truly become a nation of sheep — and sheep are always eventually led to slaughter. It is time to stand up in the manner of our forefathers and walk like men. I remind you that the Jews of Europe marched obediently to the ovens after having been warned, believing all the while that the facts could not possibly be true. When the outside world was told of the holocaust occurring in Hitler's Europe, it was not believed at first.
It's Miller time.
WTF?! I'm converting to JUDAISM now!!!!
When jews have killed and removed all whites and made majority of population into homosexuals they will most likely turn on each other into clans and thus have wars that way since they already killed all other goyim threats white.
They keep their other pets around to fight for them probably the clans. Like they always did using other pets goyim to kill for them in wars. Their latest pet the whites will get killed off now tho since its purpose been served.
Future looks quite strange indeed.
To get a glimpse of future we should look at what happened during the gulag era in Ukraine and Russia holodomor. Where people became cannibals and kids died of starvation. Jews apparently love torture embodied in their genetics. Might be ashkanazi mongols genetic jews mostly but still.
Look at the hollywood movies all the torture a reflection of jewish spirit which we saw in gulags and holodomor. They tortured the prisoners to death just for fun as well in gulags, in the most cruelsome ways Ive ever heard and read. Things you don't normally read in history books. Needs to dig deeper to find the truth like the holohoax. Truth comes out eventually if you dig deep and look at facts and logical means.
Those who say bolshewiks disappared magically? I tell you, look at who fueled the bolshewiks movement Cash in Russia from rest of world and who made the gulags and holodomor possible. Russian jews didn't act alone. Some familes who were responsible sending aids to Bolshewiks are even on tv outlets in US TV shows worshiped as economic gods by goyim. This world is beyond insane. People are 100% worshipping dark lords in this world. Thus they became dark themselves. All can go and fuck themselves so hard.
remember this man if you ever think there's no such thing as a good jew
be vigilant but remember a self hating jew is no jew at all as long as he doesn't reproduce
Rabbi brainwashing is exactly the problem with jews. Those who have met jews that have been in the midwest far away from any synagogue for generations would naturally mistake them for any normal person. They don't kvetch and they don't subvert (or they are so good at subversion that they never get caught). It is the ones who get pozzed by their Rabbis, either at temple or in the jewish summer camps (atheist jews get indoctrinated here) who are the ones attacking the white race. I haven't looked into this guy any further, but I suspect that he saw what was going on and objected to it, and found himself on the receiving end of mega-kikery.
Is there such a thing as good jews or is it all just a big psy-op. Remember that Kew at Harvard who had a speech about circumcism and he a raged against (((them))).
Maybe there is some potential in d&c amongst the Jews.
I hope the true God forgives his familial line and lets him pass over to the aether. This man shouldn't have to suffer anymore.
You left out the relevant part OP.
Rabbi had more influence on his kids than he did because he doesnt seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.
Nobody that calls themselves a jew is a good soul. Judaism was founded in 360AD once the cockroaches started to creep out of their cracks and back into the world that we had built back up after their degeneracy ruined another civilization. Judaism is quite literally satan worship. So you're asking, "are any satan worshippors good?"
If they renounce satan and come to the All-Father, the father of truth, who is the mother of virtue, then they can be good humans, but they will not longer be "jews" as they will no longer worship satan.
Kikes kiking kikes.
They damage each other almost as much as the goyim.
How many more of these men walk around with unfocused anger against the Rabbi's that sexually abused them? This is an army in the making.
How about you kill yourself. No one called this jew based until you.
Can you be more jewish than bald, fat and short jew?
Now remember that jews are over-represented in hollywood and #metoo was where it begun. The eye of the storm in the events was a jewish movie mogul. Like pottery.
Still gets the oven TBQH famalam
Badass. Christians won't even overthrow tyrants.
kikes are the only ones with balls to do anything, besides the mullahs
Tikkun Olam
Kill Rabbi(t)'s
Daily reminder that this will be included in the ADL and SPLC kike stats for antisemitimic hate crimes.
simply don't get tatts
these get registered as "distinctive signs" in a number of places by LE, and will be used against you in a court of law.
do not make their job easier, ever.
You need to go earn some prison tats by putting in work on the yard and quit being scared of the consequences, you little faggot.
unsage for upvote
lets see ur prison scars tough guy, the prison scars on your anus hole
top lel my friend
This would feel amazing, sempai. Jews are holding back white progress as parasites.
Howdy, yid! Mazel tov!
Zig Forums users are depressed virgins - prove me wrong
Dude looks like Pauli’s from Rocky
BASED! More jewish infighting. I wonder if this one will get a desert cult slave religion centered around him like the last guy.
How new do you have to be that you can't recognize jews based solely on appearance?
Jew's are literally 50% european. You can't.
Any jew who hates his jew Masters should be known as a renegade.
that's some sideshow bob tier shit
oh fug…
a common mistake that is demonstrably false.
parasites have a number of properties that make them apart from jews:
1/ parasites tend to try as discreet as they can at all time, even after the infestation is discovered. Jews for their part will parade around once discovered.
2/ parasites do not suffer from bouts of envy toward the host their very Survival dépends upon.
In that regard, the jew is less adaptated than a taenia.
in other words, a literal shit-eating worm is demonstrably ABOVE the jew.
do not insult parasites by associating them with the jews.
they are a disease, but worst, in that they do the things they do on purpose, and complain when the immune body react, and call this antisemitism.
the usual esau gambit i see.
Jews are satanic.
no thanks
Based. /ourkike/
Bump for crazy jew hairline
lol jews are still tolerated in usa
Never stop killing jews, until none are left in our world.