What say you Pol? Are the Jews turning on their own or is AOC just that bad? Is AOC the anti christ? Or is she a servant of Zionism?
What say you Pol? Are the Jews turning on their own or is AOC just that bad? Is AOC the anti christ? Or is she a servant of Zionism?
Just fuck off.
another fucking AoC thread
I know Dude you must be sick of people bashing your home girl. We know you voted for her.
Fuck. Off. We don’t need yet another zero fucking effort spam thread from a goddamn autistic leftist who can’t even type. You’re not even ATTEMPTING to fit in.
Neither do you Jamal
The classic Zig Forums argument
Sage. Reported. Your jewish dog whistles have no power here
What's funny is she's sephardi jewish
You mean imkikey’s “argument.”
Cortez is fourth gen indoctrinated champion of the revolution. she's fanatically supportive of communism, but is incapable of possessing any frame of reference as to know what comes before or after the revolution. she is unable to see what the underlying goal of communism is, and therefor is unsuited to being in the inner party, but is still in a position to get there because booting her out isn't possible in our democratic system.
unlike bernie, who is just a charlatan trying to subvert the masses. she genuinely believes what she says and, if her twitter conversation with the zodiac killer is any indication, is willing to work with anyone she needs to to do what she actually thinks is the correct actions.
she's VERY dangerous to the democrat party, because she was always meant to be a thunder warrior: someone who is exactly what the inner party needs to get things done up to the point ultimate victory is achieved, and then to be quietly executed once she's outlived their usefulness.
people like her being in a position of real power and influence is terrifying to the dems, and with the schism they're having they do not need her climbing any higher in the party.
Jesus christ it takes a special kind of fag to drool on the head of a politician and claim them to be a hero of the people
AOC is not a Jew, she's an enemy of Jewish people and an ally of the hate mongers of Zig Forums
Has anyone connected AOC's comments on huge investments in new infrastructure with high level insider's assertion? That his people would place their candidate in the race at the latest in 2014, with early steering of public opinion towards their ideas (which involved ballsy government projects for high return/cost infrastructure).
she is a turk plant, she is never going to 'invest' in anything other than dragging this nation down into destruction.
Global report.
Spot the fake outrage faggot.
To all the anons who love AOC yet insult whatever…. since you think I am a jew well then you should fear my friends in mosad.
Eh, hyperbolic politician gets backlash, what else is new? Not only can the media fabricate this stuff in arbitrary quantities, despite that power the backlashes are usually even real. The “high energy” politicians are always going to put their feet wrong sometimes. It doesn’t mean they’re hated, it doesn’t mean they’re loved. It isn’t really a good clue about how effective they’d be.
The real story here isn’t about Ow-See. It’s about the media admitting that border holding facilities are not exactly fascist. If you take something from this, notice that. But then, this is from Fox, so it’s more like Fox reinforcing its party line. It’s an opportunity to gain ground by being a little less obedient to the people who think driving you into paroxysms of pre-northern racialist thinking, but don’t expect a panacea.
I love partisanship btw. Love it absolutely. Only partisanship permits reigning parties to become so undifferentiated that Ow-See can be the Trump of the Left. With less partisanship the left wouldn’t feel they needed a Trump card for the electoral duelling.
Think about this: when partisanship is low, a communist can crack a beer with a capitalist, and they can hold totally different perspectives in peace. When partisanship is high, the same two people may be scheming each others’ deaths. When partisanship is low, the ways they are different are safe. When partisanship is high, the only safety comes from the ways they’re all the same. Partisanship is a happy mask factory.
Under conditions of high partisanship, everything collapses into one safe nothing-presentation. That’s why Islamic governments are so intense about partisan divides. They hate each other, they hate their opposition politicians, they hate people whose religious positions do not to outsiders seem comprehensibly different from their own. All of these hatreds gain validity from being reciprocated - if an Islamic politician turned suddenly saintly, they’d be suddenly shot. The fruit of all this hatred? Bagsack society with major cultural stagnation and difficulty producing appeal. Nobody stands out in that morass unless they’re fully anointed by all the “safe” powers in secular and religious authority.
Sure hope she's not one of those freebleeders. The white pants won't be very white.
Bernie can't hear you over his Audi V12.